Endocrine Disorders - Hypo/Hyperthyroid Flashcards
What is Graves Disease ?
- Autoimmune Condition that causes Hyperthyroidism.
- It is a Direct Antibody -Mediated Disease.
What is Systemic Lupus Erythematous?
An Immune Complex Mediated Disease
What do the Parafollicular Cells of the Thyroid Produce ?
What is the role of the rough endoplasmic reticulum ?
To produce Protein
What is T4 (Thryoxine) made up of?
– T4 (thyroxine); has 2 tyrosine molecules + 4 bound iodine atoms
What is T3 (triiodothyronine), made up of ?
– T3 (triiodothyronine); has 2 tyrosine + 3 bound iodine atoms
Why does T4 get converted into T3 ?
At the peripheries, T4 is deiodinated to the more active T3. T3 and T4 are deactivated by removing iodine. This happens in the liver and kidney. As T4 has a longer half-life, it is used in the treatment of hypothyroidism over T3 as its plasma concentrations are easier to manage.
What does T3 and T4 do to the body ?
Are thyroid hormones lipid soluble?
What does this mean ?
Is there a higher qualtity of T3 or T4 in the body ?
What cells is calcitonin released from ?
What blood test would you do to measure thyroid function ?
Unbound t3/t4
Plasma TSH levels
What imagine can be done to check for thyroid ?
What are the causes of hyper-thyroidism?
How would you test for it ?
What are the clinical signs of Graves disease ?
Goiter and exopthalamus
Why in graves disease do people get exophthalmos?
Why in graves do you get thyroid aropachy? + This is rare
What is the treatment for Graves disease ?
What are the causes of hypo-thryoidism?
What is the role of follicular cells ?
Follicular cells convert thyroglobulin into t3 and t4.
What are the signs and symptoms of Hypothyroidism?
Learn the yellow !
+ Constipation
+ May cause hoarse voice due to pleural effusion
What is Hashimoto’s disease?
What is Thyrotoxicosis ?
What is thyroiditis ?