EP Memory Items Flashcards
Fire of Unknown Origin
1.) Alert crew, activate fire bill - Alerted (CP, TC)
2.) Cabin Exhaust Fan - Off (FE)
Continue the FOUO Checklist
Pressurization Loss
If cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 feet, the flight station shall:
1.) Don smoke masks
2.) Alert crew
Regardless of cabin altitude, continue with the following steps:
Continue the pressurization loss checklist
Rapid Decompression
1.) Pressurization ground check switch - TEST (FE)
2.) Ground air-conditioning switch - ON (FE)
Once pressurization is regained:
Continue the rapid decompression checklist
Emergency Depressurization Procedure
With electrical power available:
3.) EDCs - DUMP (FE)
4.) AUX VENT - Close at 1-inch differential (FE)
Without electrical power availble:
5.) FREE-FALL CHUTE - Open (Obs)
Emergency Descent Procedure
1.) Autopilot - Disconnect (P)
2.) Power levers - FLIGHT IDLE (P)
3.) Landing gear lever - As Required (CP)
4.) Airspeed - As required (P)
5.) Pressurization - As required (FE)
Ditching Procedures
1.) Alert crew time to impact - Alerted (CP)
Brake Fire
1.) Request ground firefighting equipment (CP)
2) Stop the Aircraft (P)
Engine Fire on the Ground
1.) Emergency shutdown handle - Pull (FE)
2.) HRD - Discharged (P, FE)
Emergency Shutdown Procedure
1.) Emergency shutdown handle (on pilot command) - Pull (FE)
2.) HRD (fire only) - Discharged (P, FE)
Shifting to Boost Off
1.) Autopilot - Disconnect
2.) Attempt to obtain a safe altitude
3.) Set Condition V
4.) Trim tab setting - Check for normal position
If abnormal force is still present:
5.) Booster shift handle - Pull
Propellor Fails to Feather
1.) Feather button - In ; emergency shutdown cb set
2.) PCO - Press
3.) Alternate bus (Propellers 1 and 4) - Select
4.) PROP FEATHER circuit breakers - Check in
5.) Airspeed - Decrease toward 150 KIAS
If feather button light remains on:
6.) PROP FEATHER CONT circuit breaker - Pull
Flight with Cracked Front Windshield
1.) Turn off heat of affected panels
2.) Helmets on, visors down (P, CP, FE)
Loss of All Airspeed Indication
1.) Check pitot heat - ON (FE)
Out of Controlled Flight, Spiral, and Spin Recovery
1.) Power levers - FLIGHT IDLE (P)
2.) Flight controls - Neutralize (P)
3.) Airspeed, AOA, turn needle - Check (P)
If in a spin:
4.) Rudder - Full opposite turn needle (P)
As soon as yawing motion stops:
5.) Flight Controls - Neutralize (P)
6.) Unusual Attitude - Recover (P)
TCAS Resolution Advisory Procedure
1.) Autopilot - Disconnect (P)
2.) Power Levers - As Required (P)
3.) Comply with vertical guidance (P)
4.) Attempt to gain and maintain visual contact with traffic (P, CP, FE)
Windshear Escape Procedure
1.) Max Power - Set (P, FE)
2.) Pitch attitude - 10 degrees up (P)
3.) Landing Gear - UP (P, CP)
4.) FLAPS - Do not change until out of windshear (P)
Split Flap Procedures
1.) If uncontrollable, reset the flap handle to the previous position
2.) If controllable, land with the flap handle in the selected position
Propeller Malfunctions
If a propeller pump light/fluid leak or offspeed condition occurs, proceed as follows:
1.) If rpm at or above 115 percent - Reduce airspeed (150 KIAS minimum) and perform Operation with a Pitchlocked Propellor procedure, paragraph 15.12.2 (P, FE)
2.) If rpm is below 115 percent - Smoothly advance affected power lever and increase TAS, noting engine indications (P, FE)
FUS DUCT HOT light on
1.) On ground, secure ground air-conditioning and all engine and APU bleed air, and return to the line.
2.) In flight, close all engine bleed and fuselage shutoff valves.
3.) If light remains on, dump EDCs one at a time.
4.) If light remains on, land as soon as possible.
START VALVE light on
1.) Check overhead panel for individual engine start control valve open light.
1.) Following start, E-handle
1.) Continue holding out on the feather button. (FE)
2.) Emergency shutdown handle - pull (FE)
3.) Feather button - Push (FE)
Stall Recovery Procedures
Autopilot - Disconnect
Power Levers - Symmetrically Advance
Yoke - Relax Back Pressure
Attitude - Level Wings, Center Ball
Pitch Attitude - Recover as airspeed increases