EQ2 Flashcards
What did Boris do as British Ambassador which was questionable in Myanmar?
He wanted to recite a poem written by Rudyard Kipling in a temple. Kipling was notoriously known to be a nationalist and imperialist. Myanmar is a previous English colony.
The belief that the interests of a nation are more important than those of another nation.
Where was colonised by various European nations?
Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
What began the trend of European nations building their empire?
Portugal and Spain colonising South America. This began in the 1400’s.
What nations were next to colonise?
France, Belgium, Britain, and The Netherlands began the colonisation of Africa and Asia in the 1700’s.
How large was the British Empire?
By 1880, Great Britain controlled 1/3 of the world’s land mass, and 1/4 of its people.
Why did nationalism begin to grow after 1789?
The French Revolution.
What ended WW1?
The Treaty of Versailles broke up the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and made many new nation states.
When did Latin American countries gain their independence from Portugal and Spain?
When did Asian and African countries gain their independence?
Much later than 1800’s. Between 1945-1970.
What were the main reasons countries started gaining their independence?
Post-war Bankruptcy of colonial powers
Growing concern from European citizens about injustice.
what atrocities did the British Empire commit?
- Boer concentration camps. 27,000 Boers died from the cramped and unsanitary conditions in British concentration camps.
- Amritsar massacre. 300-1000 peaceful protestors died in 10 minutes in Amritsar, India.
Who was Desmond Tutu?
He was the first black Archbishop of Cape Town, and a civil rights activist who campaigned for the release of Nelson Mandela.
What African states emerged as Independent powers after the 1960’s?
Tanzania emerged as an independent power from Germany.
Kenya emerged from ‘British East Africa’
Angola emerged from Portuguese East Africa.
What were the causes of conflict in the DRC after it gained independence?
‘Resource curse’ allows outside influences to exploit the land for its major resources.
Aid money from the US was siphoned, and left the people in great debt.
What were the impacts of the conflict in the DRC after it gained independence?
It has squandered development due to corruption. In 2016, its GDP was $435.
It’s HDI is 75th place in the world.
Cholera spread due to unsanitary refugee facilities.
What are the causes and impacts of the conflict in post-colonial Vietnam?
- French Indochina was created due to gradual annexing by France of the land. The UN dissolved the state in 1954, which led to the communist North and Capitalist south. After years of conflict, it was reunified. (Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976)
- 3 million were killed during the conflict.
- More than half of these were civilian deaths.
- starvation became widespread because of the broken economy.
What were the causes and impacts of the conflict in south Sudan and Sudan post-colonialism?
Africa’s newest country.
Large internal conflict caused by famine.
Dispute over land due to ethnicity difference. (The North city was majority Arab)
- poorest country on the planet.
- Janjaweed went on a killing spree for ethnic cleansing.
- 2 million lives have been lost.
Why did migrants enter the UK between 1950 - 1970?
Commonwealth immigration was the result of the collapse of the UK economy after WW2. Most migrants came from former colonies such as India, who were looking for white-collar careers, often as doctors.
What is Europe’s colonial legacy in Africa?
- Original architecture remains in Namibia (German)
- Place names still remain in their colonial language.
- Uganda, English is still the primary language. Even though there are 40 tribes speaking different languages.
- Customs such as cricket still remain.
Who are examples of tax dodgers?
- Jimmy Carr caught in a tax avoidance scheme, as has Gary Barlow.
- Bermuda is a tax haven
- Richard Branson is in tax exile, and has been living in the British Virgin Islands.
Why does corporate migration occur?
It occurs due to companies wishing to keep their tax bill low, therefore they legally transfer the origin of their companies into a low tax area, such as the Cayman Islands.
Why are tax states important to the concept of sovereignty?
They have more secrecy than other states in terms of their monetary policies. They believe it is their sovereign right to keep it this way.
This is places such as Luxembourg, Cayman Islands, and Switzerland.
What is the Washington Consensus?
The belief that financial efficiency can only be achieved if the market has regulations removed.
This is the concept of neo-liberalism.
What are the pros of tax havens?
- Many believe a lot of the hedge funds invested into the Cayman Islands are reinvested into the local community.
- Stops governments over-taxing.
- Keeps governments honest
What are the cons of tax havens?
- believed that the total sum of money hidden away is $21 trillion.
- Creates financial secrecy between company and state.
Who have benefitted from tax havens?
TNC’s. They gain the most literal profit.
What occurred in Bolivia in 2006 concerning politics?
Morales was elected president. He didn’t believe in neo-liberalism. He wanted to undo 20 years of globalisation.
How did Morales’ mission to reverse globalisation impact the Bolivian people?
Gas profits increased by 835%
Electricity by 150%
Increased telecommunications by 300%
Reduced wealth inequalities and improved healthcare.
What is an example of an alternative economic model to neo-liberalism?
Increasing nationalist beliefs have encouraged more people to turn against the global ideals, and focus more on national identity. This is due to the middle class of developed countries seeing minimal benefit in their economy. They had a -5 % growth in real income.
What year did India gain independence from Great Britain?
What year did South Sudan gain independence from Sudan due to the massacre of 300,000 people?
Who were migrantss who filled the employment requiremets of the UK betwen 1950-70?
Post-colonial migrants