Canine Semen Collection and BSE Basics Flashcards
Semen collection
Do not harm the spermatozoa!
- conical tube with plastic sleeve
- introduce sleeve over manually stimulated penis (past the bulbus glandis)
Semen is ejaculated in _____ fractions
- 1: pre-sperm (clear)
- 2: sperm rich fraction (cloudy)
- 3: prostatic fluid (clear)
1st fraction
Pre-sperm, purpose is to flush the urethra
- volume is less than 1 ml
2nd fraction
Sperm rich fraction
- the fraction that you want to collect!
- volume is 1-3 mls
3rd fraction
Largest, composed of prostatic fluid
- is rarely collected unless you want to know more about the condition of the prostate
- volume can reach 10-15 mls
Semen volume depends on
Collector and the dog
- is at least 1 ml and up to 12-15
Progressive motility in dogs should exceed ____
- normal morphology should be at least 70%
Total sperm numbers
200 million to 1.5 billion
- 10 million per pound of body weight
Breeding soundness exam
Predict fertility and identify marginally/subfertile males
- often used in: older males, males who were bred to females who failed to whelp, young untested males, males prior to shipping or freezing of semen
BSE should include
- good physical exam
- review of breeding history
- rectal exam to evaluate prostate
- thorough exam of scrotum, both testes, epididymis
- evaluation of extruded penis
- semen collection and complete evaluation
- brucellosis testing
BSE components
Thorough history of males health, uses and all breedings and their outcomes
- results of previous BSE are very useful in detecting trends
Reproductive exam
- palpation of scrotum and its contents
- palpation/exam of penis and prepuce and visual inspection of extruded penis
- palpation/exam of prostate gland
- complete exam is deferred until after semen collection
Scrotal exam
- testicular consistency is noted: should be firm
- length, width, and height of each testicle is measured
- palpate scrotal skin (dermatitis can interfere with thermoregulation)
- identify tail of epididymis (directed posteriorly, size should correspond with size of testicle)
Prostate exam
Lubricated gloved finger is inserted into rectum and pelvic portion of penis is identified
- prostate should be found at depth of an index finger
- elevation of dogs forelimbs or pressure in the caudal abdomen may help feel the prostate if it is enlarged
- prostate should be bilobed, symmetrical and uniform in consistency
Penile exam
Look for abnormal enlargements, pain or crepitus along os penis
- best palpated before semen collection
- reserved until collection in timid males
- critical that penis is returned back into the prepuce! (walk the male or apply cold pack)
Canine AI indicated
- animals that cannot copulate normally
- shipped or frozen semen is used
AI success relies on
- normal semen quality
- accurate timing of insemination
- appropriate site of deposition
AI techniques
- vaginal
- trans cervical
- surgical
When to inseminate
- breed on 1st day of fertile period or day before
- poor fertility/low quality semen: breed 1st day of fertile period
- frozen semen: breed later in fertile period (5.5 days after LH surge)
Conception rate
- increases with >1 breeding
Chilled semen handling
- extender added to prolong life span of semen
- protects spermatozoal membranes from changes in temp
- provides energy
- stabilizes pH
- lowers metabolic rate
- antibiotic
Chilled semen AI
Place semen at external cervical os
- lifespan: <4 days in normal dogs
- 60-85%
Transcervical AI is performed with _____
Norwegian catheter
- reduce cervical angle
- crispy feel cervix
- lots of experience needed
Transcervical AI advantages/disadvantages
Advantages - minimal sedation - low cost Disadvantages - technically challenging - not too popular in US
Transcervical AI via endoscopy
- cervical os appears as dimple in rosette of transcervical folds
- gaining popularity
- cost are main impediment to common use
Surgical AI
Comparable pregnancy rates/litter size can be achieved with 10% of sperm numbers inseminated vaginally
- utilized both frozen and cooled/shipped semen
- promising when using older or marginally fertile male
- cervix is bypassed