Env=> biological rhythms Flashcards
Key research=> Czeisler et al
Rotating shift work schedules that disturb sleep are improved by applying circadian principles
Phase delay= delaying bedtime (staying up later)
Phase advance= advancing bedtime (going to bed earlier)
How often should people change shifts?
Which direction should they change shifts?
Male employers=> Potash production facticity in Utah USA
- Group 1= ROTATING SHIFTS (sometimes day/sometimes night) 85
- Group 2= FIXED SHIFTS (only day/night shifts)
-Self-reports= employers on rating shifts= more problems with insomnia than those on non-rotating shifts + 30% reporting they fell as deep at work at least once PHASE ADVANCING
Divided 85 of rotating shift workers into 2 groups=> PHASE DELAY
- Rotating every 7 days
- Rotating every 21 days
After 3 months= questionnaires
- Significantly more workers preferred new phase delay shifts
- Complaints that schedule changed too often dropped by 20% for workers on 21 days rotation + were significantly more satisfied with schedule compared to 7 day relation + significantly increased scores on health index
After 9 months=
-Increased rates of potash harvesting + production
Siffre=> living underground
Lived 400 feet below ground in a cave= French - Italian Alps
- 2 months
- Entirely dark apart from light bulb
- Body followed a daily sleep-wake cycle
However it was 24 hrs + 30 mins stead of 24 hrs
Humans have internal body clock which is independent of night + day
Preckel et al=> German high schools
- People either have morning chronotypes (sleep before 11 + awake by 8)= larks
- Evening types (sleep after 11 + awake after 8)= owls
- 272 students in 9th + 10th grade at 5 German schools
- Given chronotype questionnaire + standardised cognitive test in class
- 132 parents filled out a questionnaire at home
- Being an owl had negative impacts of overall grade point average= schools suit larks more
Peter Tripp=> radio broadcast
Raise money for charity= broadcast his radio show non-stop
-201 hours total
The effects=
- Abusive 3 days into it
- Hallucinating= thought his shoes were full of spiders- 5 days. They were in sync with them he should have been sleeping (dreaming)
- Body temp was very low
After= deep sleep for 24 hrs. Became moody + depressed Relationship with wife become bad + got divorced
Overcoming effects of shift work/jet lag
Power naps=
Royal College of Physicians
-Recommended that junior doctors working night shifts should take short restorative power naps (20-45 mins)
-Reduces the risk of fatigue
-Study in Canada=> 10 out of 13 nurses who regularly napped=> benefits=> improved energy, mood + decision making
Melatonin pills=
Hormone produced by body=> apart of circadian rhythm
When it’s dark=> high levels released
-Can be brought in pills=> help sleep during hay + align circadian rhythm