Embryology of the Head and Neck Flashcards
What is the disease associated with premature fusion of coronal suture?
Apert syndrome
Describe the Development of the Face.
The stomodeum is surrounded by five facial swelling of the 1st branchial arch. they are formed by mounds of mesenchyme and their overlying ectoderm
facial swelling include:
frontonasal prominence
maxiallary prominence arch 1: move forward, corner of orbit
mandibular prominence of arch 1: at chin cleft
The frontal prominence will form the ______, and the _______ and ___ of _____.
dorsum and apex of the nose
Describe the nasal placodes.
a portion of the skin ectoderm in this region thickens to form the nsal placodes.
The _____ ______ are formed by the proliferation of the mesenchyme beneath the medial and lateral edges of the nasal placodes.
nasal prominences
The ______ ____ ____ forms the alae of the nose
lateral nasal prominence
The ______ ___ _______ will form the middle part of nose, medial upper lib, and philtrum.
medial nasal prominence
what forms the primary palate?
the posterior (palatal) portion of the intermaxillary segment form the primary palate. The nasal septum is a midline down growth of the fused medial nasal prominences
Describe the nasopharynx opening to the oropharynx.
the nasal placodes invaginate to form nasal pits. these pits enlarge into the nasal sacs. The remaining membrane between the developing nasal sac(primitive nasal cavities) and the oral cavity is called the oronasal membrane
describe the nasolacrimal groove?
Nasolacrimal groove: oblique furrow created between the lateral nasal prominence and the maxillary prominence. The ectoderm in the floor of the groove thickens to form a cord. The cord separates from the surface and canalizes to form the nsaolacrimal duct
How does a oblique facial cleft?
oblique facial cleft is due to the failure of the lateral nasal prominences and the maxillary prominences to fuse. often associated with cleft chin, and a partial fusion of teh mandibular prominences
What does the maxillary prominences form?
lateral parts of the upper lip and jaw, and the secondary palate or palatine shelves
mimetic muscles
muscles of mastication
Describe the mimetic muscle.
mesenchyme from Arch II invades into the maxillary and mandibular swellings (arch I) , and form the muscles of facial expression
these muscles are innervated by SVE fibers from the facial n.. Special visceral efferent fibers innervate muscles of branchiomeric origin
Describe the development of muscles of mastication.
derived from the mesenchyme of Arch I. They are innervated by SVE fibers from the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.
Describe the formation of the pharyngeal arches?
arches form in craniocaudal sequences during the weeks 4-5 (day 24: arches I and II are formed)
arches form in craniocaudal sequence during weeks 4-5 (day 27 arches I (maxillary and mandibular), II, and III)
Day 31: all pharyngeal arches are formed, corresponding development of pharyngeal pouches