employee selection Flashcards
HR planning
The right amount and type of people to deliver a particular job.
supply and demand
shortage and surplus
labor demand exceeds supply
training/retraining promotion from within recruitment from outside outsourcing temporary workers use of overtime p/t to f/t
labor supply exceeds demand
pay cuts reduced hours voluntary early retirements inducement to quit(extra pay) layoffs
hiring process
challenges in hiring process
job characteristics
measuring job characteristics
the motivation factor
who should make the decision
traditional recruitment
referrals from current employees former employees customers print and radio temp empl agencies temporary workers career fairs/college recruiting
nontraditional recruiting
event recruiting(national job career event)
make every employee a recruiter
social media
non traditional labor pools: prisoners,senior citizens, foreign countries
external vs internal candidates
costs,perspectives etc
2 requirements for selection tool
reliability and validity
predictors of job performance(10)
letters of recommendation application forms ability tests personality tests structured interview assessment centers drug tests reference checks(employer) background checks(criminal) handwriting analysis
overall interviewing process 7 steps
1,prepare for the interview 2,open the int. 3,gather info through structured interview 4,explaining the position 5,answering questions from candidate 6,closing interview 7,other relevant things
elements of good interviewing
1,put person at ease
4,good record keeping
personality test
extroversion agreeableness conscientiousness-most related to job performance emotional stability openness to experience
situation ability task action result evaluation
realistic job preview
mentor or buddy programme
BBI why
best predictor of future behavior is past behavior
behavioral interviewing process
1,create a job description 2,requirements 3,bbi questions focused 4,review the results,letters etc 5,set interviews with most qualified ones 6,select
6 simple tasks
be prepared put applicants at ease quick judgments and stereotypes aks result-oriented questions power of silence close interview with care
discrimination/positive and negative/
negligent hiring