EOP Week 4 Flashcards
Deck Covers: E-2, ECA-2.1, FR-S.1, FR-S.2
While in E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) what actions are taken if ALL steam generators are faulted
- Go to ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of ALL SGs)
While in E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) what actions are taken if Secondary Radiation levels (SG or SG PORV) are NOT normal
- Go to E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture)
While in E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) what actions are taken if subcooling, heat sink, RCS pressure, and Pzr Level are satisfactory
- Go to ES-1.1 (SI Termination)
While in E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) what actions are taken if subcooling, heat sink, RCS pressure, and Pzr Level are NOT satisfactory
- Go to E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant)
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) what actions are taken if Secondary Radiation levels (SG or SG PORV) are NOT normal
- Go to E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture)
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) what actions are taken if RCS pressure is LESS THAN 300#
- Go to E-1 (Loss of Reacotr or Secondary Coolant)
LB LOCA in progress
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) what actions are taken if RWST Level is LESS THAN 30%
- Go to ES-1.3 (Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation)
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) what actions are taken if RCS pressure is GREATER THAN 300# AND Accumulators DO NOT need to be isolated
- Loop in the procedure until Pressurizer Level is satisfactory THEN reduce ECCS flow
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) what actions are taken once ECCS flow has been reduced and RHR is placed in service for cooldown
- Cooldown the RCS at LESS THAN 100 deg F per 60 minutes until less than 200 deg F
What are the Major Action Categories of E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation)
- Check Main Steam Isolation
- Check for at least one Non-Faulted SG
- Identify and Isolate Faulted SG
- Check for SGTR
What is the time critical action associated with E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation)
- Isolate AFW to Faulted SG within 30 minutes of Reactor Trip
For a Steam Line Break upstream of the MSIVs what is the expected plant response
- MSIVs close and depressurization continues
For a Steam Line Break downstream of the MSIVs what is the expected plant response
- MSIVs close and depressurization stops (NO SI)
For a Feedwater break upstream of the FW Isolation check valves what is the expected plant response
- Check valves seat and depressurization stops (NO SI)
For a Feedwater break downstream of the FW Isolation check valves what is the expected plant response
- Check valves seat due to AFW, but depressurization continues
From E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) what is the sequence of procedures that will be entered if NO SI is required
- E-0 -> ES-0.1
Since there’s no SI you transition to ES-0.1 after immediate action steps are verified by US
From E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) what is the sequence of procedures that will be entered if SI is ACTUATED
- E-0 -> E-2 -> E-1 (if SG isn’t blown down) -> ES-1.1
With no operator action taken, what is the difference in plant response between a small and intermediate/large steam line break
- Small break - MFW maintains SG lvls (NO Rx Trip)
- Large break - Rx Trip will occur after approx. 5 mins
While in E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) AFTER RCS temperature stabilizes WHY is AFW periodically reduced
- To maintain SG levels within band due to lowering decay heat levels
What are the important assumptions are made in the UFSAR Steamline break analysis
- Most reactive rod stuck out
- Return to criticality in part of the core
- ECCS injecting through ONE CCP at 2400 ppm will restore subcriticality
During a Steamline break WHY is it important to control AFW flow
- Prevent SG from drying out
- Minimize RCS cooldown
- Prevent SG overfill
- Control RCS temperature after SG blowdown complete
When mitigating a Steamline break, after transition is made to E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant), if SG pressure is still lowering but attempts have been made to isolate the SG is transition back to E-2 (Faulted SG Isolation) required
- No, the intent of the RNO is satisfied since isolation was attempted in E-2
While in ECA-2.1 (Unctonrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) when can transition to E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) be made?
- Per the FOP if ANY SG pressure boundary is restored, except while performing SI termination
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) why would you not transition to E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation) during SI termination or FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink)
- Because doing so would require introducing AFW to a potentially dried out SG and cause thermal shock
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) why is AFW flow lowered to 25k PPH.
(As opposed to isolating AFW to ALL SGs)
- To prevent dryout of all SGs to minimize thermal shock
During a Steamline break what SI actuation signals could cause an SI due to the steamline break
- Low SG Pressure (500#)
- SG dP (100#)
- Low Pressurizer Pressure (1775#)
- Containment Pressure Hi (1#)
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) why would you NOT stop RCPs
- With RCPs running RCS cooldown is limited due to enhanced mixing
While in ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators) why SHOULD you stop RCPs
- If a SBLOCA is in progress (i.e., RCS less than 1300# w/ SI OR CCP flow)
What are the immediate action steps of FR-S.1 (Response to ATWS)
- Check Rx Trip
- Manually Actuate AMSAC
- Check Turbine Trip
What are the RNO actions in FR-S.1 (Response to ATWS) if the Reactor IS NOT tripped
- Manually trip reactor
- If reactor WILL NOT trip, manually insert control rods
What are the RNO actions in FR-S.1 (Response to ATWS) if the Turbine IS NOT tripped
- Manually trip turbine
- If turbine WILL NOT trip, manually actuate ATWS runback on HMI
- If turbine load CAN NOT be reduced, trip all SG stop valves closed AND verify SV dump valves closed
What is the purpose of initiating a manual turbine trip in FR-S.1 (Response to ATWS) if the turbine CAN NOT be VERIFIED tripped
- Prevents excessive RCS cooldown
What is the purpose of manually actuating an ATWS runback on the turbine HMI in FR-S.1 (Response to ATWS) if the turbine WILL NOT TRIP
- Conserves SG water levels
What is the definition of an ATWS
- A common cause failure which prevents control rods from being inserted into the core in response to an anticipated transient
What is the RPS design basis
- Maintain DNBR
- Maintain RCS below design pressure
How is RCS Pressure boundary challenged during an ATWS
- Rising RCS Pressure
How is Fuel cladding challenged during an ATWS
- Lowering DNBR
How is Containment challenged during an ATWS
- Uncontrolled RCS depressurization
Need to check CVI
Should RCPs be tripped during an ATWS if WR power is greater than 5% and WHY
- No
- Forced circulation provides core cooling and tripping RCPs could challenge fuel integrity
Is BOL or EOL worse for an ATWS and WHY
- Less reactivity feedback
During an ATWS why is RCS pressure checked to ensure it is less than Prz PORV setpoint
- To maintain the ability to emergency borate
What is the minimum AFW flow rate that is maintained during an ATWS
- 450k pph until SG NR level is greater than 13%
What is the major complication an SI poses during an ATWS
- SI generates a FWI and trips the MFPs
Undesirable due to excessive core heat production compared to RCS heat removal. If RTB won’t open SI can’t be reset
What are the potential causes of a loss of Subcriticality during an ATWS
- Dilution
- Cooldown
- Rods not fully inserted
What are the boration paths and WHEN are they used during an ATWS
- Emergency Boration to CCP suction (1st choice)
- If NO SI, then to CCP via RWST OR normal boration to CCP
How do the Reactor Trip Breaker trip coils trip the Reactor Trip Breaker
- ENERGIZE to trip
How do the Reactor Trip Breaker UV Coils trip the Reactor Trip Breaker
- DE-ENERGIZE to trip coil
How do the Reactor Trip Breaker shunt coils trip the Reactor Trip Breaker
- ENERGIZE to trip coil
Do the Reactor Trip Breaker BYPASS breakers have shunt coils
- NO
If you are in FR-S.1 (Response to ATWS) what color is the Subcriticality CSFST
If you are in FR-S.2 (Response to Loss of Core Shutdown) what color is the Subcriticality CSFST
Is adequate SDM required to exit FR-S.2 (Response to Loss of Core Shutdown)
- NO, but boration is expected to continue after transition to other procedures to ensure SDM