Endo Flashcards
Tooth #8

Asymmetrical Preparation
Cause: Excessive removal of tooth structure on one of the marginal ridges. Not accurately locating the cingulum notch

Over-Extended Access Prep Incisally
Cause: Extended prep too far incisally
Under-extended Access Prep Apically
Cause: Failue to extend prep to cingulum notch

Under-Extended Access Prep
Remedy: locate cingulum notch and extend the prep to that point

169L FG

EndoZ FG

Access: Dot #1
Halfway up the triangular ridge/slightly distal

Access: Dot 2
Just distal to the buccal groove

Access: Dot 3
Halfway up the triangular ridge/slightly distal

Access point
Penetrate the central pit to a depth of +4 mm

connect the penetration point to the DB dot-dot not impinge the DB cusp triangular ridge

Connect DB dot to the MB dot

Connect the MB dot to the P dot-parallel the mesial proximal surface when connecting the dots

Connect the P dot to the initial penetration point- DO NOT impinge on the ooblique ridge

Remove the remaining roof of the pulp chamber

Excessive Flaring
Cause: failure to keep the long access of the bur perpendicular to the occlusal plane

Under-extend prep
Remedy: Follow the chuti method-place the dots in the correct position

Access not over pulp Chamber

Lack of straight line access
Remedy: selective filing to remove dentin triangle

Cause: failure to maintain the depth of the bur resulting in partial removal of the roof of the pulp chamber
Remedy: maintain a depth of 4mm relative to the central pit while connecting the dots

Severely Gouged Floor of chamber (near perforation)
Cause: Taking the bur too far passed the roof of the chamber…lack of knowledge of the tooth’s morphology


wave one gold

Torque Control Motor

6:1 Ratio Handpiece

Wave One Gold

Wave one Gold - Degresive tapers

Apical Control Zone

Streamlined Technique

Vortex Orifice opener
Coronal Third Prepartion
Dentin Triangle-use orifice opener in a brush stroke motion (away from furcation) to remove to gain straight line access
Use orifice opener in a brushing motion…brushing away from the furcation on removal

a smooth radicular tunnel from canal orifice to phsiologic terminus (foraminal constriction)
Reduce torsional stress
Reduce flexing stress
Reduce taper lock
One single mechanical glide path file
progressive tapers from 2% to 8% over its length
offers a smoother “glide path” trasition
metallurgically enhanced utilizing M-wire technology
controlled, smooth, inward cutting action

Shaping objectives
continously tapering funnel from the access cavity to apical foramen
root canal preparation should maintain the path of the original canal
apical foreman should remain in its original position
apical opening should be kept as small as practical
pass = 3 strokes
stroke = 2-3 mm file insertion (or until it binds)
Vortex on Torque

Proglider on Torque

Waveone on Torque

Working Length
- Remove file
- measure the tip of the file to the rubber stopper
- record the length and set everything to that measurement
Leur-Lock Syringe

use of materials and techniques to fill the entire root canal system in a three dimensional manner
System B
Used for warm vertical condensation

System B handpiece

System B settings

Obtura III

Obtura III Gun

Warm Vertical Condensation Technique