Endocrine System Flashcards
Rapid enlargement of pituitary adenoma with hemorrhage, depression of consciousness
Pituitary apoplexy
Most common cause of hyperpituitarism
Anterior lobe adenoma
Pituitary adenoma classifications
Hormone production
Macro >1cm
Micro <1cm
Functioning (GH+Prolactin) mc
Non functioning
Best characterized molecular abnormalities in pituitary adenomas
G protein mutation
in the alpha subunit interfering with its intrinsic GTPase activity resulting in activation of Gsalpha generation of cAMP and unchecked cellular proliferation
G protein mutation is a mutation the gene
found in 40% of
GH secreting somatotroph
5% of adenomas are inherited with identified mutations in the genes
MEN I (familial pituitary a)
Gene affected in pituitary adenomas appearing before 35 years secreting GH
aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein
Mutation of the gene is assoc with aggressive pituitary adenoma behavior and recurrence
Mutation demonstrates brisk mitotic activity and designated atypical adenoma
Well circumscribed soft lesion with uniform polygonal cells arrayed in sheets, cords or papillae
Reticulin is sparse
Cytoplasm is acidophilic, basophilic or chromophobic depending on secretory product
Cellular Monorphism and absence of significant reticulin network distinguish it from non neoplastic anterior pituitary parenchyma
Pituitary adenoma
Non functioning hormone negave p adenomas tend to be
and cause
hypopituitarism and destroy adjacent anterior pituitary adenoma (mass effect and visual disturbances)
Most common type of hyperfunctioning adenoma
Hyperprolactinemia cause
and may manifest earlier in premenop than men and post menop reaching considerable size
Loss of libido
Other causes of hyperprolactinemia
Pregnancy High estrogen t Renal failure Hypothyroidism Hypothalamic lesion Dopamine inhibiting drugs (reserpine) Mass on suprasellar compartment disturbing normal inhibitory hypothalamic influence (stalk effect)
Second most common type of functional pituitary adenoma
GH secreting
Somatotroph cell adenoma
Persistent hypersecretion of GH stimulates the hepatic secretion of
causing clinical manifestation
insulin like growth factor I
somatomedin C
Gen increase in body size with disproportionately long arms and legs
GH adenoma occuring before closure of epiphyses prepubertal
Growth most conspicuous with soft tissue, skin and viscera and bones of face, hands and feet
Enlargement of jaw called
Broadening of lower face and separation of teeth
Hands and feet enlarged with broad sausage like
GH adenoma developing after epiphyses closure
Impaired glucose tolerance and DM
Stain + with periodic acid schiff due to inc ACTH
clinically silent or cause hypercortisolism manifested as
ACTH on adrenal cortex
Cushing syndrome
Hypercortisolism caused by excess production of ACTH by PITUITARY
Cushing disease
Corticotroph adenoma after removal of adrenal glands for tx of Cushing syndrome
Loss of inh effect of corticosteroids on microadenoma
No hypercortisolism but pituitary tumor mass effect and hyperpigmentation
Nelson syndrome
Become detected only when they already produce mass effects
Demonstrate immunoreactivity for a subunit specific B FSH and BLH
FSH predominant secreted hormone
Gonadotroph adenoma
LH and FSH adenoma
Account for 1% of all pituitary adenomas
Rare cause of hyperthy
Exceedingly rare commonly metastasizes distantly
Pituitary carcinoma
Hypopituitarism occurs when there is loss of function of as much as of anterior pituitary
Hypopituitarism with posterior pituitary disfunction in the form of diabetes insipidus is almost always
hypothalamic in origin
Post partum ischemic necrosis of anterior pituitary in setting of hemorrhage
Inc bec of prolactin cell but without concomittant inc in bs
Post pituitary less susceptible bec of arterial bs
Also in DIC, sickle cell, inc ICP, trauma and shock
Sheehan syndrome
ADH deficiency causes
Excessive urination due to improper water reabsorption
Central Diabetes Insipidus
Nephrogenic if unresponsiveness of tubular cell to ADH
Resorption of excessive amounts of free water with resultant hyponatremia
Ectopic ADH by small cell lung ca
Hypothalamic injury
Hyponatremia, cerebral edema, neurologic dysfunction
Inc TBW but N bv no periph edema
Hypermetabolic state due to elevated circulating levels of T3 and T4
Hyperthyroidism is only one category of this
Hypermetabolic state by excess thyroid hormone and overactivity of SNS
Thyrotoxicos in elderly whom typical features of thyroid hormone excess are blunted
Unexplained weight loss and worsening CV disease
Apathetic hyperthyroidism
Most useful single screening test for hyperthyroidism
Worldwide mc cause of hypothyroidism
Iodine deficiency
Hypothyroidism in infancy or early childhood
Himalayas and Andes where iodine is endemically deficient
Impaired skeletal and CNS dev’t
Severe mental retardation, short stature, coarse facial, protruding tongue, umbilical hernia
MR is severe if maternal thyroid deficiency
Hypothyroidism in older children and adults
Cretinoid state in adult
Generalized apathy, mental sluggishness, depression like
Listless, cold intolerant, obese
Edema in skin, enlargement of tongue, deepening of voice
Dec bowel motility, pericardial effusion, heart enlargement and heart failure
Most common cause of hypothyroidism in areas where iodine is sufficient
Major cause of nonendemic goiter in children
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Breakdown in self tolerance to autoantigen
CD8 cytotoxic cell mediated cell death thyrocyte destructi on
Cytokine mediated interferon y resulting in mac activation and follicle damage
Binding of antithyroid ab followed by ab dependent cell mediated toxicity
Concordance in 40% of twins
Most significant link is cytotoxic T lymph associated
Antigen 4 gene CTLA4 coding for negative regulator of T cell function
Diffuse sym enlarged with mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate
Well developed germinal center
Atrophic follicle with abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm called
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Hurthle cell Oxyphil cell
Metaplastic response of normally low cuboidal epithelium to ongoing injury
Numerous prominent mitochondria
Inc interstitial connective tissue
Small atrophic thyroid fibrosing variant but does not extend beyond capsule
Hurthle cell
Oxyphil cell of Hashimoto
Painless enlargement of thyroid assoc with degree of hypothyroidism preceded by transient thyrotoxicosis from 2 release of TH (hasitoxicosis)
Often have autoimmune disease
Inc risk for
B cell non Hodgkin lymphoma and predisposition to papillary thyroid
Caused by viral infection or inflammatory process
Hx of URTI prior
Immune response is not self perpetuating
Gland is firm with intact capsule
Disruption of thyroid follicle
extravasation of colloid leading to PMN infiltrate
Exuberant granulomatous rx with giant cells with colloid
Healing by inflamm resol and fibrosis
PAIN in neck with swallowing, fever, malaise enlargement of thyroid
Transient hyperthy from follicle disruption
Inc leukocyte and ESR
Self limited, Eu in 6-8 w
Subacute Granulomatous de Quervain Thyroiditis
Silent or painless thyroiditis Following pregnancy Autoimmune bec circulating ab Thyrotoxicosis then euthyroid state Lymphocytic infiltration and hyperplastic germinal center
Subacute Lymphocytic Thyroiditis
Rare disorder unknown etiology
Extensive FIBROSIS of thyroid and neck
Hard fixed thyroid mass simulating neoplasm
Idiopathic fibrosis also in retroperitoneum
Autoimmune due to circ autoantibody
Riedel thyroiditis
Most common cause of endogenous hypothyroidism
Diffuse hypertrophy and hyperplasia
Colloid is pale with scalloped margins
Triad of Graves
W 7x
Infiltrative dermopathy (pretibial myxedema)
Graves is assoc with genetic susceptibility from
Breakdown in self tolerance to thyroid autoantigen with TSH receptor
Thyroid stimulating IgG binding to TSH receptor mimicing TSH (specific)
Also proliferates thyroid follicular epithelium
TSH binding inh globulin prevent TSH fr binding to receptor on epithelial cell inh thyroid cell function
Coexistence of stimulating and inh IgG hence spontaneous hypothy
T cell mediated autoimmune phenomenon in infiltrative ophthalmopathy (inc volume of retroorbital tissue)
Grave’s disease
Most common manifestation of thyroid disease
Degree of thyroid enlargement is proportional to the
Level and duration of thyroid hormone deficiency
Endemic of
goiter is present in >10% of population
Diffuse symmetric enlargement of gland (diffuse goiter) forming enlarged, colloid rich colloig goiter then eventually producing irregular enlargement called multinodular goiter.
Minority manifest with thyrotoxicosis producing autonomous nodules independent of TSH stimulation
Diffuse goiter
Multinodular goiter
Plummer syndrome
Solitary thyroid nodules are more likely to be
Nodules in young patients tend to be
Nodules in males tend to be
Hx of irradiation at head and neck is assoc with
inc risk of malig
Hot nodules or nodules that take up radioactive iodine are more likely
Follicular adenomas are assoc with mutations in
TSH receptor signalling pathway
Activating mutation of TSHR and alpha subunit of Gs GNAS allow follicular cells to secrete thyroid hormone (autonomy) hence hot nodule
Minority: less than 20 RAS, PIK3CA or PAX8/PPARG
Solitary, well defined intact capsule with multiple nodules on cut surface no compression of adjacent thyroid parenchyma with Hurthle
Cell occasionally
Follicular adenoma
Careful evaluation of this in follicular adenoma is distinguishing from a carcinoma
intact integrity of capsule