Environmental Quality Flashcards
George Perkins Marsh
Wrote “Man & Nature” [1864]
Impact of human action on the natural environment.
John Wesley Powell
Wrote “Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States” [1878]
Foster settlement of arid west and conserve water resources.
John Muir
Founded Sierra Club [1892]
Preservation of natural environment.
Giffort Pinchot
Director of U.S. Forest Service [1905]
First professionally trained forester.
William Whyte
Coined term and wrote about “greenways” in “The Last Landscape.”
Rachel Carson
Wrote “Silent Spring” [1962]
Harmful effects of pesticides.
First National Wildlife Refuge
Pelican Island, FL
Est. by Theodore Roosevelt
National Park Service
[1916] Preserve environment.
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
[1927] Bring water from Colorado River to Colorado
Civilian Conservation Corps
[1933] Provide work for youth and preserve environment.
Tennessee Valley Authority
Most famous experiment in river-basin planning.
Taylor Grazing Act
[1934] Regulated use of the rage in West for conservation purposes.
Natural Resource Planning Board
[1939] Assist in the the preparation of comprehensive plan for public works.
Grand Coulee Dam
[1941] Largest concrete structure - irrigation and power generation in Washington State.
First “Earth Day”
April 22, 1970
[1972] High-res images of the earth’s surface.
Large Lot Zoning
Used in areas without public water and sewage systems.
Conservation Easements
Separates ownership from the right to develop land. Easement held by governmental agency, nonprofit, land trust.
Purchase of Development Rights (PDR)
Separates ownership from the right to develop land. Right to develop is purchased.
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)
Separates ownership from the right to develop land. Right to develop can be purchased and used to develop land in receiving area more intensely.
Development of Regional Impact (DRI)
Large-scale developments have regional effects beyond the local government jurisdiction. Review required in some places.
U.S. Reclamation “Newlands” Act [1902]
Created fund from sale of public land in arid Western states to supply water there.
Soil Conservation Act [1935]
Created Natural Resources Conservation Service - erosion measures.
Wilderness Act [1964]
Prohibited development of all forms in federally owned wilderness areas.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) [1969]
Framework for environmental protection on federal & local levels. If potential for harm, environmental assessment (EA) must be completed. If significant harm will be done, environmental impact statement (EIS) must be done. Public must be informed.
Clean Air Act (CAA) [1970]
Created National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and required non-attainment areas to develop a way to achieve compliance. States have the responsibility of enforcing. Six pollutants: “NoLOCS” nitrogen oxide, lead, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particulates.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [1970]
To enforce CAA and CWA.
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) [1972]
Administered by NOAA and created voluntary program to develop coastal management programs to meet federal standards.
Clean Water Act (CWA) [1972]
Regulated water quality of lakes and rivers by using permit process (NPDES) to control point-source pollution. Set wastewater/water quality standards for surface contaminants. originally Federal Water Pollution Control Act
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Created by CWA. Authorized states to control water pollution by regulating point-sources.
Endangered Species Act [1973]
Established list. Must consult Fish & Wildlife Service to determine if planning projects will harm species.
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) [1974]
Set standards - covers above & below ground sources.
Energy Policy Conservation Act [1975]
Response to the Arab oil embargo of 1973-4. Established average fuel economy standards for cars/trucks.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) [1976]
Cradle-to-grave legislation for hazardous materials. Gave EPA authority to control.
Toxic Substances Control Act [1976]
Gave EPA ability to track & test industrial chemicals produced/imported.
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation & Liability Act (CERCLA) [1980]
Known as the Superfund Act. Created liability for person discharging hazardous waster into the environment. Taxed polluting industries. Established clean-up requirements.
Coastal Barrier Resources Act [1982]
Designates underdeveloped islands for inclusion in Coastal Barrier Resources System - ineligible for federal assistance that would support development.
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) [1986]
Reauthorized CERCLA, increased state involvement, and increased public participation.
Community Right to Know Act [1986]
Required certain industries to report amount of hazardous waste they generate - provide citizens with information.
Clean Air Act Amendments [1990]
Created cap and trade system for reducing emissions. EPA can withhold federal funding for cities that don’t meet the CAA standards. Limits quantity of pollutants that can be in the air.
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) [1991]
Required coordination between states and metro areas for air quality standards.
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) [1996]
Federal control of pesticide distribution/sale/use. Must register with EPA to sell & pass exam to apply pesticides.
Wetlands Reserve Program [1996]
Under USDA - voluntary program that provides assistance to landowners to address wetland, habitat, soil, water concerns.
Bioterrorism Act [2002]
Established national preparedness plan and enhanced controls on toxins. Protected food/drug safety & drinking water supply.
Preservation v. Conservation
Protection v. wise use of resources.
Polluter Pays Principle
UN Conference 1992 - polluter pays to remove pollution or just compensation to those affected.
Environmental Justice
Improvement of environmental and economic conditions of those who bear greatest economic hardship, are exposed to poorest environmental quality, and have least political voice in our society.
Carrying Capacity
Largest number that a habitat can support indefinitely OR amount of development that soils, slope, vegetation can support.
Acres of space are not connected and animals cannot use. Can be used to refer to governments in an area with different priorities.
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
Max amount of pollutant a body of water can receive and still meet water quality standards.
Rivers & Harbors Act of 1948
Program for eliminating or reducing pollution of interstate water. Allowed federal gov to assist in construction of water treatment plants.
Water Quality Act of 1965
Established water pollution control administration.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972
Changed enforcement to regulate pollutants being discharged from point sources.
Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978
Promotes alternative energy sources, efficiency and requires competition in utility industry.
Real property expansion/redevelopment complicated by presence of hazardous substance.
Environmental Justice
Disproportionate adverse environmental/human health impacts on minority and low-income populations.
Renewable Energy
Cannot be exhausted and is constantly being renewed.
Burning of organic material.
Uses falling water.
Uses photovoltaic panels.
Can be small amount or large and contribute to grid.
Energy Efficiency
Insulation rated in thermal resistance (R-value). Greater R-value = greater insulation. Minimum is 20.