Endocrine Flashcards
Levothyroxine (synthroid)
Hormone replacement for hypothyroidism
Goal wanted: increase appetite, increase stool not constipation, weight loss and increase heart ❤️ rate.
Nursing considerations📢📢📢📢📢
Start on a lower dose; walk up ladder- to prevent hyper-metabolic
Teach patients that it might take 1 to 12 to reach its therapeutic states
Teach patients that dosage start slowly and increases 2-3weeks
Monitor patient on warfarin/Coumadin
Also it increases patient need for insulin, so diabetic patient may need an increase in their dosage
Glipizide (glucotrol)
Oral hypoglycemic taken to decrease hyperglycemia
Caused photosensitivity in patient
liothyronine sodium
liothyronine sodium is thyroid replacement; monitor for signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism; palpitations are a symptom of hyperthyroidism.
Must do📢📢📢📢
Meds should be taken in the morning. ❤️ rate should increase-tachycardia
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS)
Blood glucose are >600, PH >7.30 or normal, serum bicarbonate >18mEq/L
Cortisone/ Prednisone
Long term cortisone therapy can cause weak bones leading to osteoporosis, weakness, muscle wasting, alopecia, buffalo hump, obesity, mood swings, slow wound healing.
Others S/S:
Immunosuppression( decrease WBC, decrease RBC)
Do not discontinue abruptly
Take in the morning
Fluid retention
Avoid Vaccination
Can result in hypokalemia ( avoid salt substitute)
Can be taken with food to reduce gastrointestinal irritation
Never message
Give in abdomen
Never aspirate- prevent bruising
Used 25-27 gauge, 3/8 -5/8 inch needle
Urine glucose reagent strips
Dip the strips into the urine and compare the color change to the color on the container. Should be done 10 to 20 minute after the first specimen