Embryology Week 1 Flashcards
- Follicle develops in ovary
- Follicle fills with fluid and bursts
- Egg released in cloud of cells
> Corona radiata directly around egg
> Cumulus oophorus outer layer
Where does sperm meet the egg?
Ampulla of the oviduct
How does the egg stop multiple sperm entering?
- Zona pellucida is sugary jelly surrounding egg
- Egg releases enzymes to harden it when sperm membrane fuses with it
What happens after fertilisation?
- Genetic information of both gametes doubles up to make 2 pronuclei
- Pronuclei fuse to form 1 46 chromosome pair nucleus
- Egg divides to 2 cells in first 24h
- 16 cell morula after 3 days
Formation of a blastocyst
- Morula becomes leaky and takes in fluid to form a fluid-filled cavity
- Zona pellucida dissolves leaving trophoblast outer shell and inner mass of embryoblast
Implantation of blastocyst
- Blastocyst comes to anterior or posterior endometrium
- Finger-like projections from trophoblast burrow into endometrium (day 6)
- By day 7 blastocyst completely embedded
What does the trophoblast divide into on day 8?
- Cytotrophoblast (inner cellular layer)
- Syncytiotrophoblast (outer multinucleate mass)
What does the embryoblast divide into on day 8 and where are they located?
- Hypoblast (cuboidal cells facing original blastocyst cavity)
- Epiblast (taller cells lining new amniotic cavity)
Formation of the yolk sac
On day 9 hypoblast cells migrate to re-line the blastocyst cavity, forming the yolk sac
What form in the syncytiotrophoblast on day 9?
Gaps called lacunae
What new tissue layer forms on day 11 and where is it found?
- Extraembryonic mesoderm
- Surround epiblast and hypoblast under the cytotrophoblast
What happens to maternal capillaries on day 11?
Swell into sinusoids and enter the lacunae
What cavity forms in the extraembryonic mesoderm by the end of week 2?
What is the connecting stalk
Extraembryonic mesoderm that connects the embryo to nutritional supply outside the extraembryonic cavity
What 2 structures can be seen in the epiblast when gastrulation starts?
- Primitive streak
- Oropharyngeal membrane
What happens at the primitive streak and what is formed?
- Cells from the epiblast fold in on themselves
- Form the intraembryonic mesoderm between the epi- and hypoblast
What are the epiblast and hypoblast referred to as when the intraembryonic mesoderm has formed?
- E = ectoderm
- H = endoderm
Where does the notochord form from?
Epiblast cells folding in from the primitive pit of the primitive streak
Divisions of the mesoderm (from closest to furthest from the notochord)
- Paraxial mesoderm
- Intermediate mesoderm
- Lateral plate mesoderm
What happens with the lateral plate mesoderm dividing?
- A cleft forms, so separate mesoderm is connected to the endoderm and ectoderm
- Endoderm = visceral mesoderm
- Ectoderm = parietal mesoderm
What makes the ectoderm fold in to begin formation of the neural tube?
Proteins secreted when genes are switched on in the notochord
What are the 2 openings in the neural tube and when do they close?
- Anterior neuropore (day 25)
- Posterior neuropore (day 28)
What are somites?
Bulges either side of the neural tube made of the paraxial mesoderm
How are neural crest cells formed?
- Begin at the top of the neural folds
- When the neural tube separates, they’re released either side of it
What happens during embryonic folding?
- Ectoderm covers outside of the body
- Amniotic cavity pulled around embryo
- Connecting stalk and vitelline duct pushed together (origin of umbilical cord)