English - Love Flashcards
How much?
Mentioned 94 times in the play
Romeo - 1.1 - favour
Out of her favour where I am in love
Benvolio - 1.2 - swan
Compare her face with some that I shall show,
And I will make thee think thy swan a crow.
Romeo - 1.5 - trooping
So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows
Romeo - 1.5 - holy shrine
If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
Juliet - 2.2 - falconer’s
O, for a falconer’s voice
To lure this tassel-gentle back again.
Juliet - 3.2 - possess’d
O, I have bought the mansion of a love
But not possess’d and though I am sold,
Not yet enjoyed.
Friar - 2.3 - rancour
For this alliance may so happy prove,
To turn your households rancour to pure love
Romeo - 5.3 - kiss
Thus with a kiss I die
Juliet - 5.3 - poison
I will kiss thy lips,
Haply some poison yet doth hang on them