Equipment Operation & Patient Preparation Flashcards
What is the most definitive resource for documenting seizure activity and parasomnias?
Visual recording
Recorded video data must be ___ and have an accuracy of at least ___ video frame per second
Synchronized with polysomnography data
At least 1 video frame per second
Light therapy can reset the ___ and suppress the body’s natural release of ___.
Circadian pacemaker, melatonin
Light therapy intensity is measured in ___. A minimum of ___ is needed to be effective. Normal for most patients is ___.
2,500 lux
10,000 lux (B-31 & B-32)
What does actigraphy measure?
Activity level of the patient for days or weeks
Reducing valves have two gauges on them. What do they show?
How much gas in in a tank and how much pressure is being supplied. (Usually 50 psi) (B-34)
How does an O2 concentrator work?
- Unit sucks in ambient air
- A molecular sieve removed nitrogen and other gasses
- Only O2 is left.
Besides O2 flammability, what other two safety measures must be considered when using an oxygen concentrator?
Properly grounded electrical outlet is required
A backup O2 cylinder is required in case of power failure
Don’t place electrodes too close together. It can cause artifact from ___.
Salt bridge
Exploring electrodes use ___ sites.
Reference electrodes use ___ sites.
Exploring: 6 sites
Reference: 4 sites
When placing electrodes, the even numbered electrodes go on the (left or right) side of the head.
When placing electrodes, the odd numbered electrodes go on the (left or right) side of the head.
There are five planes where electrodes are placed in a full EEG hookup. What are they?
Frontal Central Parietal Occipital Temporal
When naming electrodes, what does Z stand for?
The center of the head, or zero.
How do you space electrodes FpZ, FZ, CZ, PZ, and OZ apart from each other? Roughly where on the head are these electrodes?
Measure total distance. Each electrode should be 20% of the distance from one another.
They cross on top of the head, going down the front, back, and sides.
How do you space electrodes F7, F3, FZ, F4, and F8 apart from each other? Roughly where on the head are these electrodes?
25% of total distance apart
They’re above the front of the head
How do you space electrodes T5, P3, PZ, P4, and T6 apart from each other?
Roughly where on the head are these electrodes?
25% of total distance apart
They’re above the back of the head (lambdoid suture)
How do you space electrodes FpZ, Fp2, F8, T6, O2, OZ, O1, T5, F7, and Fp1 apart from one another?
Roughly where on the head are these electrodes?
10% of total distance apart.
They go around the circumference of the head. (Like a crown.)
Where do you place eye electrodes?
Right eye: Place 1 cm out and 1 cm up.
Left eye: Place 1 cm out and 1 cm down.
What do you use to secure eye electrodes?
You should not use ___.
Double sided electrode tape. Do not use collodion.
When a patient goes into REM sleep, what can you notice in the chin mucles?
Decreased activity
How do you place the chin electrodes?
2-3 cm below the lower lip and 3-4 cm apart.
A third electrode may be placed in the middle as a backup for referencing.
(Don’t place over bone. Place over muscle.)
Where is the snore sensor placed?
Side of the neck, 3-4 cm from middle of throat.
How do you place leg electrodes?
How far apart should the electrodes be?
Place on anterior tibialis muscle on each leg. (Outside of the lower calf). Electrodes should be 2-3 cm apart.
Standard sleep studies do not usually require electrodes on the arm. If they are used, where do the electrodes go?
Directly over the extensor digitorum (forearm muscle)
Where is the RIP belt placed? x2
Thoracic belt placed just below nipple line.
Abdominal belt placed at the bulge of the abdomen.
Before placing an electrode, what should you do to prepare the skin?
Clean area with alcohol to remove soap and oils.