Emergency & Temporary Speed Restrictions Flashcards
How is a TSR normally set up ( not diverging)
4 answers needed
AWS magnet (180 meters away)
Warning board
Speed Board
Termination Board

When does a TSR become a ESR (Emergency Speed Restriction)
- To late to be published in the WONs
- Its been published in the WON but the time, speeds or limits have changed.
- It was withdrawn but now has been re-imposed again.
- Has been shown in an amendment to the WON
- The speeds previously advertised is now lower
What does a cancelling indicator look like on a Bi-Directional Line, when the warning is not for your direction of travel
Yellow with a black cross in it

What does a SPATE Indiator look like and what does it stand for
Means: Speed Prevoiusly Advertised Terminated Early
Yellow square baord with a black line going through it

How is a TSR set up on a diverging route?
Same as normal, but the warning indicator and the speed board will have an arrow to the left or right

When will a TSR Repeater board be needed
If the warning board is on approach to a station, siding or a dead end platform and the speed rtestriction board is over 300 meteres away

What does a TSR repeater board look like
Like a normal warning indicator but with an R on the top

If a TSR falls inside an area trains can reverse or have a driver change, what else is provided?
A second speedboard to remind the new driver
What does an Emergency indicator look like
Yellow with black on it and white flashing lights

If you see an emergency indicator with a white light unlit what must you do?
Emergency Stop. Contact Sinaller (not emergency call)