Developmental milestones Flashcards
What are the milestones in 0-6 month year olds?
Rolls over front to back and back to front
Sits with support and then independently
What are the implications if milestones not achieved at 0-6 months?
Poor muscle development for locomotion
Delayed ability to play independently
What are the blind or visually impaired milestones in 0-6 months?
Holds head steady while being moved Lifts head up when on belly Elevates self by arms when on belly (totally blind or LP only babies may not do this until after they roll from back to belly) Sits with some support Rolls from tummy to back, vice versa Sits alone steadily Pulls to standing Moves forward through crawling, creeping or any other method
What are the milestones in 6-12 months?
Crawls forwards on belly Assumes a seated position unaided Creeps on hands and knees Transitions into different positions: sitting, all fours, lying on tummy Pulls self to stand Walks while holding onto furniture Takes 2-3 steps without support Rolls a ball in imitation of an adult
What are the implications if milestones not achieved at 6-12 months?
Delayed sensory development due to decreased ability to explore the environment
Poor muscle development
Delayed play skills
What are the blind or visually impaired milestones in 6-12 months?
- Pulls self to sitting position
- Pulls to standing position (using furniture)
- Sits down
- Attempts to walk (while holding your hand)
- Creeps forward on hands and knees 3 feet or more
- Takes coordinated steps (while holding your hand)
- Stands alone
- Bends down to pick up object
- Walks sideways holding on to furniture
- Walks alone (3 steps)
- Walks alone with good coordination (5 steps)
- Pushes small obstacles out of the way
- Walks about house or garden independently
What are the milestones in 18 months?
• Sits, crawls, walks
• Still has wide gait but walking/running is less clumsy
Pushes against a ball (does not actually kick it)
What are the implications if milestones not achieved at 18 months?
- Delayed play skills
- Difficulty interacting with the environment due to delayed ability to mobilise effectively
- Poor muscle development
What are the blind or visually impaired milestones in 18 months?
• Moves around large obstacle Walks up stairs with help, down stairs with help
What are the milestones in 2 years?
- Walks smoothly and turns corners
- Begins running
- Is able to pull or carry a toy while walking
- Climbs onto/down from furniture without assistance
- Walks up and down steps with support
- Picks up toys from the floor without falling over
What are the implications if milestones not achieved at 2 years?
- Poor muscle development for running and jumping
- Delayed ability to play independently and interact with the environment
- Decreased ability to interact socially
What are the blind or visually impaired milestones in 2 years?
What are the milestones in 3 years?
- Imitates standing on one foot
- Imitates simple bilateral movements of limbs (e.g. arms up together)
- Climbs jungle gym and ladders
- Pedals a tricycle
- Walks up/down stairs alternating feet
- Jumps in place with two feet together
- Able to walk on tip toes
- Catches using body
What are the implications if milestones not achieved at 3 years?
- Decreased opportunities for social interaction
- Poor development of body awareness and movement planning skills
- Difficulties using playground equipment
- Difficulties or lack of confidence interacting with other children in active environments (e.g. play cafes, playgrounds)
What are the blind or visually impaired milestones in 3 years?
- Runs
- Jumps
- Climbs
What are the milestones in 4 years?
- Stands on one foot for up to 5 seconds
- Kicks a ball forwards
- Throws a ball overarm
- Catches a ball that has been bounced
- Runs around obstacles
- Able to walk on a line
- Able to hop on one foot
- Jumps over an object and lands with both feet together
What are the implications if milestones not achieved at 4 years?
- Lack of confidence in movement based activities
- Difficulties using playground equipment
- Difficulties or lack of confidence interacting with other children in active environments (e.g. play cafes, playgrounds)
What are the milestones in 5 years?
- Able to walk up stairs while holding an object
- Walks backward toe- heel
- Jumps forward 10 times without falling
- Skips forwards after demonstration
- Hangs from a bar for at least 5 seconds
- Steps forward with leg on same side as throwing arm when throwing a ball
- Catches a small ball using hands only
What are the implications if milestones not achieved at 5 years?
- May result in poor self-esteem when comparing self to peers
- Lack of confidence in movement based activities
- Difficulties participating in sporting activities
- Difficulties playing with moving toys such as bikes and scooters
What are the blind or visually impaired milestones in 5 years?
- Easily walks backwards
* Hops on 1 foot
What are the milestones in 6 years?
- Runs lightly on toes
- Able to walk on a balance beam
- Able to skip using a skipping rope
- Can cover 2 metres when hopping
- Demonstrates mature throwing and catching patterns
- Mature (refined) jumping skills
What are the implications if milestones not achieved at 6 years?
- Difficulty participating in sporting activities
- May result in poor self-esteem when comparing self to peers
- Lack of confidence in movement based activitie