Epic and Narrative Sanskrit Vocabulary: Further 1 Flashcards
This list is from the forthcoming 'Introductory Sanskrit Reader'. Its aim is to give students who have finished an introductory Sanskrit course a good basic vocabulary and get you started on your journey towards reading Sanskrit texts with fluency.
aṅka- (m.)
‘waist; lap; bosom’
(adj) ‘immovable’,
(m. ) ‘mountain’,
(f. ) ‘the earth’
atha vā (ind)
‘or rather’
a-dharma- (m.)
‘non-dharma, lawlessness’
adhika- (adj)
‘further; stronger; excellent’
adhi-pati- (m.)
‘overlord, ruler’
anala- (m.)
anila- (m.)
anīka- (n.)
‘face; appearance’
anuja- (m.)
‘after-born’: ‘younger brother’
anuttama- (adj)
‘excellent, best’
aneka- (adj)
‘not one’: ‘many, much’
(adj) ‘inner, interior’,
(ifc) other, another’
anna- (n.)
anyathā (ind)
‘otherwise, in a different manner’
anyonya- (adj)
‘one another, mutual’
anvita (adj)
‘accompanied by; having, possessing’
apsaras- (f.)
‘apsaras’ (a heavenly nymph)
abhimukha- (adj)
‘having the face towards’: ‘facing’
abhiṣeka- (m.)
‘religious bathing, ablution’
abhra- (n.)
‘(thunder)cloud; rainy weather’
ambhas- (n.)
ari- (m.)
arka- (m.)