Epithelial Glands I Flashcards
What are the 2 paths secretory epithelial cells can take?
Either stay on the surface of the epithelial layer or grow down into the connective tissue.
What is an exocrine gland? Give examples and describe how they secrete their products.
Epithelial cells that grow down into the connective tissue.
Ex: salivary, mammary, sweat, sebaceous, liver, and pancreas.
They excrete their products through the ducts made at the surface of the epithelial layer.
What are endocrine glands? Give examples and explain how they excrete their products.
Epithelial cells that grow down and disconnect from the epithelial layer.
Ex: pituitary,thyroid, pineal, parathyroid, adrenal, gonads, liver, pancreas,
They secrete their products via surrounding blood vessels.
What is glandular tissue made up of?
Epithelial tissue specialized for secretory function.
Explain the differences in secretion between endocrine, exocrine, paracrine, and autocrine glands.
Endocrine- secretes products into surrounding blood vessels.
Exocrine- secretes products through ducts
Paracrine- secrets products that affect neighboring cells.
Autocrine- it’s products affect the cell itself and sometimes neighboring cells.
What are the ways to classify glands regarding number of cells?
Unicellular- goblet cells of intestine and trachea, mucous cells of stomach, and enteroendicrine
Multicellular- all other glands (endocrine and exocrine)
What are the ways to classify branching in glands?
Simple- no branching
Compound- branching
What are the different shapes of glands?
Tubular- straight (large intestine)
Coiled (sweat glands)
Branched (stomach)
Alveolar (acinar)- eyelid and sebaceous gland of skin.
Tubuloalveolar (acinar)- salivary glands, duodenum, esophagus.
What are the different types of secretion in glands?
Serous- watery enzyme-filled secretion (parotid salivary gland)
Mucous- thick
Mixed- serous and mucous
Acinus- mucous capped by serous forming half moon= demilune.
Name the different mechanisms of secretion.
Merocrine (eccrine)- secretory product is stored in vesicles and retrieved/released via endo or exocytosis.
Apocrine- the apical surface of the cell is released along with the secretory product.
Ex: sweat glands
Holocrine- the entire cell is released as a part of the secretory product
ex: sebaceous glands
Give characteristics of the submandibular gland.
Contains both serous and mucous acini but SEROUS DOMINATES.
serous forms a crescent shape around mucous= demilune.
Myoepithelial cells surround acini.
Give characteristics of the sublingual gland.
Mixed with serous and mucous but MUCOUS is dominant.
Myoepithelial cells surround acini
Give characteristics of the parotid gland.
RER dominates in regions of secretory cells.
Composed of ONLY SEROUS acini.
Apical region contains zymogen.
Give a breakdown of a lobule
A simple branched gland= 1 lobule
Many lobule= lobes
Many lobes= compound gland
Where are myoepithelial cells located and what is their purpose?
Between the basement membrane and the secretory cells.
It’s purpose is to help express the secretion of acini into intercalated ducts.
Where is the basement membrane located?
It covers the outer surface of acini.
What are intralobular ducts?
Ducts within lobules. 2 types:
Intercalated ducts: drain the secretory acini
Lined by simple squamous transforms into cuboidal.
Bicarbonate to chloride exchange
Striated ducts- lined by cuboidal and transforms to columnar with basal striations for active transport.
Actively reabsorbs Na and passively reabsorbs Cl and actively secretes K.
What are the minor salivary glands?
They keep the oral cavity moist
Ex:Von ebner’s, labial, palatal, buccal.
What are the major salivary glands?
Parotid, submandibular, and sublingual