Entry Establishment And Prolif Of Infection Flashcards
Challenge dose
No if microorg inoc
Infective dose
No of microorg needed to produce disease (related to virulence)
Organisms assoc with host tissue surf to initiate dis by
Motility and chemotaxis
(Host D if it doesn’t succeed)
Motility and chemotaxis aid in colonisation
And association between microbes and host surfaces, eg flagella, actin polym, endoflagella
Adherence aids in host tissue assoc
Cell surface adhesins bind to spec host cell surf rec ECM components and other ligands (eg complement) with cellular recs
Spec recs involved in bact adhesion
Incle saccharide conjugates of glycolipids/pros or peptide seq of host surf pro
Some rec expr on by certain tissue cells so pathogen may exhibit tropism - selective adherence
Made by g+ve bact
CW assoc pros anchored to CW by spec aa motif recognised and cleaved by sortase and so tethers by covalent interaction to peptidoglycan
(Eg cause pentapeptide S aureus xbridge)
CW assoc pro fx
Adherence bind to matrix pros eg fibrinogen, fibronectin, elastin
Contrib to biofilm formation that promote persist in host
Invasion of epi and ando cells eg Fn bind pro of S aureus and grp A strep
Host imm D evasion
Nutrient acquisition
Invasion of host cells
Key in some pathogenesis. Some bact have surf comp (invasins) to drive cellular uptake, some inject pros to induce uptake (Fn bind pros of S aureus - bind Fn, form xbridge with major integrin rec, promote signal cascade for uptake by host cell
Many G-ve are invasive
Host D
Non spec host factors
Spec host resp
Cystic fibrosis
Mutation in CFTR gene cause Cl ion channel malfunction
Produce thicker secretions, can block some narrow passages/ ducts can cause favourable conditions for some pathogens (eg s aureus)
If dis doesnt req colonisation and prolif what can it use
Ingestion if preformed toxins (intoxications)
Eg botulism, mycotoxosis, excessive imm resp to antigens - hypersensitivity
Preformed toxin eg aflatoxin
Mycotoxin prod by aspergillus fungi. A potent carcinogen directly correlated with adverse health eg liver cancer in many species
Preformed toxin eg staph enterotoxins
Food poisoning, enterotox with emetic activity
Microb nutrient acquisition problems
At most tissue surfaces, nutrient supply is limiting
Microb nutrient acquisition adaptations
Some pathogens entirely dep on host for essential GF, etc
Entry into host cells allows enviro with existing E production machinery
Enz such as proteases and glycosidases and lipases used in nutrient accessibility
Host sequestering of Fe
Haemoglobin, transferrin, lactoferrin, EC iron is bound with high affinity transferrin (when transferrin bund ability exceeded Fe also chelated by many plasma molecules (aa, albumin, citrate)
Fe access by microorgs
Fe haemostasis disorders influence susceptibility
Bact pathogens have manh mechs eg binding pros like siderophores and cell envelope assoc transport mech