Enforcement against Member States Flashcards
TRUE or FALSE: the commission plays a role in the enforcement of EU Law
-Art. 258 TFEU
-Submits reasoned opinion–> wiat for compliance–> if no, Court
Explain the stages of the infringement procedures by the Commission
- Pre-contentious stage
-Per. informs com. of breach
-Com can choose 2 review or dismiss - Formal notice and reply
-MS is formally notified of the alleged breach + invited 2 respond
3.Reasoned opinion
-if com. still believes there is breach–> issues RO
-if MS does not resolve inssue, case reffered to the CJEU
TRUE or FALSE: if the commission doesn’t comply with its duties when it comes to infr. of EU Law, aacu. MS is off the hook
-j because comm. failed 2 do duty doesn’t mean:
-MS doesn’t have to do theirs
(Commission v. Luxembour and Belgium)(C.3)
TRUE or FALSE: a MS can directly initate infrig. proceedures against another MS
-TRUE- Art. 259 TFEU
TRUE or FALSE: the MS can bring a complaint straight to the CJEU
Explain what Dilenkofer concluded about enforcement against Member states
- Failure to do anything to imp. directive in time–> sufficiently serious breach
don’t matter why didn’t try
Explain what Britis Telecommunications concluded about enforcement against member states
-good faith misinterpre. of EU law requirements =/ sufficiently serious breach
TRUE or FALSE: MS cannot be help liable for mistake of courts in violation of EU Law
-Can, but only:
-Court of last instance
-Only in exceptional circum.
What did the Portugese Judges Case confirm about EU Law?
requirement for judicial inde. under Art. 19 TEU is
-dir. enforceable
List the procedures of centralised enforcement of EU Law
-Commission callout opinion—> Art. 258 TFEU
-MS snitching on other MS–> Art. 259 TFEU
-Enforcement of EU Values–> Art. 7 TFEU
TRUE or FALSE: when the MS fails to enforce the opinion of the commission, they can tell them to pay
-Not commission directly
-but if bring case to court and win, lump sun
(260(2) TFEU)
Explain the preliminary Reference Procedure: Art. 267 TFEU
(1) any national court MAY put forth question
Re interpretation of treaties or interpretation / validy of union acts
Ii. Insofar question necessary to enable judgment (Disa)
Not hypothetical/ manifestly irrelevant
(2) national court of last instance MUST rule on
I. and ii. See above
Iii. exceptions for:
Acte eclaire (Da Costa)
Acte Clair (CLIFIT) → TOO DAMN OBVIOUS, no need to refer, but there’s a very high threshold !!!!!!!
NB: Possibility to refer is for every national court→ lowest court to, but Highest court HAS TO