English 3 Flashcards
marketing expert
“ → to market (v) a product; to do market research (n);
to employ suitable marketing strategies
::: Vermarktungsexperte;
Experte für Marketing
the media
media attention/awareness/literacy/messages
::: die Medien
• newspaper article/column/headline
• daily/Sunday newspaper
:: Zeitung
to be obsessed with
- to be fanatical about sth; to be an ardent fan of sb
• Some people are obsessed with celebrities.
• → obsession (n)
:::: besessen sein von etw./jdm
to omit
• to leave out, to exclude <~~>to include
:: auslassen; weglassen
on (the) air
• to be/go on (the) air
• → air time (n), air play (n)
::: auf Sendung
to pass for sth
to be generally accepted as sth (without necessarily having the right qualities)
::: als etw. durchgehen;
als etw. gelten
to pose a danger
Excessive drug abuse poses an immense danger to people’s health.
/:: eine Gefahr darstellen