environmental sanitation and terminal cleaning Flashcards
what is the only thing that kills CJD prions? but what is the downside?
- soak in sodium hypochloride and then rinsed w/ clean water
- the chemical is corrosive to instruments
who is ultimately for OR cleanliness?
what is the confine & contain principle
prompt clean up of bodily fluids right after it occurs
acceptable gloves for cleaning
natural rubber latex, nitrile, chloropene blends, butyl rubber
which glove material is not recommended due to inc. failure rates?
2 ways of reducing vermin infestation
-remove food
close windows/doors
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) class D and E disinfectants
- broad spectrum and tuberculocidal (Mycobacterium)-but does not prevent TB bc airborne transmission not contact
- for cleaning bodily fluids
what 3 organisms must a hospital detergent kill?
- pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Staphylococcus aureus
- salmonella chloreae suis
2 reasons why ETOH is not for large area environmental cleaning
- flammable
- useless against soil/debris esp organic ones
what is the pressure in laundry chute
cleaning method for small spill (<10ml) vs. large spill
- small: cloth
- large: special absorbing agent (i.e. powder)
what to clean in terminal cleaning
ceiling, wall, tracks, floor (remove furnitures then wet vacuum)
3 airborne dx
TB, varicella, rubeola
what is considered complete air exchange in airborn dx
99.9% of particulates are removed after 28 min of at least 15 air exchanges per hour
what level of disinfectant is needed for airborn dx
at what 3 points in time is particulate count carried out during a construction
- before project
- after demolition
- after project