EOP Week 5 & 6 Flashcards
Deck Covers: E-3, ES-3.1, ES-3.2, ES-3.3, ECA-3.1, ECA-3.2, ECA-3.3, CRE
While in E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture), what is the purpose of the Major Action Category “TERMINATE SI”
- Stops the primary to secondary leakage
From E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture), what transition is made if RWST level is less than 30%
- Per FOP go to ES-1.3 (Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation)
From E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture), what transition is made if a SINGLE Steam Generator PRESSURE is lowering in an uncontrolled manner OR is completely depressurized and WAS NOT previously isolated
- Per FOP go to E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator)
From E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture), what transition is made if any intact SG level rises in an uncontrolled manner OR has abnormal radiation
- Per FOP stabilize the plant and go to E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture) step 1
From E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture), what transition is made following SI termination IF EITHER subcooling is less than 40 deg F OR Pzr Level CAN NOT be maintained greater than 16% {28% Adverse}
- Per FOP go to ECA-3.1 (SGTR with Loss of Reactor Coolant - Subcooled Recovery
In E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture), when balancing SG and RCS level/pressure what is the preferred method of pressure control if L/D is AVAILABLE with NO RCPs
- Aux Spray
What is Iodine Partitioning
- With adequate SG levels (greater than 13%) Iodine concentrates in the SG while steaming minimizing the release.
How is SG overfill prevented in E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture)
- Isolating the ruptured SG
- Cooldown and Depressurizing RCS
- Terminating SI
What are the consequences of SG Overfill during E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture)
- Rupture of MS line from weight and water hammer
- Damage to SG PORVs
- Damage to SG Safeties
- Damage to TDAFP
While in E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture), why is the SG PORV setpoint raised to 1040 psig on the RUPTURED SG
- Minimize release
- Maintains ruptured SG pressure greater than pressure in intact SG
In addition to Iodine Partitioning, why are SG levels maintained greater than 13% in the ruptured SG
- Keeps tubes covered which prevents steam from condensing on tubes and lowering SG pressure which would re-initiate/cause a rise in primary to secondary leakage
In E-3 (Ruptured Steam Generator) with NO RCPs running, why is the CL temperature indication for the loop containing the ruptured SG disregarded for CSFST monitoring
- With NO RCPs there is no flow in this loop
- ECCS is injecting in this loops and moving BACKWARDS through the SG past the CL RTD
- The vessel IS NOT subjected to this FALSE LOW CL temperature
When is a SG Tube Leak considered a SG Tube Rupture
- When the leak rate exceeds the capacity of one CCP with max flow AND L/D isolated
- Reactor trip AND SI required
What is the Tech Spec limit for Primary to Secondary Leakage
- 150 GPD (0.1 gpm)
What is the EPRI recommended limit for continued operation with Primary to Secondary Leakage
- 75 GPD
- SG’s not evaluated for leak before break
Per the SG tube leak AOP, what is the leakage threshold for initiating a Reactor Trip
- 50 gpm
Per the SG tube leak AOP, what is the leakage threshold for initiating a Reactor Trip AND SI
- 100 gpm
What is does the UFSAR assume regarding a SGTR
- Operator actions are taken to isolate the ruptured SG efficiently
What is the preferred method (Procedure) used to cooldown and depressurize the RCS following a SGTR
- ES-3.1 (Cooldown Using Backfill)
What are the ADVANTAGES of ES-3.1 (Post SGTR Cooldown using Backfill)
- Minimizes radiological releases
- Allows processing of water
What are the DISADVANTAGES of ES-3.1 (Post SGTR Cooldown using Backfill)
- Secondary chemistry effecst on RCS components
- Potential Boron dilution (could cause SR count to rise during cooldown)
- Slower than steaming
How is the ruptured SG LEVEL controlled during cooldown using ES-3.1 (Post SGTR Cooldown using backfill)
- RCS Pressure
How is the SG metal temperature cooled when using ES-3.1 (Post SGTR Cooldown using Backfill)
- Allow SG level to lower to 20% (27%)
- SLOWLY refill to 62%
- SLOW to prevent rapid pressure drop that would reinitiate or raise leakage
What would happen if SG LEVEL was allowed to lower below 20% (27%) while in ES-3.1 (Post SGTR Cooldown using backfill)
- Tubes would become uncovered
- Causes depressurization of ruptured SG
- Reinitiates the leak
Why is Shutdown Margin verified during ES-3.1 (Post SGTR Cooldown using backfill)
- Dilution occurring from backfill
- No boration occurring since SI has been terminated
Why are RCP No. 1 seal dP and No. 1 Seal Leak off flow monitored during ES-3.1 (Post SGTR Cooldown using backfill)
- RCPs may need be stopped if these parameters get too low
What are the ADVANTAGES of ES-3.2 (Post SGTR Cooldown using Blowdown)
- Minimizes radiological releases
- No boron dilution
- No secondary chemistry effects
What are the DISADVANTAGES of ES-3.2 (Post SGTR Cooldown using Blowdown)
- Storage and processing capabilities of BD system are limited
- Will spread contamination to secondary side
- Small drain lines mean this is slow (especially with no RCPs)
What are the ADVANTAGES of ES-3.3 (Post SGTR Cooldown using Steam Dump)
- FASTEST of the 3 methods
What are the DISADVANTAGES of ES-3.3 (Post SGTR Cooldown using Steam Dump)
- Radiological consequences must be considered especially if condenser is not available
- Potential water hammer effects
- Should NOT be used if SG overfill has occurred
What are the important entry conditions for ECA-3.1 (SGTR With Loss of Reactor Coolant - Subcooled Recovery)
- Ruptured SG CANNOT be isolated from ANY intact SG
- Faulted AND Ruptured SG
- Minimum dP (250#) between ruptured and intact SGs CANNOT be maintained
Starting with E-0, what is the procedure flow path for a Ruptured AND Faulted SG
- E-0 -> E-2 -> E-3 -> ECA-3.1
While in ECA-3.1 (SGTR with Loss of Reactor Coolant - Subcooled Recovery) what transition is made if RWST level is LESS THAN 56% without a corresponding rise in sump levels OR SG narrow range level is GREATER THAN 91%
- Transition to ECA-3.2 (SGTR With Loss of Reactor Coolant - Saturated Recovery)
While in ECA-3.2 (SGTR With Loss of Reactor Coolant - Saturated Recovery) when will you STOP securing ECCS pumps
- Once you no longer meet the subcooling requirements to do so
- Remove as many pumps as possible until saturation occurs
- Continued cooldown will restore subcooling
While in ECA-3.3 (SGTR without Pressurizer Pressure Control) when is transition to E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture Made)
- If normal spray is restored
- If PORVs are restored
- If Aux Spray is restored
- If there is an uncontrolled Level Rise in intact SG
Why does the SI Termination criteria in ECA-3.3 (SGTR without Pressurizer Pressure Control) NOT check Pressurizer Level or RCS Pressure
- Because you are not able to depressurize the RCS
While in ECA-3.3 (SGTR without Pressurizer Pressure Control) if Pressurizer Level IS on scale, what will be the effect of SI termination
- Pressure will lower
- RCS & SG pressure will equalize stopping leakage
During a Control Room Evacuation, where can N-23 SR be read
- RCS Shutdown Indication Panel
- LSI-4
- 587’ Center Hallway
Why is the Hot Shutdown Panel NOT used for NFPA 805
- Inadequate train separation of cabling
Which CVCS Crosstie Valve provides flow from the opposite unit
- CS-536
Which CVCS Crosstie Valve provides flow to seal injection
- CS-535
Which CVCS Crosstie Valve provides flow to the BIT
- CS-534
What is the AFW crosstie Valve and where is it located
- FW-129
- EMDAFP Rooms
What is the only remote indication of Reactor Power
- N-23 from LSI-4
What powers N-23
- Opposite unit CRID 3
What two systems are crosstied during Emergency Remote Shutdown
- CVCS through the BIT
Why must delays be communicated when establishing crosstie to the BIT
- Inventory Control
Who performs the cross tie of the MDAFPs
- Turbine Tour AEO (1st Action)
Why is the WMDAFP the preferred pump to crosstie
- Because it feeds the affected unit SG 2 & 3
Which units cross tie valve is used to cross tie the MDAFPs
- The affected units FW-129
During emergency remote shutdown, what must be done PRIOR to evacuation
- Plan Announcement
- Trip the Reactor
During emergency remote shutdown, why are Pressurizer PORV block valves closed
- Inventory Control
- Safety Valves control pressure
During emergency remote shutdown, why are Pressurizer Heaters de-energized
- In case level is lost and they don’t trip automatically
What assumptions are made for Control Room Evacuation
- No failure to CR panels would prevent safe operation from outside Control Room
- All auto features are fully functional
- No accident condition at the time of the CR evacuation
When are the Reactor and Turbine tripped during a Control Room Evacuation
- BEFORE evacuation occurs
During a Control Room Evacuation WHEN must the Control Room be evacuated to the SM’s office
- 4 mins
During a Control Room Evacuation WHEN must Prz PORV Block Valves be de-energized
- 8 mins from announcement
During a Control Room Evacuation WHEN must power be removed from RCP 4 kV breakers
- 8 mins from unsuccessful RCP trip from CR
During a Control Room Evacuation WHEN must actions be taken to ensure MSIVs remain closed
- 15 mins from announcement
During a Control Room Evacuation WHEN must remote control be established at LSI 3 & 4
- 15 mins from announcement
During a Control Room Evacuation WHEN must actions be taken to ensure Pressurizer Heaters remain tripped
- 17 mins from announcement
During a Control Room Evacuation WHEN must CVCS cross tie through the BIT be established
- 40 mins from announcement
During a Control Room Evacuation WHEN must AFW cross tie to SGs 2 & 3 be established
- 40 mins from announcement
In E-3 (Ruptured Steam Generator) with NO RCPs running, is the INTEGRITY status DISREGARDED
- NO, only the ruptured CL input to the INTEGRITY status tree
While in ECA-3.3 (SGTR without Pressurizer Pressure Control) how is RCS pressure controlled after ECCS termination
- By controlling Charging and Letdown flow
- (Procedure doesn’t know if you have letdown available or not)
While in ECA-3.3 (SGTR without Pressurizer Pressure Control), the first step has you check if the ruptured SG level is LESS THAN 67%. What is the basis for this step
- If the ruptured SG level is greater than 67% overfill is a concern and ECCS should be terminated promptly if termination criteria are met