Engineering (structures) Flashcards
Thermal conductivity meaning.
Thermal conductivity means how easily it is for heat to travel through a material
What is a flatbit?
A flatbit is bit used to make holes with a diameter of 8 to 25 mm.
Thermal expansion meaning.
Thermal expansion is how much a material expands when heated.
Durability meaning.
How well a material can stand up against weathering
Hardness meaning.
How easily a material can be scratched.
What is the difference between a marking gauge and a trisquare?
A marking gauge is used to mark the edges of the material while the trisquare is used to mark the front face of the material
What is the formula to get R1 with one force being exerted on the material?
R1=(force× distance to R2)÷ total distance
What tool do we use to make circles?
We use dividers to mark out circles
What are the 5 different strengths
Tensile strength, shear strength, compressive strength, torsional strength and bending strength.
What is the formula for R2 with two forces being exerted on the material?
R2=(closest force× distance to R1) + (furthest force× distance to R1)÷total length between the supports.
Ductility meaning.
How easy is a material to be deformed by tensile strengths.
What is the difference between a panel saw, tenon saw and coping saw?
A panel saw is used to make straight cuts. The large teeth cut along the grain. A tenon saw is a smaller saw used to make straight cuts and joint-making. A coping saw is a thin saw used to make curved cuts at any angle because the frame does not get in the way.
Density meaning.
Density is trhe amount of matter in a cm².
Glue sticks
15 second drying time. Non-toxic, but not very strong.
What is a countersunk bit used for?
A countersunk bit widens an already-made hole to allow the screw to fit flush with the surface of the material
Contact adhesive.
Instant drying time. A highly toxic spirit-based glue which is very toxic.
Synthetic resin setting time and properties
2-6 hour setting time. It is a non-toxic water based glue.
What are the 4 main types of structures?
Slab, shell, frame and flexible
What is the jobber bit?
The jobber bit is attached to a hand or power drill, and the drill creates a hole the same size as the jobber bit. It usually has a diameter of 1mm to 13mm.
PVA glue setting time and properties.
1 hour setting time. It is a water-based glue which is not toxic.
fusibility meaning.
Fusibility means how easy it is for an object to melt
Toughness meaning.
How well a material can stand against sudden forces
malleability meaning
How easy it is for a material to be squashed into a different shape. (compressive strength)
Electricity conductivity meaning.
Electricity conductivity is how well a material can conduct electricity.
What are the 5 forces mentioned in the book?
Tension, compression, bending, torsion and shear
What is a hole saw?
A hole saw is used to drill large holes with a diameter of 20 to 80 mm.