Common Commercial Policy Flashcards
TRUE or FLASE: only the EU can adopt binding legislation and negotiate trade agreements in the Common Commercial Policy
-TRUE: exclusive competence
TRUE or FALSE: the CFSP is an intergovernmental institution unlike the CCP
-decisions require unanimity among MS
Explain the ERTA Doctrine:
-in da area in which EU adopts EU legislation
-get pow. in dat are to nego. ext. aggreements
-Exclus. Compet.
-First establish. in Op. 1/76
-Art. 3(2) TFEU
True or False: in some areas both EU and MS are involved in treaty making
Explain what an automous act is under EU Law?
-Act EU institutions can adopt without MS approval
-Art. 207(2)
Explain the methods in which International agreements are carried out by the EU?
1.Negotiated by EC
2. Concluded by Council
-usually by QMW
-Sometimes need unanimity (Art. 207(4) TFEU)
Explain how autonomous Acts are established
-Ordinary legislative procedure (Art. 207(2) CCP)
Explain the EU’s competence when it comes to IP
- EU has excl. competence when it comes to intern. trade
-so if IP rel. 2 internat. trade
-excl. comp of EU
-Daiichi Sankyo case
Explain what Opinion 2/15 concluded about the CCP
-CCP exclusive competence over:
-SHARED compet. over:
List the decision making procedures in Trade Policy
-Autonomous Acts
-Art. 207(2) TFEU
-International Agreements
-Art. 218 TFEU
Explain the structure of determining whether an issue is within in CCP competence
(1) Express v. Implied competence
(a) Express competence–> Art. 216(1) alt. 1 TFEU
(b) Implied competence–> Art. 216(1) alt. 2 TFEU + ERTA Doctrine
(2) Exclusive or shared competence?
-Exclusive: Art. 207 TFEU(CCP Areas)
-Art. 207(1)–> not just anything economic !!!!
-areas cov. by art. 8-13 TFEU
NB: In mixed agreements, CCP parts up to union, non-ccp parts MS
Shared: for non-CCP matters, including:
(i) Art. 79 TFEU: AFSU
(ii) Art. 186, 209, 212, 214
(iii Art. 1919 TFEU: environment
(iv) Art. 217 TFEU: association agreements