Early Modern Living Conditions Flashcards
What happened to the POWER of religion in this period?
- All power of Church given to state.
What was the government like?
- Gov more powerful than monarch
government involved = social
What was farming and food like for Early Modern people?
- Famine = Hunger (continuity)
- Improvement in agriculture = more people fed.
What were the towns like overall?
1.) Overcrowded
2.) Mines, North- East England = more coal in homes
3.) sugar + tobacco increased: British Empire expansion. smoking increased
What happened to the population in England by 1750?
By 1750, the population doubled.
What was technology like in this period?
-> lots of new tech
1.) Robert Hooke: microscope (1660)
2.) Steam engine using coal
3.) 1470 : Printing press
What 2 main factors contributed to pollution in this period?
- Burning coal (Industry/ Homes)
- Smoking tobacco (cancer)
What 3 main factors contributed to respiratory disease in this period?
- Burning coal (Industry/ Homes)
- Damp houses (respiratory disease)
- Smoking tobacco (cancer)
How did The Priniting Press affect Public Health?
- People understood body better from books printed.
What food did the rich eat?
- Meat/ fish
- little fruit + veg
- Wine + Ale
What percent of the rich’s diet was protein?
What impact did this have ?
- 80%.
- I: Gout/ severe joint pain.
What food did the poor eat?
- Bread
- Pottage
- Vegetables
What was the issue with the Early Modern poors’ diet?
- Lack of Vitamin C
- Lack of Iron.
- Long periods of starvation
What 4 main features did houses have in this period?
1.) Homes rebuilt after GFoL
2.) wealthy = stone
3.) damp accomodation
4.) overcrowded: poor shared a bed.
What was the issue with how meat was sold?
- Sold in market, attracting pests.
Give 4 ways waste was dealt with in this era.
1.) John Harrington: flushing toilet (1596)
2.) Privies –> cesspits underneath –> emptied into rivers nearby, cesspits overflowed
3.) scavengers/ rakers collect household waste
4.) Animals left excrement on streets
What is a privy?
A privy is a toilet in a shed.
How often would scavangers/ rakers collect househould waste?
1 –> 2 times a week.
Why didn’t the flushing toilet solve a lot of issues at first?
- ## Only for rich w/ water + drains
Who supplied the water for flushing toilets in this era?
- Water companies would supply it from ponds and rivers.
Give 3 different places cesspits could be in this era.
- Gardens
- Yards
- Alleyways
How would poor people access DRINKING water?
- Conduits
- Water sellers
How would poor people wash themselves?
- Bathe in river
- Use dry brush and “dry wash.”
How would rich people access DRINKING water?
- Instalation of pipes 1600
- Water sellers (continuity)
Why couldn’t poor people install pipes into their homes?
The poor couldn’t afford it.
How would rich people wash themselves?
- Bathtubs used
- Soap (made of oil.)
What were their streets made up of (material)?
- Unpaved
- Rain = muddy
- Rain + animal excrement
What drink became popular towards the end of this period?
- Spirits like gin and ale.
What caused The Gin Craze to occur?
- Government banned imports of Gin from Poland
- People started to brew in homes
When was The Gin Craze?
Between 1720 - 1751.
What ad convinced people to drink cheap gin?
“Drunk for a penny, dead drunk for two pence”
What 3 main effects did The Gin Craze have?
1.) increase in crime
2.) ruined families
3.) Increase in death- rate
Why did people drink gin?
- It was a cheap way to escape Early Modern poor life.
Give 2 incidents that showed poor women being addicted to gin.
1.) pregnant women drank it
2.) Judith Defour killed 2 year old to sell her clothes to buy gin. (1734)
What effect did pregnant women drinking gin have?
- Led to deformed babies.
What new types of food came to England due to expansion of British Empire?
- Pumpkins
- Chilies
- coffee
Was household waste dealt with effectively?
Yes. Rakers dealt with it and sold the waste to market gardeners.
When did loads of sugar and tobacco reach England?
- Reached England by 1750.