Epidemic: Black Death 2 Flashcards
When was the most serious outbreak of plague?
- 1665
What was different about peoeple’s understanding of how disease was spread?
- Scientists realised:
-close contact = disease
Give 2 laws that aimed to prevent plague in 1518.
1.) Isolate victims, straw outside houses, white sticks to show they had plague.
2.) pesthouses
What was the effectiveness of the laws in 1518?
- Ineffective.
- Not in all areas.
Give 3 laws that aimed to prevent plague in 1578.
1.) Plague orders.
2.) Plague sufferers + whole household quarantined for 6 weeks.
3.) Special prayer for God’s forgiveness.
How effective were the laws passed in 1578?
- Reduced spread of disease.
- Connection between dirt and disease made.
Isolation of healthy got controversy
What was included in The Plague Orders?
1.) Recording spread of disease.
2.) Financial help for sick.
3.) Burning victims’ clothes and beddings.
Give 3 laws that aimed to prevent plague in 1604.
1.) Plague act increased financial help for families.
2.) City + town watchmen enforced isolation
3.) Harsher sanctions if victim left home –> hanged!!!
What was the sanction, in 1604, for a plague victim that left their house and mingled with other people?
- They could be hanged.
How effective were the laws in 1604?
- harsh punishments: reduced spread of disease.
- YET… no one knew it was from flees and rats.
How was The Plague dealt with in Yarmouth?
- Local authorities banned pigs, dogs and cats from streets.
How was Plague dealt with in Cambridge?
- Only allowed people with certificate of Health.
What did many towns produce to record plague deaths?
- Produced “Bills of Mortality”
What are the 5 main ways regular people responded to plague?
1.) Church
2.) Ran away
3.) Find a cure
4.) Avoided sick
5.) Stuck together
Who ran away and who couldn’t when plague hit?
- The rich ran away
- Poor had to deal with it.
What 2 types of “cures” did people claim to find?
- Plague doctors with herbs to prevent miasma.
- Smoking tobacco to prevent miasma.
True or False
Most people left their families once they found out a member was infected.
- False. They stayed and prayed for them.
Why did the outbreaks of plague stop after 1665?
- The Great Fire of London killed rats.
What were the 3 main dates when laws for plague were passed?
1.) 1518
2.) 1578
3.) 1604
How was The Plague Act publicised?
- Printing Press (1470.)