ENT 2 Flashcards
What causes inspiratory stridor?
Pharynx and supraglottis
What causes biphasic stridor?
Glottis, subglottis, cervical trachea
What causes expiratory stridor?
Thoracic trachea and bronchi
What are the features of laryngomalacia?
Common (75%) cause of stridor Inspiratory stridor, worse with feed, prone position, agitation Folded epiglottis (omega shape)
What is the management for laryngomalacia?
Self-resolving for most (18-24 months)
Supraglottoplasty for some
What are the types of vocal cord motion impairment?
Usually presents at birth
Unilateral (iatrogenic), weak/breathy cry
Bilateral (idiopathic/Arnod Chary), respiratory distress
Bilateral: 50% need tracheostomy, 50% recover
What is subglottic stenosis?
Narrowing of dubglottic airway
Cricoid area narrowest point of airway, only complete ring
Acquired: mechanical trauma (intubation) or infection
Biphasic stridor- exercise induced
endoscopic, reconstruction of airway or tracheostomy
What are haemangiomas?
Infantile benign vascular tumours Rapid growth first 6 months followed by involution (70% by age 7) Cutaneous or extra-cutaneous Cause problems when in subglottis Biphasic stridor and airway compromise
What is the treatment for haemonagiomas?
Propanolol or surgical treatment
What is recurrent respiratory papillomatosis?
HPV 6 and 11
Vertical transmission
Risk factors:First child, vaginal delivery, young mother
Husky voice and airway obstruction over time
What is the treatment for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis?
Repeated debulking
Rarely malignant transformation
What are the characteristics of inhaled foreign bodies?
6/12-4 year old, M>F (2-1)
Leading cause fo death in 1-3 year old
CXR may or may not be helpful
Rigid bronchoscopy
What can obstructive sleep apnoea lead to?
Cognitive defects Behavioural abnormalities Lower QOL Impulsivity, hyperactivity Cardiovascular implicatiosn Poor growth usually thin
What causes OSA?
Large tonsils and adenoids make airflow more difficult
What special circumstances do some doctors reserve sleep studies for?
obesity, Down’s, craniofacial abnormalities, neuromuscular, sickle, MPS, when need for surgery is uncertain, or if there is discordance between tonsil size and history
What are the types of sleep studies?
Simplest= home oximetry: useful screening but might miss mild OSA. Measures HR and O2 sats
Most comprehensive= Polysomnography: gold standard but limited availability, expensive, and needs hospital stay. Use in complex conditions. Measures HR, sats, CO2, EEG, airflow sensors, chest/abdo sensors.
What is the treatment for OSA?
Conservative, 40% resolves in 7 months
Adenotonsillectomy: majority improve, but persistent OSA in some (20% depending on how hard you look)
CPAP: difficult if large adenoid/tonsil blocks airway
Nasal steroid spray (mild OSA)
Airway/craniofacial surgery depending on pathology
What is chronic lymphadenpathy?
Usually benign/reactive
if history of malignancy, node >2cm, supraclavicular, getting bigger, fixed/hard node
Give antibiotics & review in 2 weeks
Bx if getting bigger
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria: well child with violet skin colour over cold abscess, usually submandibular area
Rx: abx or nil as settles spontaneously over 1-2 years
What are typical reactive lymph nodes?
Size <1 cm
Fluctuates in size, worse with URTI
Clear source of infection eg scalp disease, tonsillitis
Jugulodigastic area
Well child, no other nodes or B symptoms
Offer reassurance and conservative management / monitoring