Emotional Labor Flashcards
What is emotional labor?
Management of one’s emotions in order to elicit a desired reaction in another individual. (reaction is the emotional response the organization deemed appropriate)
What isn’t emotional labor?
Work feelings- happy, sad, angry, upset (genuine expression of emotion in the workplace)
Emotional buzzing-contagious emotions, more likely to go with work feelings.
What are the three components of emotional labor? And what is surface vs deep acting
Appropriate emotion vs genuine emotion-
- Level of acting required (Surface and deep)
- Surface- managing emotional displays, physical like a smile
- Deep-bringing past emotional thing, pull out happiness to feel all over again
- Takes a lot of labor
Variety of emotions to be displayed-
- consistent in service industry
- clients are different
Frequency in emotions displayed
-all day long, all the time
Critique of Youtube video?
Not real, take away most important aspect, the message to the actual person, no frequency. Took an interaction phenomenon and took the interaction out of it.
Critique of professor video
Conceptually not emotional labor.
Power level change.
Organization doesn’t force it upon you, upspoken rule
EL through functionalism?
Like it
you know the response
approaching it the same way
like to remove barriers
EL through interpretive?
Interview all employees
Deep acting
Different perspectives
way you are acting multiple reason labor
dont get own feelings or expression
covert control from managers
universalize of sectional interests
willingly, unknowingly, becomes a part of you
Express true feelings
Nurturing, caring
Not supposed to show emotions.