Engine malfunctions Flashcards
If an engine failure occurs, no control problems exist unless power from the remaining engine is not sufficient to maintain the selected NR.
Single Engine Service Ceiling:
The Single Engine Service Ceiling charts are provided to
determine the maximum single engine weight utilizing single engine contingency power.
The charts are based on the aircraft being flown at the best single engine airspeed to provide a maximum of 100 feet per minute rate of climb for a given pressure altitude and free air temperature.
Minimum Rate of Descent – Power Off
The power off minimum R/D is attained at an airspeed
of approximately 80 KCAS and 100% NR.
Maximum Glide Distance – Power Off
The maximum glide distance is attained at an indicated airspeed of 105 KCAS or Vne, whichever is slower, and 100% NR.
Engine Failure Warning(s) - The ENG1 or ENG2 FAIL warning is activated whenever the engine failure logic within the DECU/ECU recognizes any of the following:
During normal shutdown, as NG decreases below __%, the ENG1 FAIL or ENG2 FAIL warning is activated and then turned off __ seconds after NG decreases below __%.
During normal shutdown, as NG decreases below 48%, the ENG1 FAIL or ENG2 FAIL warning is activated and then turned off 12 seconds after NG decreases below 40%.
If the ENG1 FAIL or ENG2 FAIL and ENG1 FADEC or ENG2 FADEC and/or REV 1 FAIL or REV 2 FAIL cautions are active (which signifies a _____ _____ _____ condition), toggling the ___/___ switch reboots the microprocessor in the ____/___.
If the ENG1 FAIL or ENG2 FAIL and ENG1 FADEC or ENG2 FADEC and/or REV 1 FAIL or REV 2 FAIL cautions are active (which signifies a fixed fuel flow condition), toggling the PRI/REV switch reboots the microprocessor in the DECU/ECU.
Dual Engine Failure (ENG1 FAIL and ENG2 FAIL) - Cruise:
Single-Engine Failure (ENG1 FAIL or ENG2 FAIL Warning):
When operating for extended periods with only one engine operating, the second engine must be motored for __ seconds every __ minutes.
When operating for extended periods with only one engine operating, the second engine must be motored for 10 seconds every 30 minutes.
If S/E flight can be maintained, an attempt to restart the inoperative engine ___ be made if there is no evidence of fire or obvious _______ _______.
If S/E flight can be maintained, an attempt to restart the inoperative engine may be made if there is no evidence of fire or obvious mechanical damage.
ENG1 FADEC and ENG2 FADEC Cautions:
Engine Fluctuations or Excessive Torque Splits Without ENG1 FADEC or ENG2 FADEC Caution:
REV 1 FAIL and/or REV 2 FAIL Caution (without) Associated ENG1 FADEC and/or ENG2 FADEC
REV 1 FAIL or REV 2 FAIL Caution (with) Associated ENG1 FADEC or ENG2 FADEC Caution with ENG 1 FAIL or ENG 2 FAIL Warnings:
Once the decision is made to shut down the engine and prior to performing an engine shutdown, the pilot may attempt to regain control of the FADEC by toggling the FADEC switch from PRI to REV and back to PRI without hesitation between switch positions.
REV 1 and REV 2 FAIL Caution(s) (with) Associated ENG1 FADEC and ENG2 FADEC Caution with ENG 1 FAIL and ENG 2 FAIL Warnings:
ENG OIL LVL LO (~2 quarts of usable oil remain in engine)/ ENG OIL HOT, or ENG OIL PRESS LO
Reference: TM 1-1520-271-10 Ch. 9