Endocrinology MFM questions Flashcards
Symptoms of hyperparathyroidisum
decreased serum phosphorus
increased gastrin production ( Peptic ulcer)
Cardiac arrythmias
Antibody in Hashimoto
Symptoms of thyroid storm
fever, tachycardia, altered mental status, vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac arrythmias
Inciting event- labor, delivery, infection, or surgery
Treatment of thyroid storm
PTU, iodine, dexamethasone, beta blockers,
Cooling blankets, IV fluid administration, oxygen and tele
Sodium homeostasis during pregnancy
sodium retention of about 950 mg during pregnancy
Calcium homeostasis during pregnancy
increased excretion but increased absorption, unbound calcium remains nuteral. Due to decrease in albumin bound calcium does decrease.
Glucose excretion during pregnancy
glucose excretion increased 10-100 fold due to impaired reabsorption.
Uric acid levels during pregnancy
decrease by about 25% until 24 weeks and than increase to normal values by term.
calculate an anion gap
sodium- chloride+ bicarb
Management of DKA
r/o infection, consider fetal monitoring( LUD and oxygen),
NS @ 1 liter/hour x2 hour than 1/2 NS @ 250 cc/hr
When sugar <200 convert to D5 1/2 NS@ 250 cc
Regular IV 0.1-0.2 u/kg ( 10-15 units) with insulin infusion. (0.1 unit/kg/hr). If sugar does not decrease by 50 double infusion rate. When glucose is <200 decrease to 0.05 u/kg/hr.
less than 3.3- hold insulin and give K
Greater than 5.3 repeat every 2 hours
Between 3.3 and 5.3 20-30 mEq to each liter
Bicarb- consider if maternal pH is <7
Presentation of DKA
ketonuria, acidosis (7.3), anion gap >12, decreased serum bicarb
Advanages/risks of peritoneal diaylsis
less acute fluculations, liberal fluid intake, less anemia, can be used for insulin or magnesium.
Risks: peritonitis, catheter obstruction
Symptoms of Pheochromocytoma
hypertension, orthostatic hypotension, headache, abdominal and chest pain, palpitations
Diagnosis of Pheo
24 hour urine collection with metanephrines and catecolamines
and plasma levels
- methyldopa and betablockers must be discontinued for adequate diagnosis
MRI imaging of the adrenal glands
bilateral in 10%, malignant in 10%
Complications of pheo during pregnancy
fetal loss rate of 50%
if unrecognized maternal mortality of 50%
Treatment of pheo
surgical removal with alpha blockade ( phenoxybenzamine or phentolamine)
Beta blockers should not be used until alpha blockade is given.