Enzymes Flashcards
What can enzymes do?
They lower the activation energy without changing the energy by breaking, building, adding and rearranging molecules.
Properties of an enzyme?
- they’re proteins
- Each enzyme is responsible for one particular reaction 3. They are reusable
- They are affected by temperature
- They are affected by PH
How are enzymes affected by temperature?
If it is cold enzymes would have a very hard time moving
If it is warm, it will speed up till a point of denature
How are enzymes named?
Enzymes are named after their substrates so they add ASE
What is a catabolic reaction?
BREAKERS: they are responsible for breaking down large molecules into smaller ones(speed up reactions) important in digestion when large food molecules need to be broke down into smaller food molecules
Anabolic reaction?
BUILDER: responsible for joining small molecules to form larger molecules
What is it called when the substrate is in the enzyme?
Enzyme substrate complex before change
What’s an enzyme product complex?
When the substrate changed
What is catalysis?
It’s when the substrate changed. It could either be broken down or combined with another molecule to make something new
Explain the process
Firstly, an enzyme and substrate that are in the same area. The enzyme needs to be the substrate on which the enzyme acts upon.
Secondly, the enzyme attaches the substrate in its active site.
Thirdly, the enzyme catalyses the enzyme. It can be broken down or combined with another. Fourthly, it lets go and the substrate is no longer the same
After the substrate leaves the active site, does it change shape?
When the substrate and the enzyme react what is temporarily produced?
Enzyme product complex
Where in humans have a PH of around 3?
Human highest temperature?
35 degrees and you die
What is an optimum PH?
PH which an enzyme works best at
What is a denatured enzyme?
An enzyme which has lost its shape
Where is acid and where is alkaline
Acid is 1 alkaline is 10
What are inhibitors?
Inhibitors are molecules which interest. In some way with the end yke to prevent it from working in the normal manner.
Competitive inhibition
This goes in the active site hindering substrates from entering
Non competitor inhibition
It binds to a place away from active site which changes the shape of the enzyme
Substrate concentration
Trying to be a penis
Enzyme concentration
It’s a penis
Temperature graph
It needs to be curvy and goes up and then stops mid
Ph graph
It looks like a bottle