Emergency Preparedness Flashcards
Public health role
- Sanitation of the environment
- Controle of communicable infections
- organization of medical and nursing sevices for diagnostis/prevention tx of disease.
- develop standard of living for maintenance of health
A public health emergency of international concern criterias:
- seriousness of the public health impact of the event
- unusual or unexpected nature of the event
- potential for the event to spend internationally and/or
- the risk that restrictions to travel or trade may result bc of the event.
Health Canada role:
- regulated products
- conduct programs and services in environmental health and protection, substance abuse, tobacco policy workplace health
- Monitor and track DISEASEs and takes action where required
Public health agency of Canada
- Prevent and control infectious diseases
- Prepare for and respond to public health emergencies.
Public Health directors responsability toward emergency mesures:
to identify situations which could pose a threat to the population’s health.
Etablish necessary mesure to protection
Implementing emergency measures.
What regulated the public health in Canada?
Public health Act
Reportable intoxications, infections and disease: (MADO: maladies a declaration obligatoire) criterias:
(can be infectious disease or chemical intox)
- Pose a risk of causing new cases
- Medical threat
- Surveillance or epidemiological investigation
- Capacity to prevent new cases or maintain the outbreak.
Compulsory prophylactic measures of the Public health Act:
can isolate for a maximun of 30 days as part of the prophylactic measures.
Surge Capacity:
ability to manage increased patient care volume, ressources pool and the preparedness of the individual nurses.
Surge Capability:
Ability to manage patient requiring unusual or very specialized medical evaluation/intervention.
Emergency Management: 4 pillars
- Prevention and mitigation (action to reduce/eliminate impact and risk. Eg. Food inspection, building code)
- Preparedness (Policies, procedures and plans)
- Response
- Recovery
Risk assessment matrix:
Impact risk (low, medium high) Likelihood risk (low, medium, high)
Haddon Matrix:
Phase: Prevent, event and post event
Influencing factors: Host, Agent/vector, physical environment, social environment/ organizational culture
Interventions/ Activities for Emergency preparedness:
- Intelligence (surveillance, data analysis)
- Guidelines
- Case and contact management measures (quarantine, vaccination)
- Population measures
- Coordination with partners
- Communication
Risk communication: (3)
Outrage management
Precaution advocacy
Crisis communication