CFSP Flashcards
TRUE or FALSE: the europeasn parliament and the commission drive CFSP matters
TRUE or FALSE: the CJEU has jurisdiction over CFSP
-except for specific instances related to sanctions
(Art. 275 TFEU)
Explain Constructive Abstention
-Art. 31(1)
-Abstain from dec.–>
does not block it
-but must accept the comm. of the EU
-refrain from act. that would conf. with union’s stance
-a decision fails if one third of MSs representing 1/3 of eu pop. abstain
Explain the luxemburg compromise
-MS can oppose a dec. 4 VIT. nat. policy reasons
-block adop of QMV dec
-even if other MS agree
TRUE or FALSE: sanctions are not the same as restrictive measures
TRUE or FALSE: THE CFSP is a MS own competence
-Sui genneris
-of its own kind
-neither shared or exclusive
Explain the Decision making procedure on EU Sanctions
- Council Decision (Art. 29 TEU) (Art. 21(2)
-council adopts by unanimity
-impl. by MS - Council regulation submitted jointly
(Art. 215 TFEU–> econ sanc.)
-IF the the CD speaks of interruption of economic and/ or financial relations
–> adopt council regulation
–> Adopted by QMV–> EU Competnece
(Mostly unanimity, unless certain financial sanction requires)
Explain the role of the European Parliament in the CFSP
TRUE or FALSE: the european council plays a role of scrutiny in CFSP matters
-Yes, can’t really decide nuthing
-Consultation, holding debates (Art. 36 TEU)
-Must b. kept informed (Art. 218(10) TFEU
Explain the role of the High representative in the CFSP
-Bridge between non-CFSP + CFSP, Council + Commission
-VP of the com. (Art. 17 TEU)
-Ensures implementation of the CFSP
-Extern. rep. of the union
Explain the role of the court in CFSP Matters
- No jurisdiction
-Exception for CFSP
-“Carve out”
-“specific rules and procedures”
-Art. 24 TEU
-Art. 275 TFEU and 40 TEU
TRUE or FALSE: Art. 40 TEU prevents conflicts of interest
-Yes, chinese wall, no overlap in tasks
-e.g: CFSP being protected by TFEU actions
Explain the legal basis of the CFSP
-Art. 2(4) TFEU
-says it straight up
Explain the decision making process in the CFSP
-EUCO conf. general direction of the CFSP
-(Art. 26(1)
-Commossion can submit proposals alongside HR/VP –
-(Art. 30 TEU)
-Council makes decisions unanimously
-Foreign Affairs cOUNCIL
TRUE: CFSP matters require unanimity
-For the most part (Art. 31(1)TEU)
-Exceptions (QMV)
-Art. 31(2) TEU