English 2 Flashcards
to compel (something) of a person or thing
Bible - “Do not trust in extortion or put vain hope in stolen goods; though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.” (Psalms 62:10 NIV)
ex) He was found guilty of illegal extortion.
to overthrow, as from a position of authority:
- Bible - “Surely they intend to topple me from my lofty place; they take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse.” (Psalms 62:4 NIV)*
- ex) The people gathered to topple the president.*
a sudden, violent attack; onslaught: an assault on tradition.
- Bible - “How long will you assault me? Would all of you throw me down— this leaning wall, this tottering fence?” Psalms 62:3 NIV*
- ex) The enemy will assault the small town.*
walking unsteadily or shakily. lacking security or stability; threatening to collapse; precarious: a tottering empire.
ex) The empire was in a tottering situation. / The empire was tottering.
to make (something broken, worn, torn, or otherwise damaged) whole, sound, or usable by repairing: to mend old clothes; to mend a broken toy.
- Bible - “You have shaken the land and torn it open; mend its fractures, for it is quaking.” (Psalms 60:2 NIV)*
- ex) I mended my kid’s toy.*
to spread or shake out from a furled state, as a sail or a flag; unfold.
- Bible - “But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.” (Psalms 60:4 NIV)*
- ex) The veteran unfurled his old flag.*
a condition, state, or situation, especially an unfavorable or unfortunate one:
- to find oneself in a sorry plight.*
- Bible - “I have done no wrong, yet they are ready to attack me. Arise to help me; look on my plight!” (Psalms 59:4 NIV)*
- ex) God will take care of the one who is in a plight.*
to growl threateningly or viciously, especially with a raised upper lip to bare the teeth, as a dog.
- Bible - “They return at evening, snarling like dogs, and prowl about the city.” (Psalms 59:6 NIV)*
- ex) The dog was snarling and chasing him.*
to discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth; vomit.
- Bible - “See what they spew from their mouths— the words from their lips are sharp as swords, and they think, “Who can hear us?”” (Psalms 59:7 NIV)*
- ex) They spew out so many complaints.*
to look at or think about with great or excessive, often smug or malicious, satisfaction:
- The opposing team gloated over our bad luck.*
- Bible - “my God on whom I can rely. God will go before me and will let me gloat over those who slander me.” (Psalms 59:10 NIV)*
- ex) However, I did not gloat over the things that happened to him.*
the quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality:
- the equity of Solomon.*
- Bible - “Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge people with equity?” (Psalms 58:1 NIV)*
- ex) The law department is losing its standard/principle of equity.*
from de-‘completely’ + pingere ‘to paint’
to represent or characterize in words; describe.
- which usually depict us*
- ex) It depicts how the ancient people lived two thousand years ago.*
(손발이 절단된 사람)
a person who has lost all or part of an arm, hand, leg, etc., by amputation.
- I’m the only amputee.*
- ex) The development of technology and neuroscience will help amputees to live as a normal person.*
warmly comfortable or cozy, as a place, accommodations, etc.:
- a snug little house.*
- fits nice and snug.*
- ex) After coming back from the journey, I could sleep snug and warm in my bed.*
(annoy/disturb/짜증나게 하다)
to irritate; annoy; provoke:
- His noisy neighbors often vexed him.*
- Psalms 78:41 Again and again they put God to the test; they vexed the Holy One of Israel.*
- ex) The children were so vexed.*
to display repressed feelings, as of indignation, anger, or the like:
- to smolder with rage.*
- Psalms 80:4 O LORD God Almighty, how long will your anger smolder against the prayers of your people?*
- ex) In the movie “Jumanji,” Dr. Bravestone showed his smoldering eyes.*
a struggling together in opposition; strife.
- Psalms 80:6 You have made us a source of contention to our neighbors, and our enemies mock us.*
- ex) There are many areas of contentions between the two parties.*
to shrink, bend, or crouch, especially in fear or servility; cower.
Psalms 81:15 Those who hate the LORD would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. ex) He always cringes whenever his teacher calls him.
moving or stirring, especially with much activity or excitement:
- The field was astir with small animals, birds, and insects.*
- Psalms 83:2 See how your enemies are astir, how your foes rear their heads.*
- ex) All of the people were astir with the news.*
causing repugnance or aversion:
- a repulsive mask.*
- Psalms 88:8 You have taken from me my closest friends and have made me repulsive to them. I am confined and cannot escape;*
- ex) Christians will be repulsive to people in the Last days.*
(deny/disown/give up/포기하다/버리다)
to give up or put aside voluntarily:
- to renounce worldly pleasures.*
- Psalms 89:39 You have renounced the covenant with your servant and have defiled his crown in the dust.*
- ex) The man renounced his right to obtain the opportunity.*
to abound or swarm; be prolific or fertile (usually followed by with).
- 104:25 There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number– living things both large and small.*
- ex)Big fish teem in the ponds.*
to feel disgust or intense aversion for; abhor:
- 107:18 They loathed all food and drew near the gates of death.*
- ex) Because of the disaster, people loathe each other.*
to make silent; silence.
- 107:29 He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.*
- ex) The city became so hush because of the epidemic.*
a person who has changed from one opinion, religious belief, sect, or the like, to another; convert.
Born again Christian
- Matthew 23:15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.*
- ex) There will be a lot of betrayers and proselytes due to the persecutions.*
sudden or unexpected:
- an abrupt departure.*
- we abruptly stop the crazy spirals of our minds*
- ex) She abruptly went into her room without explanation.*
a person or thing that precedes, as in a job, a method, etc.; predecessor.
- The wise man teaches us that a haughty heart is the precursor of evil.*
- ex) Jack Ma is one of the precursors not only in technology but also in education.*
absolutely trustworthy or sure:
- an infallible rule.*
- Pride is as clearly the sign of destruction as the change of mercury in the barometer is the sign of rain, and far more infallibly so than that.*
- ex) The medical doctor association predicted the spread of the Corona Virus more infallibly than the government.*
without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment; maladroit:
- He is inept at mechanical tasks.*
- She is inept at dealing with people. / absurd or foolish: an inept remark.*
- Criticize Mike Pence all you want for being inept in his strategy to dealing with this.*
- ex) The government is under criticism about poor and inept handling of the CoronaVirus outbreak.*
Dote upon
to bestow or express excessive love or fondness habitually (usually followed by on or upon):
- They dote on their youngest daughter.*
- Let David’s aching heart show that there is an eclipse of a man’s glory when he dotes upon his own greatness.*
- ex) Usually, grandparents dote upon their grandchildren and spoil them.*
to dull the luster of (a metallic surface), especially by oxidation; discolor. to diminish or destroy the purity of; stain; sully:
- The scandal tarnished his reputation.*
- do not tarnish the gold of faith with the dross of human confidence.*
- ex) The movie actor’s reputation was tarnished because of his rude response in/during the interview.*
[U] 공평무사, 허심 탄회; 솔직, 정직; [고어] 순백; [폐어] 순수성, 순결
I appreciate Mr. Williams’ candor, and I don’t condemn him for it.
터무니없는 행동
PRAYER PLEDGE: VP Pence is right. We need prayer to fight coronavirus, not political antics
(특히 질병·문제를) 악화시키다
aggravate make worse
Heavy meals, too much salt, and excess alcohol can all exacerbate heart failure.
샅샅이 뒤지다 / search
- Why do you scour the earth to find another foundation when this is strong enough to bear all the weight that you can ever build on it?*
- We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent.*
열망하다/갈망하다/desire/envy/crave/long for
Do not covet Jonah’s gourd but rest in Jonah’s God.
(식물) 박 (=calabash)
Do not covet Jonah’s gourd but rest in Jonah’s God.
written in gibberish to make money off a gullible buyer.
You were talking gibberish in your sleep.
남을 잘 믿는, 잘 속아 넘어가는 (=naive)/over-trusting/easily deceived
written in gibberish to make money off a gullible buyer.
불안정해지다, 흔들리다 /waver/tumble/totter
Let me, then, be encouraged that I am not the only saint who has to face such faltering faith.
구식 또는 격식
요청; 명령/command
103:20 Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.
(in the Bible) another name for the hyrax, esp the Syrian rock hyrax
104:18 The high mountains belong to the wild goats; the crags are a refuge for the coneys.
즐겁게 뛰놀다/leap/jump
104:26 There the ships go to and fro, and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.
children frolicking on the beach
(~을) 잔뜩 실은[든/진]/loaded/full
- 104:37 He brought out Israel, laden with silver and gold, and from among their tribes no one faltered.*
- passengers laden with luggage*
(방어벽 등에 생긴) 틈[구멍]/(사람국가 간의) 관계 단절
106:23 So he said he would destroy them– had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them.
안식처, 피난처/refuge
107:30 They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.
US [ɪɡ|zæktɪtuːd]
The doctor examined my brother with great exactitude.
juxtapose US [|dʒʌkstə│poʊz]
(특히 대조·비교를 위하여) 병치하다[나란히 놓다]
the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs.
실수, 실패; 혼란 /숙고하다
US∙UK [mʌ́l]
I need a few days to mull things over.
- *독지[자선] 활동**
- Now he’s doing it again with his own style of philanthropy and passion for innovation.*
I suffered severe frostbite.
지나치게, 과도하게 (→duly), (=excessively)
O unduly exalted believer
Your flaunting poppies of self-conceit will be pulled up by the roots,
Adjective 나부끼는, 과시하는
Your flaunting poppies of self-conceit will be pulled up by the roots
Adjective (증가가) 급격한.
your mushrooming graces will wither in the burning heat, and your self-sufficiency will become as straw for the dunghill.
Verb 속이다, 착각하게 하다 (=deceive) (→delusion)
it can delude him into dreaming.
똥[거름] 더미, 퇴비/타락한 상태, 더러운 곳
your mushrooming graces will wither in the burning heat, and your self-sufficiency will become as straw for the dunghill.
퇴짜 놓다/거절하다/거부하다/reject/scorn
89:38 But you have rejected, you have spurned, you have been very angry with your anointed one.
89:45 You have cut short the days of his youth; you have covered him with a mantle of shame. Selah
놀림, 비웃음, 조롱/jeer/insult/ridicule
89:50 Remember, Lord, how your servant has been mocked, how I bear in my heart the taunts of all the nations,
puff up
be puffed up with |pride, etc.잔뜩 자만심에 차 있다 등
2:18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.
개념, 관념, 생각/idea/opinion
- 2:18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.*
- *헛되이(허황된 생각)**
힘줄 ˈsɪnjuː
2:19 He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
자진해서 하는, 스스로 맡아서 하는
**impose = input 스스로 집어넣다, 맡다, 자진해서
self-imposed exile 가택연금
the self-imposed deadline 스스로 정한 기간
(공격 대상에게) 몰래 접근하다
91:6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
tread upon
밟아서 뭉개다[으깨다]
91:13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
모여들다, 집중되다/ 수렴되다/만나다/come together/meet/join/combine
Several factors converge to create this illusion of knowledge.
완패, 궤멸/defeat/crush
92:11 My eyes have seen the defeat of my adversaries; my ears have heard the rout of my wicked foes.
승리감에 넘치는, 득의만면한, 의기양양한/overjoyed
94:3 How long will the wicked, O LORD, how long will the wicked be jubilant?
(남의 충고경고에) 주의를 기울이다/attention/consider
94:7 They say, “The LORD does not see; the God of Jacob pays no heed.”
(장작·숯이 타다 남은) 잉걸불[불잉걸]
102:3 For my days vanish like smoke; my bones burn like glowing embers.
1.극빈한, 궁핍한 2.극빈자들 3.…이 없는/impoverished/poor
102:17 He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea.
1.(의족·의안·의치 같은) 인공 기관들 2.보철(의족·의안·의치 같은 것을 제작해서 끼우는 것)
prosthetics(보철학) are finally getting to the point
험준한 바위 (덩어리)
78:16 he brought streams out of a rocky crag and made water flow down like rivers.
.[] 무용(無用), 헛됨, 무가치, 무익; [] 공허 /uselessness/vanity
78:33 So he ended their days in futility and their years in terror.
78:47 He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore-figs with sleet.
1.의식하지 못하는 상태 2.(명성·중요성 등을 잃고) 잊혀짐, 망각 3.(완전 파괴되어) 흔적도 없이 사라짐
88:12 Are your wonders known in the place of darkness, or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?
1.(능력·재능 등을) …에게 부여하다(endow) ((with)) 2. 입다; 입히다(clothe) ((with))
89:13 Your arm is endued with power; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted.
칭송하다, 환호를 보내다 /praise/celebrate/honor/cheer
89:15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD.
(성질, 경향, manner)
a tendency, quality, or strain traceable in character, conduct, writing, etc.; manner or style
- A vein of good is to be found in every mine of evil.*
- ex) Those kids have a similar vein of reaction.*
strange; queer; odd:
- Sad hearts have peculiar skill in discovering the most disadvantageous point of view from which to gaze upon a trial.*
- ex) She has a peculiar style when she is making food.*

dependent on circumstances beyond one’s control; uncertain; unstable; insecure:
- Our health is equally precarious(위태롭다).*
- ex) He looks very precarious up there.*
(예상하다/look upon/regard)
to esteem or consider; regard as:
- we must not reckon upon blooming forever.*
- ex) I reckon he is earning more than average.*
to be enough or adequate for; satisfy.
- this arrest warrant was suffice to put an end*
- ex) The preparation of stocking the food will suffice the need for six months.*
belonging to a thing by its very nature:
intrinsic worth
ex) The intrinsic worth of a/any relationship couldn’t be neglected.
having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied.
ex) The nature of the island is pristine.
of the pure and essential essence of something:
quintessential expression
ex) He was the quintessential model of a businessman.
to bring to a state of perfection; fulfill.
consummate expression
ex) Soccer player Son played with his consummate skill.
associated in a working or other relationship: identical in all essentials or respects:
ex) There is a lot of correspondence between the two companies.
correspondence and coherence
Correspondence = connection
(일관성이 있다/associate/glue/unite)
to be naturally or logically connected:
ex) His paper does not have coherence, so it is difficult to understand
Coherence = logical
to adhere closely; stick; cling (usually followed by to).
consummate cleaving of one body to another
- ex) The church members are trying to cleave to their faiths.*
- ex) The church members are cleaving together in all matters.*
a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word, as Wac from Women’s Army Corps, OPEC from Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or loran from long-range navigation.
ex)MAGA is an acronym of ‘Make America Great Again.’
to laugh at in scorn or contempt; scoff or jeer at; mock.
- 27:39 And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads (비웃다)*
- ex) They deride people’s efforts to change the situation.*
to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat:
- Mark 1:40 And a leper[h] came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him.*
- ex) She implored them to take their children and get in the boat.*
- Supplication= sincerely pray to God*
made hard; hardened. insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic:
- 119:70 Their hearts are callous and unfeeling, but I delight in your law.*
- ex) He was very callous toward the suffering of others.*
an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation.
- I’ve been in this predicament myself.*
- ex) People around the world are now in a big predicament.*
lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference:
- class disparity*
- ex) There is a very wide disparity between the rich and poor.*
(편견이 심한/고집불통/biased/narrow)
utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.
ex) The hidden camera was filming the bigoted customer secretly.
Bigot = person that is bigoted
tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing; disparaging; depreciatory:
ex) The customers were complaining about the derogatory language of the clerk.
the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention:
- you can call it procrastination but maybe I was cocky.*
- ex) Procrastination is a bad habit leads to failure.*
(특정한 반응을) 유발하다, 성나게 하다
from Latin provocare‘challenge’, from pro-‘forth’ + vocare ‘to call’
- I do not mean to provoke you.*
- 널 화나게 하려는 게 아니다.*
provocative 약올리는, 도발적인
provocation 성나게 함, 자극
공동 상승 작용, 협력 작용, 시너지
syn(same)+energy 에너지를 합한 것
지각하다, 감지하다
from Latin percipere‘seize, understand’, from per-‘entirely’ + capere ‘take’
perceptive 지각력 있는
- 끌, 조각칼
- 조각하다, 새기다
잘 받아들이는, 감수성이 예민한, 이해가 빠른
대리인, 대표자, 대의원
I’m acting as deputy. 나는 대행합니다.
문지기, 수위, 잡부
쟤 니네 수위니?
명백한, 순전한, 완전히, 명백히
The man was downright rude to us.
그 남자는 우리에게 노골적으로 무례하게 굴었다.
감퇴하다, 쇠퇴하다, 썰물
- 애비가 힘이 쇠퇴하다
- Every flow has its ebb.*
- 밀물이 있으면 썰물이 있다.*
전의, 전술한, 앞서 말한 것
fore(before)+going 먼저 지나치며 설명한
In the foregoing, 전술한 부분에서
선조, 조상
fore+bear 예전 곰, 예전에 임신한
- I have Jewish forebears.*
- 내 조상은 유대인이다.*
엄격한, 가차 없는, (재정적 조건이) 긴박한, 경색한
- 전투(gent)에서 가차없이 string(줄)로 꽉 묶어 피가 흐르지 못해 경색!
- The conditions for spiritual life are stringent.*
- 영적생활의 조건은 까다론다.*
1. 현수막, 깃발, 슬로건
2. 일류의, 최고의
최고 1등 금메달, 현수막 단다!
- a banner year of my life.*
- 내 생애 최고의 해*
1. 세게 던지다
2. (모욕, 비난 등을) 퍼붓다
-투석기로 훨훨 세게 던진다.
David hurled stone sling.
기꺼이(willingly), 즉시, 쉽사리
-ready(준비)가 된
He gets angry readily. 쉽게 화를 낸다.
분개하게 만들다, 모욕하다
scandal+lize(동사형 어미) 스캔들로 분개하게 하다.
scandal 추문, 불명예, 악평
We were scandalized by the change in law.
공들인, 힘든
pains+taking(고통을 감내하는)
It’s a very painstaking piece of work.
신진의(emergent, emerging), 싹이 트기 시작한
a budding genius 신동
지우다(erase, delete, wipe out), 흔적을 없애다
ob(out)+literate(letter) 글을 없애다
the target was totally obliterated. 그 목표물은 완전히 사라졌다.
낭비하는, 사치스러운, 도를 지나친(excessive, immoderate)
from Latin extra-‘outside’ + vagari‘wander’
She is extravagant with her money.
1. 배분하다, 할당하다
2. (책임 소재를) 결정하다
누가 할당할지 책임자를 결정해라!
The property was apportioned equally.
약간, 조금
‘휫’하면 날라간다.
a whit of conscience 눈꼽만한 양심
궁지(deadlock), 막다른 골목
im(not)+pass 통과하지 못하는 곳
자취, 자국, 각인
각인시키다, 찍다, 인쇄하다
im(in)+print 안으로 인쇄
the imprint of a foot in the sand 모래에 새겨진 발자국
연루시키다, 시사하다, 암시하다
imply(암시하다)=implicate(암시하게 하다)
A lot of people were implicated in the scandal.
일어날 것 같지 않은, 희한한
It seems improbable that…
이웃의, 인접한, 근처의
The children sat down on adjacent desks.
대신하다, 대체하다(substitute)
sub(sup)+plant(식물) 식물을 대체한다.
We do not wish the commissioner to supplant them.
그 결과로써, 뒤이어, 나중에
subsequent 다음의, 뒤따르는
스며들다, 침투하다, 퍼지다
from per-‘through’ + meare‘pass, go’
per+meat (고기에 스며들다)
투덜대다, 푸념하다, (돼지가) 꿀꿀거리다
-그런투로 돼지처럼 투덜댄다.
His only answer was a grunt.
구두점을 찍다, 중단시키다, 멈추게 하다
punch+tuate (구멍뚫어 멈추다)
Her speech was punctuated by little gasps.
그녀는 말하는 중에 때때로 숨이 차서 말이 끊겼다.
punctuation 구두점, 중단
from the verb punctuare, from punctum‘a point’
punctuality 시간엄수
punch 구멍뚫다, 때리다
무시무시한(dreadful, threatening) 가공할
-폼이 두개
the enemy were so formidable 적은 너무나 가공하다.
직관, 직감, 통창력(insight, perception)
in+tuition(look) 안에를 보다
from the verb intueri, from in-‘upon’ + tueri‘to look’
He used his intuition. 그는 직관을 사용했다.
선천적인, 고유의, 본질적인
in+trin+sic 선천적으로 병(sick)이 있다.
Hunting mice is intrinsic behavior in most cats.
타기 쉬운, 가연성의
It’s a highly inflammable liquid.
거꾸러 하다, 뒤집다
from in-‘into’ + vertere‘to turn’
convert (전환, 개조, 개종)
revert (되돌아가다, 회상)
divert (우회하다, 전환시키다)
the inverted lifestyle of bat
살기에 적합한
Deserts are not inhabitable.
(곤충,쥐등이) 들끓다, 우글거리다
The barns were infested with rats.
활동하지 않음
He is biter about the inaction.
아무것도 하지 않는 것에 화가 나 있다.
무효로 하다, (생각,주장등이) 틀렸음을 입증하다.
in(not)+validate(유효) 유효하지 않다.
Airport officials invalidated the drug dealer’s passport.
개요, 요약, 줄거리
syn(같이)+ops(보다) 줄거리를 같이 보다
from sun-‘together’ + opsis ‘seeing’
a brief synopsis 간단한 줄거리
불안정하게 하다, 동요시키다
de(not)+stabel(안정된) 안정하지 못하다
to destabilize his regime 그의 정권을 위태롭게 하다
피곤, 나른함, 무기력
las(마지막가지) + situde(study) 마지막까지 공부하느라 피곤하다
His lassitude was because of a long illness.
그의 피로는 오랜 질병 때문이었다.
빈곤한, 궁핍한, 결핍한
from de-‘away from’ + statuere‘to place’
대스타됬어! (빈곤한 중에서 열심히 노력해서…)
the professor is destitute of common sense. 그 교수는 상식이 없다.
시기, 단계(stage), 국면(aspect)
a new phase (새 국면)= a new face
현저한, 저명한, 기호로 표시한
-마크해서 현저하게 눈에 띈다.
markedly 현저하게(significantly, noticeably)
무르익은(ripe), (색깔, 소리등이) 부드럽고 풍부한, 감미로운
멜로영화: 성인이 되어 무르익은, 원숙한
-멜론이 잘 익어 부드럽고 감미롭다
mellow tones 감미로운 소리
지루한, 지겨운
tea+디었어! 지겹다!
I spent a tedious hour in a traffic jam.
호전적인, 공격적인, 교전중인
a militant position 호전적인 자세
militancy 교전상태, 호전성
작용하다, 영향을 미치다
milit(soldier) 군대가 작용하다
militate against success
성공에 방해가 되다