Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) C2 Flashcards
Unusual lymphoma
Ebv affect which lymphocyte?
B lymphocyte
Ebv infection leads to?
Periodic reactivation
Life long persistence
Source of Ebv infection?
Occur in children and infants
Humans are the only natural host
Oropharyngeal secretion
Primary inf
It is not highly contagious
Mode of transmission ?
Intimate oral contact (kissing)
Another name for EBV
Kissing disease
Ebv replication takes place where
In epithelial cells and encodes many proteins
EBV Glycoproteins ?
Gp350/220 - attachment to CD21
and Gp85-membrane fusion
Cells that expresses CD21
Mature B cell
Stratified squamous epithelium e.g salivary gland
Pathogenesia of EBV?
Ebv enters- the pharyngeal epithelial cells- multiplies locally-bloodstream-infect b lymphocyte
Two types of changes in B cells?
One type- virus become latent inside B cells
Indifinite growth of B cell Becomes immortalised/transformed Produces igm, G, A Igm contains heterophile antibodies Virus antigen express on the surface B cell proliferation Intermittent reactivation of latent EBV leads to proliferation of infected B cell
Second type- virus lyses the B cell and cause cell death& release of nature progeny virions
Atypical lymphocyte sewn in blood smear
Most immunodeficiency patients have lymphoma containing EBV
X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome or Duncan is associated with susceptibility to EBV
Clinical features of EBV?
Infectious mononucleosis / glandular fever
Primary inf seen in 15-25 years age group
Incubation period 30-50 days Onset with- sore throat Cervical lymphadenopathy Fevered Pharyngitis with greyish membrane Intermittent fever $ sweating- over 2weeks
Transient morbiliform rash
Hepatitis - subclinical level
Maculopapular rash - may follow ampicillin administration
Airway obstruction due to lymphoid enlargement and edema
Neurological- meningitis
Gillian barre syndrome
- EBV & malignancies
A. Burkitt lymphoma
B. EBV -associated nasopharyngeal
carcinoma - EBV in HIV and immunocompromised- hairy leukoplakia (white grey lesion on tongue)
Lab diagnosis of EBV?
Abnormal mononuclear cells(basophillic& kidney shaped nuclei)
Paul bunn test - standard diagnosis
Heterophile ab- agglutinates sheep red cells
Treatment of EBV