Endocrinology 3 Flashcards
Explain why a Selective Vasopressin Receptor Peptidergic Agonists may be used
pg 8
Out of these conditions (Normal hydrated, psychogenic polydipsia, central diabetes insipidus and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus), what would using Stimulation with Hypertonic Saline IV help to diagnose, explain your answer.
pg 6
Describe the Hypothalamo-Neurohypophysial System
pg 1
Describe biochemical Features of psychogenic polydipsia and diabetes insipidus
Slide 26,27
Describe the endocrine regulation of diuresis, and the normal response to water deprivation
S 5-14
Explain how you would differentiate between between these different conditions (Normal hydrated, psychogenic polydipsia, central diabetes insipidus and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus)
pg 4
What are vaptans and what are they used for
pg 10
Describe the Clinical Uses of Peptidergic V1 Receptor Agonists
pg 10
Explain what happens in SIADH, and describe it’s signs and symptoms, causes and treatment
pg 6
Expain how you can identify DI using plasma and urine osmolality as someone gets more and more dehydrated
pg 5
Describe the effect of different drugs that affect vasopressin secretion
pg 11
Describe the effect of different drugs that affect vasopressin secretion
pg 10
Describe the responses to exogenous vasopressin(argipressin)
pg 8
Describe the Principal Actions of vasopressin and oxytocin, and ghe significance of a lack of these hormones
pg 1
Give the details of the two forms of diabetes insipidus, describe the signs and symptoms of the two types, and describe the cycle that takes place in diabete insipidus and that which takes place in psychogenic polydipsia.
pg 2