ENT 3 Flashcards
bleeding from the nasal cavity
epistaxis - anterior and posterior
> 90% are anterior
5-10 % are posterior
epistaxis - posterior bleeds are more common in who
elderly patients and more difficult to control
epistaxis - hx and clinical presentation
- usually spontaneous
- mechanical/chemical irritation (nose blowing, picking, nasal spray)
- inherited or iatrogenic coagulopathy
- malignancy
epistaxis - physical exam
- evaluate hemodynamic instability or airway compromise
- identify location of bleeding
- clear nasal cavity of blood clot
- inspect septum and lateral nasal wall
- inability to locate bleed is common
- consider posterior epistaxis in pts w/ persistent bleeding despite interventions
epistaxis - img/testing
- routine bloodwork/img not needed
- consider PT/INR in pts taking warfarin
- consider CBC in patients w/ s/sx concerning for anemia or thrombocytopenia
epistaxis - initial mgmt
- bilateral compression of lower 3rd of the nose w/ nasal clip or digits 5-20 mins
- +/- topical vasoconstrictor via nasal spray or cotton pledget I.e oxymetazoline (Afrin)
- +/- topical anesthetic (lidocaine)
- +/- tranexamic acid TXA via cotton ball (10-20 mins then remove)
epistaxis - failed initial mgmt, bleeding site visible
chemical cautery - silver nitrate
Anesthesia first with lidocaine 4% cotton ball in both passages x 10 mins. Then remove. Use stick. After tx takes 2 to 3 weeks for healing. Use Vaseline on the cauterized area of the three times a day. Can use saline rinse as well. Slight nosebleeds may be expected but should decrease in time.
epistaxis - silver nitrate tips. Avoid and topical.
- avoid cautery on bilateral nasal septum to reduce risk of perforation
- topical anesthetic rec before cautery
epistaxis - failed initial mgmt, bleeding site not visible or topical tx ineffective
anterior nasal packing i.e. inflatable balloon, nonadherent gauze
epistaxis - anterior nasal packing tips (f/u and abx)
- f/u in 24-72 hrs for removal
- current data doesn’t support systemic abx prophylaxis
epistaxis - when to refer to ER
- persistent bleeding despite anterior packing or concern for posterior bleeding
- airway compromise
- hemodynamic instability
epistaxis - how to administer rhino rocket
- administer nasal anesthetic is available and Afrin nasal spray (vasoconstrictor)
- take rocket out of packaging
- sock in sterile water for 30 second or more
- insert horizontally
- inflate air until pressure gauge is firm but not hard
- take excess catheter to face
epistaxis - how to administer marocel
- administer nasal anesthetic if available and Afrin nasal spray (vasoconstrictor)
- take out of package
- get tip lubricated i.e. topical abx, petroleum jelly
- insert horizontally
- soak outside with TXA
inflammation of the paranasal sinuses