Environmental Factors - Shiphandling Facts and Rules Flashcards
Environmental Factors - high sided ships in wind
feel the wind significantly when 3x ship speed
Environmental Factors - low sided ships in wind
feel the wind significantly when 5x ship speed
Environmental Factors - wind effect on slowing ship
- most ships head up into the wind as they slow except if trimmed well down by the stern (Rowe pg 38, 41)
Environmental Factors - backing with wind
- most ships back into the wind esp. if trimmed by the stern
- transverse force and windage make predicting this unreliable (Rowe pg 41)
Environmental Factors - stopped with wind (Rowe)
- most ships lie with the wind just forward or aft of the beam when stopped (Rowe pg 38)
Environmental Factors -
wind force (lbs) =
0.004 x V(kts)^2 x area
(divide by 2000 for tons)
- area in ft^2
- speed in kts
Environmental Factors -
current acts on ship’s…
center of gravity (Hooyer pg 62)
Environmental Factors -
wind acts on ship…
by creating a wind lever between wind point and PP (Hooyer pg 62)
Environmental Factors - trimming by the stern with wind
- will reduce head into wind tendency with headway
- will increase backing into wind tendency with sternway
Environmental Factors - wind force varies…
as the square of wind speed
Environmental Factors - current turning effect (Hooyer)
- no turning effect as long as entire ship is subjected to even flow
- a turning effect when part of ship is exposed to a current (Hooyer pg 62)
Environmental Factors - wind to current comparison
30 kts wind = 1 kt current (MacElrevey pg 130)
Environmental Factors - shallow water vs. deep water current power
- with depth to draft ratio of 1.05 the current force is 3x that of 3.0 ratio
(Rowe pg 81)