Emergence And Development Of Gait Flashcards
What are the attributes of hair?
- Stability in single leg stance
- Sufficient foot clearance
- Pre-positioning of the foot for initial contact
- Adequate step length
- Energy conservation
What limits mobility development
Limited by natural of slowest components
Attributes of mature gait?
Adult like control
- Reflexive arm swing
- Narrow base of support
- Relaxed elongated gait
- Minimal vertical lift
- Definitive heel-toe strike
What are the stages of gait
Mcgraws seven phases of erect locomotion
Lower limb alignment of a newborn
Moderates genu varum
Eversion due to Morris inclination
Describe the first steps
Little push off from stance
Frontal plane of motion
Walks by falling (inadequate hip strength)
Describe how balance is maintained first few steps
Short swing (poor uni pedal balance)
Instability countered wide base and high arms
Posture influenced by body alignment and joint Rom.
-wide base if support, hip abd, flex, ER, genu varum, mild int tib torsion, heel Eversion
COM at low thoracic level, head proportionally large
Characteristics of gait 18 months-2 years
Varum resolved at tibiofemoral joint
Normal BOS
Movement in sagittal plane
Heel strike emerging
Rapid LL growth (COM and cadence)
Improved efficiency of gait:
- knee flexion wave emerging in initial stance with emergence of heel strike action
Heel remains everted
Support phase still limited
[probably still using a lot of hip and knee flexion]
Role of experience 18 mo- 2 years gait.
Experience explains approximately 25% variance in improvement
How much do 2 year olds walk
9000/day 29 football fields, six hours
Gait 3-6 years
Femoral ante version decreasing
Heel Eversion decreasing but stk apparent
3 yo posture= tibiofemoral valgus
COM still higher than adult
(Postural control still immature)
[fairly mature hips, less mature knees.
Approaching adult like gait at 4 yo]
Stance and swingphase3-6 yo
Adult % spent in single leg stance by 4 yo
Narrowed BOS: pelvic span/ankle spread ratio = adult knee flexion wave present but not mature)
Heel strike present
Joint angles mature into adult pattern but joint torque and propulsion immature
Characteristics of gait 7 years
Kinematic, joint torque and propulsion similar to adult.
Alignment= adult alignment
Gait from 7 years to puberty
Increases in strength, coordination and efficiency of fair
Increase energy expenditure- 02 consumption higher prepuberty
Description of an objects movement
Linear displacements
Angular displacements
Spatial characteristics
Stride/step length
Step width
Foot progression angle
Temporal characteristics
Cycle time
Kinematic analysis
Analysis of forces that cause movement
-muscle activity
Friction in muscles and joints
External forces:
External loads
Difference muscles used by novice
And experienced walkers
Novice: more hip mm
Uses more distal plantar flexion for power generation
Analysis and measurements of gait
Estimation of energy expenditure
Measures of walking capacity
Observational gait analysis
Tests of motor proficiency/performance
Measurement of Kinematics
Film, footprint recording
Electogoniomentry, instrumented walkway
Gait labs- kinematic system analysis
Measurement kinetics
Force platform/plates
Measurement energy expenditure
Gas analysis
Measurement walking capacity in childhood
Timed tests
6 MWT, 10 metre walk
Observation gait analysis
Frontal/ side view
Swing/stance phase
Tests of motor proficiency in childhood
Bayley scale of infant development
Paediatric evaluation of disability inventory