Epic and Narrative Sanskrit Vocabulary: Basic 9 Flashcards
This list is from the forthcoming 'Introductory Sanskrit Reader'. Its aim is to give students who have finished an introductory Sanskrit course a good basic vocabulary and get you started on your journey towards reading Sanskrit texts with fluency.
√śru (V śṛṇoti)
‘listen, hear’
śreṣṭha- (adj)
sa- (pref)
‘(together) with’
saḥ/tad- (pron)
‘he/she/it; this, that’
saṃkāśa- (ifc)
‘having the appearance of, looking like’
saṃnibha- (adj, ifc)
‘like, similar, resembling’
saṃśaya- (m.)
(adj) ‘true’, (n.) ‘truth, reality’
√sad (irreg sīdati)
‘sit, sit down’
vi-√sad (irreg viṣīdati)
‘despair, be sad’ (viṣaṇṇa-)
pra-√sad (prasīdati)
‘settle down, become tranquil’,
Caus prasādayati ‘render calm; propitiate’
ava-√sad (irreg avasīdati)
sadā (ind)
sadṛśa- (adj)
‘such, of such a kind’
sama- (pron)
‘like, same as’
samīpa- (n.)
‘vicinity, nearness’
samudra- (n.)
sarva- (pron adj)
‘all, every’
sarvataḥ (ind)
‘from all sides; in every direction; everywhere’
sarvathā (ind)
‘in every way; altogether, entirely’
saha (ind)
‘(together) with’ (+ Ins)
sahasā (ind)
sahasra- (n.)
sahita- (adj)
‘together/combined with’
sāgara- (m.)
sādhu- (adj)
sārdham (ind)
‘(together) with’ (+ Ins)
siṃha- (m.)
su- (pref)
‘good; much, very’
(n.) ‘happiness’, (adj) ‘happy’
suta- (m.)
sutā- (f.)
sura- (m.)
‘god, deity’
su-hṛd- (m.)
sūrya- (m.)
√sev (I sevate)
‘serve, attend on’
strī- (f.)
-stha- (adj, ifc)
‘standing/being (in a place)’
√sthā (irreg tiṣṭhati)
‘stand, stay, be in a place’ (sthita-)
ud-√sthā (irreg uttiṣṭhati)
‘stand/get up’
pra-√sthā (irreg pratiṣṭhati)
‘set out, go’
sthāna- (n.)
‘place; state’
√snā (II snāti)
sneha- (m.)
‘love, affection’
√spṛś (VI spṛśati)
sma (ind)
makes preceding verb past tense
√smṛ (I smarati)
sva- (pron adj)
‘one’s own’
svana- (m.)
‘sound, noise’
svayam (ind)
svāmin- (m.)
‘master, lord; (spiritual) teacher’
ha (ind)
adds emphasis
harṣa- (m.)
‘excitement; joy’
hasta- (m.)
hi (ind)
‘indeed; for, because’
(adj) ‘beneficial, friendly’, (n.) ‘well-being, welfare’
√hṛ (I harati)
‘take, seize’
hṛdaya- (n.)
√hṛṣ (IV hṛṣyati)
‘be excited; be happy’
hetu- (m.)
‘cause; reason, motive’
heman- (n.)