Environment Health Flashcards
Holocene is now named:
Name have been change for Anthropocene bc
it is a better reflection of the massive scale of human impact as a geophysical force of planetary change.
Anthropocene effect on CO2
> 400ppb (120x more than in Holocene baseline)
Anthropocene effect on CH4
1810ppb (more than 2x any observed value)
Temperature change since 1970
rate of temperature change around 1.7degres/century (170x Holocene rate)
Environmental impacts on health: % of death?
23% of global death are linked to the environment.
Majority of death linked to environment is in (region)
South-East Asia Region
26% of children deaths under 5 y.o are linked to the environment. The highest rate of death is by?
Respiratory infections, including pneumonia. Others causes (diarrhea,malaria..)
COP21 (Paris) and 23 in Bonn, Allemagne:
urge action to protect human health and reduce delecterious effects of climate.
Health concerns:
Chronic diseases (growing of complex mix of genetic, environmental and biological factors)
Health concerns in children:
increase childhood prevalence of asthma
Main death causes in Qc:
Cancer (lungs men and woman) Prostate–> man breast–>woman
Northern communities face particular challenges related to:
Geography, climate changes, traditional foods, close relationship with land for sustenance…
Healthcare and its impact:
Waste management
Chemicals (BPA, mercury, Triclosan, PFC, Phthalates)
Purchasing (medical furniture)
Transportation –> cause
Ecosystem health is
interdependent relationships of all living beings with the planetary syst. (Ecological determinants of Health)
Planetary health is
Interdisciplinary and trandisciplinary approach: studies effects of changing environments on human health
Biophilia is
our dependence on healthy environments for human thriving
ANA principles of environmental health (to be integrated into practice, education, and research)
- Knowledge of environmental health concepts
- The precautionary principle guides nurses
- Nurses have a right to work in an environment that is safe and healthy.
- Nurses must be supported in advocating for and implementing environmental health principles.