English Exam Language Paper 1 Flashcards
When a writer uses biting humor that mocks or ridicules a person/thing/issue in order to communicate a serious underlining message
The attitude a write takes towards their subject and audience, the tone of a work of literature expresses the writers feelings.Tone is described with adjectuves
What is a clause
A group of words that make sense as a unit which contain a subject and a verb
What is a main clause
A main clause is a complete sentance and it can stand alone
What is a subordinate clause
A subordinate clause is part of a sentance and it cannot stand alone
Simple sentance
A simple sentance has one main clause.that means it has one subject and one verb.A simple sentance can have an adjectives and adverbs but a simple sentance cannot have a Pugh main clause or any subordinate clauses
What are simple sentance ideal for
Creating suspense and are very clear and so are used for making instructions
Coumpiund sentance
A counpound sentance consists of two or more simple sentance which are linked with a coordinating conjunctions
Coordinating conjunction are …
For An Nor But Or Yet So
Complex sentance
A complex sentance consists of two or more clauses:one main clause , and at least one subordinate clause .The clauses are joined by subordinating conjunctions
What are subordinating conjunctions
If the conjunction is not one of the FANBOYS then it will be a subordinating conjunctions
Eg:Because, although, if even, when, therefore, the , than, after etc…
Compund complex sentance
Compund complex sentance safe a combination of clumping and complex sentences.Compound sentance snuck have AT LEAST 2 main clauses and AT LEAST 1 subordinate clause
The comma
- To mark a natural pause
- After a phrase beginning a sentance
- To mark off an explanation
- To separate names, adjectives, actions etc ,when listed as a series
- to separate the names of people addressed or spoken too
- after “yes” or “no” when it begins a sentance that answers a question
Quoatation marks
- to enclose the words actually spoken
- to indicate the tittles of book, plays, film etc
- to indicate quoted statements such as proverbs or maxims
- “so to speak. When something is given a meaning other than the usual meaning
- to indicate verbal irony
The dash
- to indicate a beak or abrupt change of though in a snetnace
- to include matter of secondary importance in a sentance
- to add an after thought to a sentance
The hyphen
Use a hypen to join two or more word serving as a single adjective before a noun(compund adjective)
- to join compound numbers
- to avoid confusion or an awkward combination of letters
- use a hypen to divide words at the end of a line if nessesary and make the break only between syllables
What is concord
Refers to the fact the different parts of a sentance must agree with each other.There muts always be an ‘agreement’ between the subject and the verb regarding singular and plural.Thus means that if you have a singular subject you must have a singular verb, conversely if yin have a plural subject yuk must have a plural verb(remember that the verb always tells you “how many” subjects there are in a sentance)
(CONCORD)What is the rule with indefinite pronouns:anyone, everyone, everybody, someone, no one and nobody
anyone, everyone, everybody, someone, no one and nobody are all singular and therefore always require a singular verb
(CONCORD)Some indefinite pronouns such as “all” and “some” are singular or plural depending on what they are referring to (If it is countable you use a pluarl verb, if you can’t weigh it you use a singular verb)
Where none means”not one”it get a …
Singular verb
“Each” is often follows by a phrase that ends in a plural word; however “each “ means “each one”(individuallly) and there fore gets a …
Singular verb
Phrases such as ;together with, as well as… along with : are not the same as “and”.These words do not indicate that the subject is plural
The pronouns “neither. And “either” (one or the other) are considered singular and require …
Singular verbs
The conjunction “or” does not join two subjects (like AND does)” when “nor or or” is used the subject closer to the verb determines if you use a singular or plural verb
Sometimes extra information is added into the sentences between the subject and the verb , this information must no confuse the agreement between the subject and the verb
A pair of collective nouns are treated as …
Singular because we are talking about the collection as a single unit and not individuals
Some singular nouns (ending in “s”) are treated as ….
Def body language
The facial expression and positioning of a person that provide non-verbal clauses about their mood and attitude
Def intention
What is the cartoonist trying to achieve?Is the cartoon meant to amuse, make a political statement or ridicule a statesman?what emotion does the cartoonist want the reader to feel?
Def irony
Irony is the difference between the way things are and the way things show,d b s, or the way things are expected to be .When one thing is said, but something else is meant
Def Paraody
An imitation of a piece of writing sued to ridicule the original or create a satirical point
Def satire
Satire uses humor to make a serious point.air involved using wit, irony or sarcasm, to expose or Highlight human vices or follies
Def stereotype
An exaggerates , preconceived generalization about the typical behavior , attitudes, dress etc of various types of people
Def verbal clues
Some parts of the drawing may be labeled or specific dialog may be used to help the reader establish what the cartoon is about
Def visual metafore
In a metaphor , two different things are compared.In a visual metafore a picture stands for or represents something else
Def exaggeration
Sometu3s cartoonist over do , or exaggerate the physical characteristics of people or things in or to make a point.When you study a cartoon, look for any characteristics that see, overdone or overblown (facial characteristics and clothing are some of the most comments exaggerated characteristics)
Def analogy
A comparison between two unlike things that’s share some characteristics .By comparing a complex issue or situation Waugh’s more familiar one , cartoonists can help their readers see it in a different light .
Cartoonist sue simple objects , or sy,Bols to stand for the larger concepts or ideas .Think about what the cartoonist intends each symbo, to stand for
An indirect remark, gesture or reference usually implying something derogatory:an insinuation