Equine Clinical Exam Flashcards
Reproductive history
- results of previous breedings
- type of breeding
- stallion choices
- stallion fertility
- examine breeding records
- foaling history
- trauma
- behavioral history
Older maiden mare syndrome
Fibrosis of cervix
- general health
- diet
- vaccination status
- intended use of horse
- drug administration (anabolic steroids)
General physical exam
- body condition of mare –> look at teeth
- ideal BCS is 5
Reproductive exam
- rectal palpation
- US
- vaginal exam
- cytologic exam uterine swab
- histopathology of endometrium
- hyterescopic exam
Evaluation of external genitalia
- ascertain conformation
- long axis vertical
- labia well apposed
- is vulvar seal tight
- look at clitoris, check for intersex conditions
____ of vulva should be below the floor of the pelvis
_____ cranial slope of vulva is normal
< 10 degree
Caslick’s surgery
Dorsal portion of vulva will heal together until it is removed 6-8 days prior to foaling
What are the 3 barriers to the uterine lumen?
- vulvar seal: Caslick’s procedure to prevent wind sucking
- vestibulovaginal sphincter
- cervix
What can you feel on a rectal exam?
- length, diameter, tone of cervix
- proper size and location of ovaries (bean shaped)
- tubular horns in T shape
- cervix is palpable in pelvic floor (palpated thru the vagina)
Ultrasound exam
Scan both ovaries and uterus
- look for CL and follicle development
- uterus has a wagon wheel appearance during heat
Uterine abnormalities
- uterine cysts
- fluid
- air: echo dense, appears bright on US
- tumor
Speculum vaginal exam
- assess vulvovaginal sphincter tone
- urine pooling
- persistent hymen
- recto vaginal fistula
- cervical tears
- varicose veins
Cervical tears are best evaluated when the mare is in ______
Cervical fibrosis is best seen when the mare is in _____
Digital vaginal exam
- vulvovaginal sphincter competence
- cervical lacerations
- cervical adhesions
- vaginal trauma
- RV fistula
Uterine culture
Performed first if collecting multiple samples
- use guarded swabs
- strep zoo., e coli, pseudomonas, klebsiella, staph
- uterine lavage fluid
- don’t forget clitoral fossa in chronic cases
Brushes are best
- looking for acute inflammation
- may also see fungal hyphae or yeast
Gold standard
- take sample from the base of the uterine horn
- detects bacteria deeply seeded in the endometrium
Biopsy grades
- grade 1: normal endometrium, 80-90% foaling rate
- grade 2A: mild endometrial pathology, 50-80% foaling rate
- grade 2B: moderate endometrial pathology, 10-50% foaling rate
- grade 3: severe endometrial pathology, <10% foaling rate
______ lesions are responsive to treatment
______ lesions are less responsive to treatment
- are in the endometrium, not ovary
_______ is indicated when no other cause of infertility can be determined via other methods
Hysteroscopic exam
- perform while in diestrus
- aseptically pass video into uterus
- insufflate with air
Things to look for with a hysteroscopic exam
- adhesions
- cysts
- foreign bodies
- tumors
- persistent endometrial cups
- mummified fetus
- scars
Normal mare chromosome
- XX
Turner’s syndrome
63, X
- small stature, normal external genitalia
- anestrous, infertility
Sex reversal
64, XY
- gonadal dysgenesis, may exhibit stallion behavior
- chromosomal male, looks female
- no estrous cycles
XO mosaicism
63, X AND 64, XX
- normal appearance
- irregular estrous cycles
- gonadal dysgenesis
What are the minimal goals of reproduction?
- 55% per cycle preg rate for all mares
- 80% for healthy mares
- 80% live foal rate per season