Environmental Issues 14 Flashcards
This agency was founded in December 1970, as an independent agency. Responsible for:
•creating /enforcing environmental protection standards
•helping and awarding grants to others with environmental pollution problems
•helping the Council of environmental quality CEQ by suggesting policies and procedures for environmental protection
•providing research on environmental issues.
This major federal law promotes:
•National policy to encourage harmony between humans and the environment.
•methods to prevent/ eliminate environmental damage
•importance of natural resource and ecological systems to the nation
•Requires Federal agencies to prepare economic impact statements for projects that have known in fact on the environment
•established the Council on environmental quality CEQ
The national environmental policy act NEPA
This major federal law/act:
•gives the EPA the authority to control hazardous-waste throughout its entire lifecycle including its regeneration, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal.
•includes amendments of 1986 that specifically address underground tank storing petroleum and other hazardous substances
The resource conservation and the cover react RCRA
Regulates underground storage tanks.
This major federal law/act:
- establishes air quality standards for existing and new pollutants
- regulates air pollutant emissions
- determines acceptable levels for emissions
- set deadlines for compliance
The clean air act CAA
This major federal law/act:
- Sets national water quality standards
- creates a regulatory structure for discharge of pollution into waterways
- stop which is a permit system for point source discharge of pollutants
- status of penalty for legal or unacceptable discharges
The Clean Water Act CWA
This major federal law/ act:
•creates requirements for closed or abandon waste sites
•establishes consequences if hazardous materials are released at the site
•creates tax on chemical and petroleum industries, which go into a trust fund(superfund)
•establishes broad authority for federal government to respond when hazardous materials are released or where there threat of release.
The comprehensive environmental response, compensation liability act CERCLA
Gives authority to the EPA
This major federal law/act:
•amended CERCLA and increased monetary size of Superfund
•requires actions of the act to look at standards and requirements in state and federal environmental laws and regulations
•establishes new enforcement authorities
•creates new settlement tools and procedures
•focuses on health problems caused by hazardous waste sites
•stresses importance of permanent remedies to new treatment technologies
The super amendment and re-authorization act SARA
When a person, entity, or government agency wants to initiate a project in New York State, the project must undergo an_________.
Environmental impact assessment
This department is responsible for regulating New York drinking water. And in cooperation with other agencies it:
•ensures the quality and quantity of public water supplies
•regulates the operations of suppliers
•authorizes plans for new subdivisions
•sets standards for private water supplies/well water/sewage systems
•overseas private well drilling. The residential code of New York determines the distance Wells must be drilled from a potential contamination source.
New York Department of health NYDOH
These are ecosystems where land is permeated with water, which either lies on or near the surface of the land. They are conducive to the growth of specific plants, vegetation, and have a dance for aquatic species of life. They are commonly known as Boggs, marches, and swaps.
These are the benefits of which ecosystem:
- preventing flood damage
- acting as a natural filtration system
- providing habitats for various wildlife and aquatic species
This is anything that interferes with the right of quiet enjoyment e.g. airport noise, farmstand. A permanent ____can be external obsolescence.
A(n)_____ _____ is a situation of potential harm to persons or property from conditions that exist in a property or external to it.
Environmental hazard
- toxic waste dump
- nuclear power plant
- high tension power lines
These are examples of:
External Environmental hazards
These concerns occur within the property and can be dangerous, but are easier to rectify.
Common hazards include:
- asbestos
- carbon monoxide
- electromagnetic fields
- chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
- lead
- urea-formaldehyde
- polychlorinated biphenyls
- underground storage tanks
- methamphetamine
Internal environmental hazards
A fibrous heat resistant material once used as insulation
issues: if airborne particles of breathe into a person’s lungs and can cause cancer, debate over whether it’s best to remove or leave since removal can cause more contamination of done improperly.
Remedies: if this Bestos is loose or coming off, it needs to be encapsulated, enclosed, or removed.
A colorless, odorless gas that is released as fuel sources are broken down to produce heat
Issues: Overexposure to this can cause dizziness, nausea, and death; difficult to detect and can easily be absorbed into the body.
Carbon monoxide
Remedies:The most effective method of keeping track of CO2 is to use a CO2 detector. In New York, and operable CO detector is required when selling property. All appliances that produce CO2 and ventilation should routinely be checked to ensure nothing is malfunctioning.
Invisible fields created by moving electrical currents
Issues: high tension power lines, transformers, and secondary distribution lines create large _____ _____ : suspected cause of hormonal changes, cancer, and abnormalities and behavior.
Electromagnetic fields
Remedies: evidence is controversial and no remedies have been established
Chemical compounds containing chlorine fluoride and carbon atoms; used as a coolant in refrigerators, air-conditioners, and dehumidifiers
Issues: detrimental to the Earth’s atmosphere
Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs
Remedies: proper disposal procedures must be followed for old appliances containing these compounds and owners must maintain equipment to prevent coolant leaks
A bluish-white metal added two exterior and interior paint as a drying agent and for pigmentation. Also, used in pipes and solder in the plumbing systems in homes and businesses.
Issues: digesting or inhaling _____ or _____ dust causes neurological disorders and learning disabilities; can contaminate soil.
Law: residential lead-based paint hazard reduction act, or Title X
Requirements: the house is built before 1978, lead paint brochure must be given to buyers and tenants; known lead paint hazards must be disclosed; buyers must be given time to conduct lead tests.
Colorless, odorless, organic compounds used as cooling and insulating agents for transformers and capacitors and found in many other products.
Issues: contaminate soil and run off leash is into streams and rivers. Our carcinogens; suspected to affect the immune, reproductive, nervous, and endocrine systems.
Polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs
Remedies: public water suppliers must test regular for PCB levels. PCB can be destroyed physically by incineration, radiation, and ultrasound.
Buried tanks that store heating oil, gasoline, chemicals, and hazardous waste.
Issues:Can corrode, spell, lead, and overfill, contaminating soil and water supplies; amid toxic substances.
Underground storage tanks
Remedies: install leak detection, catch basins, an automatic shut off; some tanks exempt.
Illegal, man-made drug that is extremely addictive. Can be powder or chunks.
Issues: residue from blank labs permeates throughout property, contaminating floors, ceilings, walls, carpeting, fence, blinds, and personal property; toxic byproducts can contaminate water supply and soil: health problems include serious respiratory problems, burning in the hands and feet, nausea, headaches, liver damage, and death; no federal disclosure laws but some state laws are passed.
Requirements: house must be professionally cleaned to remove residue and keep new owners/tenants from getting sick.
Environmental concerns that are not man-made and a commonly occurring include:
- mold
- pests
- radon gas
- groundwater contamination
Naturally occurring environmental hazards
Fungus that has many varieties; dangerous _____is black_____(stachybotrys) A greenish-black_____ that grows on materials with high cellulose content.
Issues: produces allergens, which can trigger allergic reactions i.e. wheezing, eye & skin irritation, stuffy nose, asthma attacks, rashes, and immune system problems/affecting the lymphoid tissue and bone marrow; evidence controversial; litigation is including sellers, brokers, management companies and agents.
Remedies: Repair moisture problems and remove mold.
Bees, termites, carpenter ants, rodents, etc.; not technically categorized environmental hazards
Issues:Can cause major physical damage to property.
Remedies: advise clients to contact a reputable termite or pest-control professional. Counsel sellers to dispose of problems before marketing the home.
A naturally occurring, odorless, and tasteless radioactive gas that emanates from rocks
Issues: can build up to dangerous levels in home goods in adequate ventilation; causes cancer and other health issues.
Radon gas
Remedies: Readings of 4 picoCuries/liter or more generally trigger some sort of remediation: sealing cracks; installing a fan blower to bring fresh air and keep moving throughout the house.
Water found in subterranean crevices or spaces
Issues: dumping of toxic waste into soil, faulty septic tanks, leaking underground storage tanks, can contaminate groundwater; pollution of private wells and public water system.
Groundwater contamination
Remedies: enforce and monitor pollutant sources and stop contamination
Duty to research and gather information on potential risks
Due diligence
The landowner cannot be held liable if contamination was not created by the landowner and was not present on site when the title was taken, providing there is proof-preferably and environmental audit.
Innocent landowner immunity
When contamination of an environmental hazard has spread from one property to another and the fear of the house it persists even though the house it has been removed or neutralized.
Incomplete clean-up stigma
When people who occupy the building experience a variety of mysterious symptoms that seem to dissipate when they leave the building. The problem is usually related to poor indoor quality. Common symptoms are respiratory almonds, headache, skin and I arrogance, dizziness and fatigue.
Sick building
Used in adhesive for household materials(particleboard, plywood paneling, carpeting, ceiling tiles) blown-in foam insulation; now banned in new construction
When first installed, insulation releases toxic fumes and high concentrations of formaldehyde; health risks include shortness of breath, wheezing, asthma, and skin and I irritation; suspected to cause cancer.
Remedies: use safer alternatives
This occurs when there is fear that a nearby contamination will spread, but the property itself is unaffected. This fear causes a loss of property value.
Marketplace stigma