English 1 Flashcards
grit(courage, determination,투지,기개):
If someone has grit, they have the determination and courage to continue doing something even though it is very difficult. ex) The speaker said the most important qualification for kids to success is a grit. ex) The speaker said the most important qualification for kids for success is grit.
Old English grēot ‘sand, gravel’, of Germanic origin; related to German Griess, also to groats

Acquaintance: 지식, 지인

An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well.
Your acquaintance with a subject is your knowledge or experience of it.
ex) I have a little acquaintance with the subject of business.
Optimum: 최고의

The optimum or optimal level or state of something is the best level or state that it could achieve.
ex) If we try harder, we could get optimum results.
recency: 최신의
The property of being recent; newness
ex) One of the most important skills of speech is that giving the audience recency of the main idea.
* ex) One of the most important skills of speech is giving the audience recency of the main idea.*
Reconnaissance: 정찰
Reconnaissance is the activity of obtaining military information about a place by sending soldiers or planes there, or by the use of satellites.
ex) In the movie ‘The Flags of Our Fathers,’ because of Japanese soldiers’ ambush, the reconnaissances of the united forces were massacred.

to stop, slow down, or hinder the growth or development of; dwarf:
ex) The law stunts people to work harder for their better life.
* ex) The law stunts people from working harder for their lives.*
Conflagration: (대화재)

A conflagration is a fire that burns over a large area and destroys property.
ex) The Backdraft is a one of the great theme of the Universal Studio that related a conflagration.
* ex) The Backdraft is one of the great themes of the Universal Studio that related to a conflagration.*

to reduce (laws, rules, etc.) to a code.
ex) It’s not easy to codify right ideas into laws.
* ex) It’s not easy to codify the right ideas into laws.*
competent(능숙한,만족할만한): proficient
well-advanced or competent in any art, science, or subject; skilled:
having suitable or sufficient skill, knowledge, experience, etc., for some purpose; properly qualified
ex) My mother-in-law is very competent in cooking.

일탈, 벗어나다

de-‘away from’ + via‘way’.
Deviate: to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc. a person or thing that departs from the accepted norm or standard.
ex) Children who are addicted to smartphone easily deviated from their routine lives.
툭 내려놓다.

Plunk: If you plunk something somewhere, you put it there without great care. ex) Don’t plunk out yourself.
ex) He plucked away the instrument without a care in the world.
과도한, 지나친, excessive, expensive
exorbitant: exceeding the bounds of custom, propriety, or reason, especially in amount or extent; highly excessive:
to charge an exorbitant price;
exorbitant luxury.
ex) I wanted buy a assembling toy for my children, but the price was exorbitant.
* ex) I wanted to buy an assembling toy for my children, but the price was exorbitant.*


to challenge (a person) to do something deemed impossible: (indescribable?)
- ex) when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?*
- Middle English (in the senses ‘renounce an allegiance’ and ‘challenge to combat’): from Old French desfier, based on Latin dis- (expressing reversal) + fidus‘faithful’*

the act of taking for granted or supposing. Synonyms: .
ex) False News comes from an assumption.
(furniture) the flat, horizontal surface of a table
ex) Put those flowers on that tabletop.
Uttered: (소리내다/말하다)
If someone utters sounds or words, they say them.
You use utter to emphasize that something is great in extent, degree, or amount.
ex) I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered. (Psalms 89:34)

Fuss is anxious or excited behaviour which serves no useful purpose. If you fuss, you worry or behave in a nervous, anxious way about unimportant matters or rush around doing unnecessary things.
ex) Don’t make a fuss. (안달하지 마세요.)

to make rational or conformable to reason.
ex) Apologetics is a way of rationalizing the truth of the Bible.
변덕스러운 / erratic / changeable

Changing frequently, esp. as regards one’s loyalties, interests, or affection.
ex) The weather in Philippines during summer is fickle.
* ex) The weather in the Philippines during summer is fickle.*

If you say that someone or something climbs or is sent into the stratosphere, you mean that they reach a very high level.
ex) Some kids have stratospheric IQ, but it doesn’t mean that they are excellent in their studies.
Drifted apart
Out of sight, out of mind. 사이가 멀어지다

to become less close or less friendly with somebody
ex) Friends get easily drifted apart when they can’t meet each other often.
* ex) Friends easily drift apart when they can’t meet each other often.*
시련, 불쾌한 일

If you describe an experience or situation as an ordeal, you think it is difficult and unpleasant.
ex) Some people think of their army duties as ordeals.
기만적인, dishonest, insincere

If you say that someone is deceitful, you mean that they behave in a dishonest way by making other people believe something that is not true.
ex) The Pharisees and the Jewish leaders found a deceitful way to kill Jesus.
A benchmark is something whose quality or quantity is known and which can therefore be used as a standard with which other things can be compared.
ex) Price of Jajangmyun is the benchmark of the Korean economy.


If you describe a person as unscrupulous, you are critical of the fact that they are prepared to act in a dishonest or immoral way in order to get what they want.
ex) Many adults became unscrupulous for selling harmful things to children.

ad-‘to’ + commodus‘fitting’
If a building or space can accommodate someone or something, it has enough room for them.
If something is planned or changed to accommodate a particular situation, it is planned or changed so that it takes this situation into account.
ex) We need to accommodate the new schedule.
인파, 군중

A throng is a large crowd of people.
ex) There is a throng of people in that church service.
인내 / persistence

Perseverance is the quality of continuing with something even though it is difficult.
ex) Acquiring some goals and skills needs perseverance and self-control.
* ex) Acquiring some achievements and skills needs perseverance and self-control.*
examine/investigate / 심문 / 추궁하다

to ask questions of (a person), sometimes to seek answers or information that the person questioned considers personal or secret.
ex) The police officer interrogates the suspect about the crime.

If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop.
ex) Everyone has their momentum when they realized who they are.
ex) Everyone has his/her momentum when he/she discovers who they are.
Each or every => ALWAYS SINGULAR
ceasefire/peace-establishing agreement/휴전

a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties; truce:
World War I ended with the armistice of 1918.
ex) The party tries to abolish the armistice of North & South Korea for some reason.

tangere‘to touch’
real or actual, rather than imaginary or visionary
the tangible benefits of sunshine.
ex) Faith is not tangible physically, however, if one believes in it, he/she should live their faiths.

A substance that is impure is not of good quality because it has other substances mixed with it.
ex) In the Bible, many possessed by impure spirits were healed by Jesus.

The manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12).
A moment of sudden revelation or insight
ex) This is the epiphany of my life that changed my stereotype. (X)
* ex) This is the epiphany of my life that changed my stereotype toward the younger generation. (O)*
implant/infuse/inspire/스며들게하다/주입시키다/insinuate; inject: to instill

to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings; courtesy in a child.
ex) The experiment of a dying frog on a boiling pot shows how the government instills their people wrong ideas.

If you describe something as corny, you mean that it is obvious or sentimental and not at all original.
ex) I think those are corny jokes.

to spread or scatter widely or thinly;
ex) The purpose of a Christian life is diffusing the aroma of Jesus Christ.
fatness/overweight/비만/비만/corpulence/bulkiness or largeness of body; portliness

the condition of being very fat or overweight;
ex) Many children have adult diseases due to obesity.
close examination/investigation/정밀조사/철저한검토

scrutinium, from scrutari‘to search’ (originally ‘sort rubbish’, from scruta‘rubbish’)
a searching examination or investigation; minute inquiry
Synonyms - surveillance: a watch kept over a person, group, etc., especially over a suspect, prisoner, or the like:
ex) A careful scrutiny is needed to prevent getting Coronavirus.
끌어내다, 밝혀내다

If you elicit a response or a reaction, you do or say something which makes other people respond or react.
ex) I couldn’t elicit any response from him.
elicit-‘drawn out by trickery or magic’, from the verb elicere, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out’ + lacere‘entice, deceive’
불규칙한, 변덕이 심한

deviating from the usual or proper course in conduct or opinion; eccentric; queer: erratic behavior.
방향을 틀다

If a vehicle or other moving thing swerves or if you swerve it, it suddenly changes direction, often in order to avoid hitting something.
ex) The car swerved rapidly in order to avoid a car accident.
Muster Up

to gather, summon, rouse (often followed by up )
ex) The Bible teaches us to muster up (our faith) during our dreadful situation.

A juvenile is a child or young person who is not yet old enough to be regarded as an adult.
ex) It is very important that our government set up a well designed juvenile justice system for the future of our nation

The petals of a flower are the thin coloured or white parts which together form the flower.
ex) Dried rose petals are used for making car fragrance.

to look upon or think of with a particular feeling: to regard a person with favor.
ex) God blessed those who regard poor people.

Your clavicles are your collar bones.
ex) The team shouted, “Let’s go and break their clavicle.”
소동,소란, clamor, uproar

A commotion is a lot of noise, confusion, and excitement.
ex) When Jesus came, he saw a commotion and wailing of people.

People sometimes refer to a young man as a stripling when they want to indicate in a slightly humorous way that although he is no longer a boy, he is not yet really a man.
ex) David, in front of Goliath who was a warrior of Palestine, was only a stripling.
재미없는, 일상적인/boring, uninteresting, worldly, secular

Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual.
ex) Many people choose to be mundane instead of resisting worldly influences.
감성적인, 감상적인

Someone or something that is sentimental feels or shows pity or love, sometimes to an extent that is considered exaggerated and foolish.
ex) He is so sentimental.
If you demand something such as information or action, you ask for it in a very forceful way.
ex) The Chinese Government demanded people not to move to another city.


In physics, gravitation is the force which causes objects to be attracted towards each other because they have mass
ex) Newton first invented the principle of gravitation.
wealthy/rich/부유한/prosperous; rich

having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods;
an affluent person.
ex) Affluent people seemed to be happy, but I feel it is superficial.
farsightedness due to ciliary muscle weakness and loss of elasticity in the crystalline lens.
ex) My father-in-law will take a surgical reversal of presbyopia(SRP) today.

liable/likely/하기쉬운/disposed; liable
having a natural inclination or tendency to something;
to be prone to anger.
ex) As descents of Adam & Eve, all people are prone to sin.
If you nurture something such as a young child or a young plant, you care for it while it is growing and developing.
ex) Parents have obligations to nurture their children both physically and emotionally.
Too much at stake
큰 희생이 따르는
The amount that could be lost is too great to take a chance.
ex) Accepting people from Uhan province is putting too much at stake.
밀어넣다, 집어넣다
If you tuck something somewhere, you put it there so that it is safe, comfortable, or neat.
ex) Please tuck in your shirt neatly.

the phenomenon of a person or thing rising into the air by apparently supernatural means
ex) Some cultists could even levitate when they practice their rituals.
구부정한, slump over, bend

If someone slouches, they sit or stand with their shoulders and head bent so they look lazy and unattractive
ex) The worm is slouching over the twig.
피하다, 모면하다

If you deflect something that is moving, you make it go in a slightly different direction, for example by hitting or blocking it.
If you deflect something such as criticism or attention, you act in a way that prevents it from being directed towards you or affecting you
ex) The man usually try to deflect any discussions that could disadvantage him.
(효과적으로, adequate, powerful, effecting)
producing or capable of producing an intended effect; adequate.
- ex) Believing in Jesus, you are actually and effectually cleared from guilt.*
- ex) By the blood of Jesus, everyone who confesses their sins, gets their sins washed away effectually.*
(구하다, acquire, obtain)

to obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means:
to procure evidence.
- ex) the Savior’s blood has procured your full acquittal.*
- my ex) The lawyer procured the innocent victim who was charged for that crime.*
(무죄선고, declaration removing blames, discharging, exemption)

the discharge or settlement of a debt, obligation, etc.
(Law). judicial deliverance from a criminal charge on a verdict or finding of not guilty.
- ex) the Savior’s blood has procured your full acquittal.*
- my ex) When we confess our sins, God proclaims our acquittal.*
:(전가하다, ascribe, attribute)

(Law). to ascribe to or charge (a person) with an act or quality because of the conduct of another over whom one has control or for whose acts or conduct one is responsible.
(Theology). to attribute (righteousness, guilt, etc.) to a person or persons vicariously;
ascribe as derived from another.
- ex) Christ was perfectly obedient on your behalf and has imputed all His merits to your account.*
- my ex)The judge imputed the penalty to the woman.*
(뭐든 있는 것으로 처리하다, makeup, ad-lip, extemporize

to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation;
to improvise an acceptance speech.
- ex) We can improvise but feel free to share with me Youtube you particularly find interesting we can talk about.*
- my ex) I’ll get used to improvising when I fix something.*
improvisus‘unforeseen’, based on provisus, past participle of providere‘make preparation for’
(질그릇조각) a broken pottery fragment, especially one of archaeological value. ex) “My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me in the dust of death.” (Psalms 22:15 NIV) my ex) I definitely believe that God could use anyone who is even like potsherd according to His will.

future generations, descendant, 후손

all descendants of one person:
- His fortune was gradually dissipated by his posterity.*
- ex) “Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord.” (Psalms 22:30 NIV)*
- my ex) Posterity of every nation will bow down to the Lord, Jesus Christ.*
(justification/apology/pardon/옹호/지지)defense; excuse; justification:

Poverty was a vindication for his thievery.
- ex) “They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior.” (Psalms 24:5 NIV)*
- my ex) The advocate gave a vindication for his innocence.*
(털어놓다/신뢰하다/divulge information)

to have full trust; have faith:
- They confided in their own ability.*
- ex) “The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.” (Psalms 25:14 NIV)*
- my ex) Christians in a church will be good to confide their lives in their pastors. Confide in*

to keep company, as a friend, companion, or ally:
- He was accused of associating with known criminals.*
- ex) “I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites.” (Psalms 26:4 NIV)*
- my ex) The mom told her son not to associate with bad kids. Troublesome*
(friendly, social, 다정한)

courteous and gracious; friendly; warm:
a cordial reception
- ex) “Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts.” (Psalms 28:3 NIV)*
- my ex) That man always gives a cordial welcome.*
(attribute/impute/…에 돌리다/…의 탓으로 돌리다)
to credit or assign, as to a cause or source;
- The alphabet is usually ascribed to the Phoenicians.*
- ex) “Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.” (Psalms 29:1 NIV)*
- my ex) Every national and every person should ascribe glory to God.*

from French intrigue‘plot’, intriguer‘to tangle, to plot’,
such a machination or stratagem or a series of them;
a plot or crafty dealing:
- political intrigues.*
- ex) “In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues.” (Psalms 31:20 NIV)*
- my ex) The politicians were revealed to be thieves and were accused of intrigues to steal a huge amount of money.*

to undermine; weaken or destroy insidiously.
- ex)“For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer.” (Psalms 32:4 NIV)*
- my ex) The schemes of the people sap the unity of the party.*
(tiny piece/재갈)
the mouthpiece of a bridle, having fittings at each end to which the reins are fastened. See illus. under harness.
ex) That horse can be controlled by bit and bridle.
(restraining device/굴레)

part of the tack or harness of a horse, consisting usually of a headstall, bit, and reins.
Bible-“Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.” (Psalms 32:9 NIV)

to struggle in opposition:
to contend with the enemy for control of the port.
to strive in rivalry; compete; vie:
to contend for first prize.
- Bible - “Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.” (Psalms 35:1 NIV)*
- ex) The athlete contends vigorously for the prize.*
(shake/swing around/휘두르다)

to shake or wave, as a weapon; flourish:
Brandishing his sword, he rode into battle.
- Bible - “Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to me, “I am your salvation.” (Psalms 35:3 NIV)*
- ex) The great warrior brandishes his special weapon.*
(lazy work/cruise/거닐다/산책하다)
to walk leisurely as inclination directs; ramble; saunter; take a walk:
- to stroll along the beach.*
- ex) The mom was strolling in the park with her baby.*
(complicate/confuse/당혹하게 하다)

to make complicated or confused, as a matter or question.
- Bible - “Now Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was going on. And he was perplexed because some were saying that John had been raised from the dead,” (Luke 9:7 NIV)*
- ex) The medical department of South Korea is being perplexed because of the enormous spread of the Corona Virus.*
(barren/dry/parched/매우 건조한/무미건조한)

being without moisture; extremely dry; parched: arid land; an arid climate.
- Bible - ““When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’” (Luke 11:24 NIV)*
- ex) Right beside the Jordan river, there are plenty of arid places.*

boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.
- Bible - “I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.” (Luke 11:8 NIV)*
- ex) People complain about the audacity of the government officials.*
turned away from or rejecting what is right, good, or proper; wicked or corrupt.
- Bible - ““You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you and put up with you? Bring your son here.”” (Luke 9:41 NIV)*
- ex) We should confess and ask for forgiveness for our perverse minds.*

violent agitation or disturbance; commotion.
- Bible - “Even while the boy was coming, the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father.” (Luke 9:42 NIV)*
- ex) The boy who was possessed by the evil spirit was in a convulsion.*
to attack vigorously or violently; assault.
- Bible - “I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.” (Psalms 3:6 NIV)*
- ex) The enemy tried to assail the retreating soldiers.*


passing swiftly; vanishing quickly; transient; transitory: fleeting beauty; a fleeting glance.
- Bible - ““Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.” (Psalms 39:4 NIV)*
- ex) A month of staying in my mother-in-law’s house was not long enough. It was like a fleeting moment.*
(mud/gelled waste/끈적끈적한)
thin, glutinous mud.
- Bible - “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” (Psalms 40:2 NIV)*
- ex) Slime is a famous toy for kids.*
(horrify/frighten/간담을 서늘케하다/끔찍하게 하다)
to fill or overcome with horror, consternation, or fear; dismay:
He was appalled by the damage from the fire. I am appalled at your mistakes.
Bible - “May those who say to me, “Aha! Aha!” be appalled at their own shame.” (Psalms 40:15 NIV)
ex) South Koreans are appalled by the fear of the Corona Virus.

(harass/distress/괴롭히다/피해를 입히다)

affligere, from ad-‘to’ + fligere‘to strike, dash’
to distress with mental or bodily pain; trouble greatly or grievously: to be afflicted with arthritis.
Bible - ““A vile disease has afflicted him; he will never get up from the place where he lies.”” (시편 41:8 KRV)
ex) The devil afflicted Job who was enduring severe tests.
(peanut/dribble/아주 적은 돈)

a small amount or share.
Bible - “You sold your people for a pittance, gaining nothing from their sale.” (Psalms 44:12 NIV)
ex) The employer paid a pittance to their employees.

from deridere ‘scoff at’
ridicule; mockery: The inept performance elicited derision from the audience.
Bible - “You have made us a reproach to our neighbors, the scorn and derision of those around us.” (Psalms 44:13 NIV)
ex) He became the derision of his family.
(easy off/give in/동의하다/수그러들다)
based on Latin re-‘back’ + lentare ‘to bend’ (from lentus ‘flexible’)
to soften in feeling, temper, or determination; become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving.
- Bible - “If he does not relent, he will sharpen his sword; he will bend and string his bow.” (Psalms 7:12 NIV)*
- ex) The protests will not relent until the president resigns.*

uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird: an eerie midnight howl.
ex) The story is very eerie.

from Latin resilient-‘leaping back’, from the verb resilire
returning to the original form or position after being bent, compressed, or stretched.
recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant.
ex) Famous athletes are not only good with skills but they are also resilient in mind.

prominent or conspicuous: salient traits.
- ex) She pointed out the salient features of the program.*
- mid 16th century (as a heraldic term): from Latin salient-‘leaping’, from the verb salire. The noun dates from the early 19th century*
an odd or remarkably unusual person, thing, or event.-
ex) She explained the oddity of mental patients.

the quality or condition of being incompetent; lack of ability.
ex) The government was accused of incompetence.
회복하다/회피하다/탄력이 있다.
abandon a position or a course of action
can he resile from the agreement?
from re-‘back’ + salire ‘to jump’
슾지, 늪, 늪에 빠지다
into the mire. 진창 속으로
단점, 결함(defect, flaw)
his grave shortcoming 그의 중대한 결점
넘어지다, 뒹글다, 폭락하다, 굴러떨어짐
덤불에 발이 걸려 넘어지다
she had a tumble. 넘어졌다
1. 간지럼타는
2. (날씨 등이) 변하기 쉬운, 불안정한
3. 곤란한
tickle 간지럼피다, 자극하다
a ticklish task 처리 곤란한 일
난잡, 혼잡, 혼란
The party was in disarray. 그 당은 혼란스러워졌다.
폐지, 사용되지 않음
1. 악화시키다
2. 화나게 하다(offend, irritate)
3. 성가시게 하다 (annoy)
- aggravating 화나게 하는, 성가신*
- aggravation 화나게 하는 것, 골칫거리*
운동, 이동, 여행
a locomotion on foot 도보여행
채무 불이행, 태만
(채무를) 이행하지 않다
(뒤에서 벌떡)
- The company is in default on the loan.*
- 그 회사가 그 대출금에 대한 채무를 이행하지 않고 있다.*
가련한, 불쌍한, 비참한
a pitiable state 가련한 상태
불쌍한, 비참한, 애처로운
pity+ous(형용사형 어미)
a piteous sight. 애처로운 장면
솜씨 좋은, 능숙한(proficient, expert)
android 만드는 능숙한 기술
어드렇게 잘 만들었나?
- She adroitly avoided the question.*
- 그녀는 그 질문을 능숙하게 피했다.*
- He tied a loop of rope around his arm.*
- 그는 자기 팔에 밧줄을 고리 모양으로 감았다.*
(부귀영화 등을) 얻으려고 하는, 욕심 많은
acquire(얻다, 획득하다)의 형용사형
- Some politicians are acquisitive of power.*
- 일부 정치인들은 권력욕이 있다.*
acquire 얻다, 획득하다
acquisition 획득
작동시키다, 행동하게 하다, 선동하다
act+uate(시키는 변형)
1. 휩쓸다, 침수시키다, 궁지에 빠지게 하다
2. 늪, 습지
하부구조, 기본적 시설
infra+red(레드 아래)
1. 어둡게 하다
2. 식(일,월)
solar eclipse 일식
lunar eclipse 월식
(어음 따위에) 배서하다, 승인하다, 지지하다, 보증하다
to endorse the new budget. 예산안을 승인하다
endorsement 배서, 보증
출항금지, 통상금지
the trade embargo 무역 금지령
태아, 배아, (발달의) 초기
a human embryo 인간배아
1. 법을 제정하다(legislate)
2. 공연하다
3. 일어나게 하다
- Congress has enacted a new minimum wage for workers.*
- 국회는 노동자들의 새로운 최저임금을 법으로 정했다.*
1. 몰두시키다(absorb)
2. (마음, 시간등을) 빼앗다.
en(넣다,빼다)+gross(총) 모든 것을 쏟다
engrossment 전념, 몰두
- She was completely engrossed in her reading.*
- 그녀는 독서에 완전히 빠져 있었다.*
지역, 영토, (집단) 거주지
en+clave(cleave,달라붙다) 달라붙어 사는 지역
용기에 넣다, 싸다, 감싸다
에워싸다, 둘러싸다
encircling the rebel camp
반군을 둘러싸는
습격, 발병, 개시, 발발(outbreak)
적이 온다! 하나, 둘, 셋! 습격!
the onset of illness 발병
귀표를 하다, (자금 등을 특정한 것에) 책정하다
These trees have been earmarked for cutting next year.
이 나무들은 내년에 벨 것으로 결정되었다.
보조의, 보조자
오! 질녀지!
- nurshing auxiliary 간호조무사*
- from auxilium‘help’*
주소, 거주지
our abode 우리 주거
재정의, 국고의 회계의
poor fiscal management 형편없는 재정운영
1. 대항하다, 대응하다
2. (효과 등을) 상쇄하다, 중화시키다
counteraction 중화작용, 저지, 반작용
counteractive 반작용의
완강하게, 고집불통으로
ob(against)+stinate(state) 반대상태
obstinate 완고한
유혹하다(tempt, attract, appeal, draw)
꾀다, 부추기다
a very enticing smile 매우 유혹적인 미소
he was opinionated 그는 고집 세다.
유혹하다, 꾀다, 유혹, 매력
the sexual allure 성적 매력
유혹하다, 부추기다
유혹, 미끼(bait), 함정(trap)
- The Li River have lured poets and artists.*
- 라이 강은 시인과 예술가들을 유혹해 왔다.*
구성하다, 포함하다, 의미하다
com+prise (컴퓨터가 상에 포함되다.)
- This group is comprised of ten members.*
- 이 그룹은 10명의 회원으로 구성되어 있다.*
둘러싸다, 포함하다
en+compass 콤파스로 원을 그려 둘러싸고 포함하다
- The fog soon encompassed the whole valley.*
- 안개가 곧 계곡 전체를 에워쌌다.*
품위있게 하다. 고상하게 하다.
en(동사화 접두어)+noble(귀족;고상한)
- A good deed ennobles the person who does it.*
- 휼륭한 행동은 그것을 행하는 사람을 품위 있게 한다.*
권리를 부여하다, 자격을 부여하다
제목을 붙이다.
- This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class.*
- 이 표로는 일등석 탈 자격이 안됩니다.*
애정을 느끼게 하다
위생(sanitation), 위생학
위생해서 다 하얘진 모습
good hygiene 청결한 위생상태
잘못된, 틀린
erroneous statistics 잘못된 통계자료
시무룩한, 침울한
서른살에 일이 없어 시무룩한
He remained sullen. 그는 시무룩해 있다.
책임 있는
answer+ able 답을 해야한 하는, 책임져야 하는
- Ministers must be made answerable for their decisions.*
- 장관들이 자신의 결정에 대해 책임을 지게 해야 한다.*
외교사절(messenger), 특사, 공사
en+voy(voyager) 여행 보낸다.
A United Nations special envoy 유엔 특사
공갈, 갈취, 갈취하다, 협박하다
이메일로 협박
to blackmail 협박하다
1. 쑤셔 넣다, 꼼짝 못하게 하다
2. 혼잡, 곤란
잼을 쑤셔 넣고, 파리가 꼼짝 못함
- The copier is jammed with paper.*
- 종이가 복사기에 끼었어요.*
깨우다 (감정 등을) 불러일으키다
- The word roused him to fury.*
- 그 말 때문에 그는 격분했다.*
(감정 등을) 불러일으키다, 자극하다(prompt, stir, spur)
tried to arouse 환기시키려 하다