Environmental Engineering 2 Flashcards
A deer eats 25 kg of herbaceous material per day. The herbaceous matter is approximately 20%
dry matter (DM) and has an energy content of 10 MJ · (kg DM)−1
. Of the total energy ingested
per day, 25% is excreted as undigested material. Of the 75% that is digested, 80% is lost to metabolic waste products and heat. The remaining 20% is converted to body tissue.
How many megajoules are converted to body tissue on a daily basis? Calculate the percentage of energy consumed that is converted to body tissue
The concentration of the pesticide DDT was found to be 5 g · L−1 in the water of a pond. The
bioconcentration factor for DDT is 54,000 L · kg−1 (U.S. EPA, 1986). What is the expected concentration of DDT in the fish living in the pond?
270 mg · kg−1
A farmer has a 7-year rotation of corn, soybeans, and wheat and 4 years of alfalfa. Manure will
be applied before corn and wheat and before seeding to alfalfa. The initial soil test results indicate total phosphorus level of 48 kg P · hectare−1. Manure is to be surface-applied in mid-March
and disk-incorporated within 2 days of application. One-third of the organic nitrogen and 50% of
the nitrogen from NH4 is available to the corn crop. To obtain the desired yield of corn, the local
extension agent has told the farmer to apply 100 kg of nitrogen per hectare.
20,000 kg manure per hectare
If the initial density of bacteria is 104 cells per liter at the end of the accelerated growth phase,
what is the number of bacteria after 25 generations?
3.4 × 1011 cells · L−1
Greenlawn Lake has a surface area 2.6 × 106 m2
. The average depth is 12 m. The lake is fed by a
stream having a flow rate of 1.2 m3 · s−1 and a phosphorus concentration of 0.045 mg · L−1. Runoff from the homes along the lake adds phosphorus at an average annual rate of 2.6 g · s−1. The settling rate of the lake is 0.36 day−1
. A river flows from the lake at a flowrate of 1.2 m3 · s−1. What is the steady-state concentration of phosphorus in the lake? What is the trophic state of the lake?
20 g · L−1
A population of humanoids on the island of Huronth on the Planet Szacak has a net birth rate (b) of
1.0 individuals/(individual × year) and a net death rate (d) of 0.9 individuals/(individual × year).
Assume that the net immigration rate is equal to the net emigration rate. How many years are
required for the population to double? If in year zero, the population on the island is 85, what is
the population 50 years later?
12,615 humanoids
opulation of spotted wolves lives on the mountain Hesperides. There were 26 wolves in the year 2054
and 54 wolves counted in 2079. Assuming exponential growth, what is the net growth rate constant?
0.029 year−1
A population of purple rabbits lives on the island of Zulatop. The rabbits have a net growth rate of 0.09 year−1
At the present time there are 176 rabbits on the island. What is the predicted number of rabbits 5, 10, and
20 years from now? Use the simple exponential growth equation to calculate the number of rabbits.
P(5) = 276 rabbits P(10) = 433 P(20) = 1,065
Using the data presented in Problem 5–3, a net growth rate of 0.04 year−1 and a carrying capacity of 159,
what will be the predicted population of wolves in the year 2102?
91 wolves
The initial density of bacteria is 15,100 cells per liter at the end of the accelerated growth period. What is
the density of bacteria (cells per liter) after 28 generations?
4.053 × 10^12
Suppose there is a grove of 1334 Asphodel plants on Prometheus Island located in Andarta Lake. The trees are growing with an r of 0.21 individuals/(individual × year). The carrying capacity on the island is 3250. What is the population in 35 years, assuming a logistic growth model applies?
You have been conducting a water quality study of Lake Arjun, which has a surface area of 8.9 × 105 m2. The average depth of the lake is 9 m. The lake is fed by a stream having a flow rate of 1.02 m3 · s−1 and a phosphorus concentration of 0.023 mg · L−1 . Runoff from the homes along the lake adds phosphorus at an average annual rate of 1.25 g · s−1 . The river flows from the lake at a flow rate of 1.02 m3 · s−1. The average phosphorus concentration in the lake is 13.2 g · L−1 . Assume evaporation and precipitation negate each other. What is the calculated average settling rate of phosphorus?
1.19 × 10−5 s−1 or 376 year−1
The concentration of the pentachlorophenol has been measured to be 42.8 g · L−1 in Adonis Pond. A study
of the Matsu fish revealed an average lipid concentration of 30,600 g · kg−1 . What is the bioconcentration
factor for this fish?
One of the congeners of toxaphene, a persistent pesticide that was used on cotton, is 1,2,3,4,7,7-
heptachloro-2-norbornene. The bioconcentration factor for this chemical in fish was determined to be
11,200 L · kg−1. If the concentration is 1.1 ng · L−1 in Lake Greenway, determine the estimated concentration in fish in g · kg−1.
12.3 ug L
Farmer Tapio is raising deer. She has 110 female deer age 3–15 months. The deer require 22 MJ of
metabolizable energy per day during the spring months. The deer are being fed a mixture of 50% wheat and 50% silage. The wheat contains 85% dry matter (DM) and has 12.5 MJ metabolizable energy per kilogram of DM. The silage has 30% dry matter and 10.5 MJ metabolizable energy per kilogram of DM. calculate the energy (in megajoules) converted to body tissue on a daily basis. Assume that
19% of the feed consumed is excreted as undigested material. Of the remaining 81% that is digested, 78% is
used in generating metabolic waste products and heat. The remaining 22% is incorporated into tissue.
3.92 /day
Estimate the lifetime average chronic daily intake of benzene from exposure to a city water
supply that contains a benzene concentration equal to the drinking water standard. The allowable drinking water concentration (maximum contaminant level, MCL) is 0.005 mg · L−1
Assume the exposed individual is an adult male who consumes water at the adult rate for
63 years*, that he is an avid swimmer and swims in a local pool (supplied with city water) 3 days
a week for 30 minutes from the age of 30 until he is 75 years old. As an adult, he takes a long
(30 minutes) shower every day. Assume that the average air concentration of benzene
during the shower is 5 µg · m−3 (McKone, 1987). From the literature, it is estimated that the
dermal uptake from water is 0.0020 m3 · m−2 · h−1. (This is PC in Table 6–6. PC also has units
of m · h−1 or cm · h−1.) Direct dermal absorption during showering is no more than 1% of the
available benzene because most of the water does not stay in contact with skin long enough
(Byard, 1989).
1.74 × 10−4 mg / kg day
Estimate the chronic daily intake of toluene from exposure to a city water supply that contains a toluene concentration equal to the drinking water standard of 1 mg · L−1. Assume the exposed individual is an adult
female who consumes water at the adult rate for 70 years, that she abhors swimming, and that she takes a long (20 minute) bath every day. Assume that the average air concentration of toluene during the bath is 1 µg · m−3 . Assume the dermal uptake from water (PC) is 9.0 × 10−6 m · h−1 and that direct dermal
absorption during bathing is no more than 80% of the available toluene because she is not completely submerged. Use the EPA lifetime exposure of 75 years.
3.3 × 10−2 mg /kg day
Characterize the hazard index for a chronic daily exposure by the water pathway (oral) of 0.03 mg / kg d of toluene, 0.06 mg / kg · d of barium, and 0.3 mg · kg · d of xylenes.
HI = 1.95
Sulis Lake has a surface area of 708,000 m2
. Based on collected data, Okemos Brook flows into the lake at an average rate of 1.5 m3 · s−1 and the Tamesis River flows out of Sulis Lake at an average rate of 1.25 m3 · s−1 during the month of June. The evaporation rate was measured as 19.4 cm · month−1
. Evapotranspiration can be ignored because there are few water plants on the
shore of the lake. A total of 9.1 cm of precipitation fell this month. Seepage is negligible. Due to the dense forest and the gentle slope of the land surrounding the lake, runoff is also negligible. The average depth in the lake on June 1 was 19 m. What was the average depth on June 30th?
0.81 m − month
In 1997, the Upper Grand watershed near Lansing, Michigan, with an area of 4530 km2 received 77.7 cm of precipitation. The average rate of flow measured in the Grand River, which drained the watershed, was 39.6 m3 · s−1
. Infiltration was estimated to occur at an average rate of 9.2 × 10−7 m · s−1. Evapotranspiration was estimated to be 45 cm · year−1
. What is the change in storage in the watershed?
Anjuman’s Lake has a surface area of 70.8 ha. For the month of April the inflow was 1.5 m3 · s−1
.The dam regulated the outflow (discharge) from Anjuman’s Lake to be 1.25 m3 · s−1. If the precipitation recorded for the month was 7.62 cm and the storage volume increased by an estimated 650,000 m3, what is the estimated evaporation in cubic meters and centimeters? Assume that no water infiltrates into or out of the bottom of Anjuman’s Lake.
7.6 cm
During April, the wind speed over Anjuman’s Lake was estimated to be 4.0 m · s−1. The air temperature averaged 20◦C, and the relative humidity was 30%. The water temperature averaged 10◦C. Estimate the evaporation rate using the Dalton’s equation.
77.1 mm, or 7.7 cm
You are working for a construction company and are building a school. In digging the foundation
you find water at 7 m bgs. One hundred meters away, you find water at 7.5 m bgs. Choose the
datum as the confining layer that is 25 m bgs. What is the piezometric surface at each point, the
direction of groundwater flow, and the hydraulic gradient? Note: This assumes that the confining
layer is parallel to the surface, which may or may not be true; however, assuming this allows us
to simplify a complicated problem.
0.005 m · m−1
Let’s assume that in the previous example, the aquifer is coarse sand and that the cross-sectional area of the aquifer through which water flows is 925 m2. What is the Darcy velocity of groundwater in this aquifer? What is the specific discharge?
275.65 m3 / day
The geological material in the column shown in Figure 7–26 is coarse sand. The piezometric surfaces, h1 = 10 cm and h2 = 8.0 cm. The distance between the two points where h1 and h2 were measured is 10.0 cm. The cross-sectional area is 10 cm2. What is the linear velocity of the water flowing through the column?
4.6 × 10−4 m/ s
An artesian aquifer 10.0 m thick with a piezometric surface 40.0 m above the bottom confining layer is being pumped by a fully penetrating well. Steady state drawdowns of 5.00 m and 1.00 m, were observed at two nonpumping wells located 20.0 m and 200.0 m, respectively, from the pumped well. The pumped well is being pumped at a rate of 0.016 m3 · s−1
. Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer.
1.50 × 10−4 m / s
A 0.50-m diameter well fully penetrates an unconfined aquifer, which is 30.0 m thick. The drawdown at the pumped well is 10.0 m and the hydraulic conductivity of the gravel aquifer is
6.4 × 10−3 m / s. If the flow is steady and the discharge is 0.014 m3 /s. Determine the drawdown at a site 100.0 m from the well.
9.90 m
Lake Kickapoo, TX, is approximately 12 km in length by 2.5 km in width. The inflow for the month of April is 3.26 m3 · s−1 and the outflow is 2.93 m3/ s. The total monthly precipitation is 15.2 cm and the evaporation is 10.2 cm. The seepage is estimated to be 2.5 cm. Estimate the change in storage during the month of April.
1.61 × 106 m3
Using the values of fo, fc, and k for a Dothan loamy sand, find the infiltration rate at times of 12, 30, 60, and 120 min. Compute the total volume of infiltration over 120 min in an area 1 m2. Assume that the rate of precipitation exceeds the rate of infiltration throughout the storm event.
Rates are 83, 77, 72, and 68 mm · h−1 for times of 12, 30, 60, and 120 min
Using the empirical equation developed for Lake Hefner (Equation 7–8), estimate the evaporation from a lake on a day that the air temperature is 30◦C, the water temperature is 15◦
C, the wind speed is 9 m /s, and the relative humidity is 30%.
4.7 mm/ day
Four monitoring wells have been placed around a leaking underground storage tank. The wells are located at the corners of a 1-ha square. The total piezometric head in each of the wells is as follows: NE corner, 30.0 m; SE corner, 30.0 m; SW corner, 30.6 m: NW corner 30.6 m. Determine the magnitude and direction of the hydraulic gradient.
Hydraulic gradient = 6 × 10−3 m · m−1
; direction is from west to east.
A gravelly sand has hydraulic conductivity of 6.1 × 10−4 m · s−1, a hydraulic gradient of 0.00141 m · m−1, and a porosity of 20%. Determine the Darcy velocity and the average linear velocity.
Darcy velocity = 8.6 × 10−7 m · s−1
; average linear velocity = 4.3 × 10−6 m · s−1
A fully penetrating well in a 28.0-in thick artesian aquifer pumps at a rate of 0.00380 m3 · s−1 for 1,941 days (assume to be sufficient to obtain steady state conditions) and causes a drawdown of 64.05 m at an observation well 48.00 m from the pumping well. How much drawdown will occur at an observation well 68.00 m away? The original piezometric surface was 94.05 m above the bottom confining layer. The aquifer material is sandstone. Report your answer to two decimal places.
S2 = 51.08 m
Awell with a 0.25-m diameter fully penetrates an unconfined aquifer that is 20 m thick. The well has a discharge of 0.015 m ·s−1 and a drawdown of 8 m. If the flow is steady and the hydraulic conductivity is 1.5 × 10−4m ·s−1, what is the height of the piezometric surface above the confining layer at a site 80 in from the well?
S = 1.9 × 10−5
Estimate the percent growth of the global population from 2010 to 2050 using the following
assumptions: crude birth rate ∼20 per 1000 people, crude death rate ∼8 per 1000 people,
population ∼6,892,000,000 or 6.892 × 109 (PRB, 2010).
61.6 or about 62%
Estimate the risk of a 100-year return period event occurring by the year 2100 if the current year is 2010.
In 2004, the international consumption of coal for energy was 120.8 EJ (EIA, 2006). Assuming
the 2004 demand remains constant, how long will world reserves last? The average world
consumption of coal-based energy increased 5.15% per year from 2000 to 2004. If that rate of
increase remains constant, how long will world reserves last?
44.7 or 45 years
A coal-fired power plant converts about 33% of the coal’s energy into electrical energy. For a
large 800-MW electrical output, estimate the volume of ash that is produced in a year if the
anthracite coal has a NHV of 31.5 MJ · kg−1, an ash content of 6.9%, and the bulk density of the
ash is about 700 kg · m−3. Assume that 99.5% of the ash is captured by a combination of the air
pollution control equipment and settling in the combustion chamber.
2.4 × 105 m3 · year−1
A coal-fired power plant converts about 33% of the coal’s energy into electrical energy. For a
large 800-MW electrical output, estimate the volume of ash that is produced in a year if the
anthracite coal has a NHV of 31.5 MJ · kg−1, an ash content of 6.9%, and the bulk density of the
ash is about 700 kg · m−3. assuming that 15% of the waste heat goes up the stack and that 85% must be removed by cooling water, estimate the flow rate of cooling water required if the change in temperature of the cooling water is limited to 10◦ C. If the stream has a flow rate of 63 m3 · s−1 and a temperature of 18◦C above the intake to the power plant, what is the temperature after the cooling water and the stream water have mixed?
23.23, or 23◦C.
The Hoover Dam on the Colorado River at the Arizona–Nevada border is the highest dam in the
United States. It has a maximum height of 223 m and a storage capacity of about 3.7 × 1010 m3.
What is the potential energy of the Hoover Dam and reservoir? If the maximum discharge is
950 m3 · s−1, what is the electrical capacity of the generating plant?
2080 MW
A typical residential construction from the 1950s consisted of the layers shown in the drawing.
Estimate the heat loss with the existing insulation scheme and with an additional 20 cm of
organic bonded-glass fiber insulation, if the indoor temperature is to be maintained at 20◦
C and the outdoor temperature is 0◦C.
1.57 W
In 2002, the international production of iron was 1080 Tg. Assuming the 2002 demand remains
constant, how long will world reserves last? World production increased 2.85% from 2001 to
2002. If that rate of increase remains constant, how long will world reserves last?
40.08 or 40 years
Estimate the amount of waste rock generated in producing 100 kg of copper from an ore containing 0.5% copper
200,000 kg
Assume that you could track a single aluminum beverage can (with a mass of 16 g) through several cycles of reclamation and that a 10% “loss” occurred in each recovery cycle. How much new aluminum must be supplied to replace the loss at the end of the third reclamation?
4.336, or 4.3 g
Assume that you could track a single aluminum beverage can (with a mass of 16 g) through several cycles of reclamation and that a 10% “loss” occurred in each recovery cycle. What is the equivalent mass of aluminum saved if the beverage can recycled an infinite number of times?
160 g
Using the USLE estimate, determine the annual soil loss for a farm in central Indiana that has a
Marshall silt loam with a slope of 2% and an average slope length of 91.5 m. The land is in
continuous corn cultivation, and the farmer uses conventional tillage up and down the slope and
leaves the residue.
5.98 or 6 Mg / ha
It has been estimated that at 2004 consumption rates, the world’s petroleum reserve will last 37.5 years. Estimate the world consumption rate in 2004
176 EJ / year
A house built in the 1950s has 14.86 m2 of single-glazed windows. Estimate the heat loss with the existing single-glazed window and the loss if the windows are replaced with (a) double-glazed, and (b) triple-glazed windows. Assume the indoor temperature is 20°C and the outdoor temperature is 0°C
Single-glaze = 1.86 × 103 W; double-glaze = 9.29 × 102 W
A university computer lab has 32 machines. Each machine draws 400 W of power, most of which is given
off as heat. Assuming that 100% of the electrical demand is given off as heat, estimate the amount of energy
that is wasted each year if the computers are left running during the 8 hours at night that the lab is closed.
(Note that the computers draw virtually as much power when they are in the “sleep mode” as they do when
they are active.)
135 GJ
One author has estimated that the time until exhaustion for aluminum is 156 years if the world production remains constant. What is the annual demand based on this estimate?
160 Tg /year
In 2004, the United States produced 54.9 Tg of iron from ore with an iron content of 63.0%. Estimate the amount of waste rock generated in mining this ore if the production remains constant until the U.S. reserve is depleted.
3330 Tg or 3.33 Pg
If the decay constant for recovery of a metal is 0.0202 cycle−1, what is the percent recovery for each cycle?
In 2004, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated that 29% of the demand for copper in the United States was supplied by recycled copper. If the demand for copper remains constant at the 2002 rate of 2.6 Tg per year, how many years will be added to the time until exhaustion of the U.S. reserve?
Ts = 46.42 or 46 years
Compute the ThOD of 108.75 mg · L−1 of glucose (C6H12O6).
C6H12O6 + 6O2 −→ 6CO2 + 6H2O
116 mg / L O2
If the 3-day BOD (BOD3) of a waste is 75 mg / L1 and the BOD decay constant, k, is 0.345 /day
,what is the ultimate BOD?
116 mg / L1
A waste is being discharged into a river that has a temperature of 10◦C. What fraction of the maximum oxygen consumption has occurred in 4 days if the BOD rate constant, k, determined in the laboratory under standard conditions is 0.115 day−1
The BOD of a wastewater sample is estimated to be 180 mg · L−1. What volume of undiluted
sample should be added to a 300-mL bottle? Also, what are the sample size and dilution factor
using this volume? Assume that 4 mg · L−1 BOD can be consumed in the BOD bottle.
Dilution factor =0.0233 1.2 mg
(a) Compute the theoretical NBOD of a wastewater containing 30 mg · L−1 of ammonia as nitrogen.
(b) If the wastewater analysis was reported as 30 mg · L−1 of ammonia (NH3), what would the
theoretical NBOD be?
113 mg O2 / L
The town of Aveta discharges 17,360 m3 · day−1 of treated wastewater into the Tefnet Creek. The
treated wastewater has a BOD5 of 12 mg /L1 and a BOD decay constant, k, of 0.12 /day at 20◦C. Tefnet Creek has a flow rate of 0.43 m3 / s and an ultimate BOD, Lo, of 5.0 mg /L. The DO of the river is 6.5 mg /L and the DO of the wastewater is 1.0 mg / L. Compute the DO and initial ultimate BOD, Lo, after mixing.
11.86, or 12 mg / L