Endo/Msk/Neuro Flashcards
Myotonic muscular dystrophy:
(AD) delayed muscle relaxation (can’t release handshake) + distal muscle wasting (older kids), neonatal respiratory distress (newborn), cataracts, ptosis, baldness, hypogonadism
Dx ↑CPK + muscle bx, no tx available
Myasthenia gravis: dx? tx?
Dx edrophonium test + get chest CT to r/o thymoma
Tx pyridostigmine
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis: dx? tx?
Dx- MRI shows white matter demyelination
Tx high-dose corticosteroids
Acute infantile hemiplegia:
trauma, infx, hypercoagulable state, arteritis, or metabolic d/o → MCA stroke in infant → abrupt onset hemiplegia
Bilateral Bell palsy = 2° to…
Lyme disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome
Phrenic nerve palsy: Dx?
chest U/S or fluoroscopy shows “seesaw diaphragm”
Klumpke palsy:
C7-T1 palsy after difficult delivery → total hand paralysis + ipsilateral Horner syndrome
Werdnig-Hoffman disease (SMA type 1):
∆SMN gene (protects neuroblasts from atrophy) → progressive degeneration of CNS motor neurons → respiratory distress + tongue fasciculations in newborn
Tx supportive care
Todd paralysis:
focal weakness for 1-2 days following grand-mal seizure
Apert syndrome:
AD, craniosynostosis + syndactyly of fingers/toes
Crouzon syndrome:
craniosynostosis + wide-eyes w/ proptosis, “beak nose”
isolated craniosynostosis of sagittal suture → long, narrow skull
embryological remnant of Rathke pouch in sella turcica → headache, bitemporal hemianopsia, papilledema
Dx MRI shows suprasellar calcified cysts
Tx transsphenoid hypophysectomy
Pinealoma: location?
brain tumor at rostral midbrain
vertical gaze paralysis (Parinaud syndrome) + eyelid retraction (Collier sign) + ↑ICP sx
AD ∆Rb on chromosome 13 → retinoblastoma (MCC leukocoria in kids)
↑risk of osteosarcoma later in life