Embryology of the CVS - NOT COMPLETE Flashcards
What does the heart begin as?
Bilateral heart primordia
What is the order of heart development?
- Formation of the primitive heart tube
- Heart looping
- Atrial and ventricular septation
- Outflow tract seperation
Which germ layer does the circulatory system originate?
What part of the mesoderm does the circulatory system arise from?
Lateral plate splanchinic mesoderm
How does the two primitive heart tubes form?
Angiogenic cell islands move toward the midline and coalesce
Why is the heart one of the first functioning organ of the embryo?
Diffusion becomes diffucult as size increases
What areas of the embryo do blood vessels first appear?
- Yolk sac
- Allantois
- Connecting stalk
- Chorion
What tubes canalize to form the heart tubes?
Angioblastic cords
What does the pericardium develop from?
Intra embryonic coelom
What part of the mesoderm do the parietal and serous pericardium form from?
Somatic mesoderm
What layer of the pericardium forms from the splanchnic mesoderm?
The visceral layer
Describe the different layers of the primitive heart tube from arterial (cranial) end to venous (caudal) end
What way does the primitive heart tube loop?
Anti clockwise
Which two parts of the primitive heart tube grow the fastest to form the cardiac loop?
Bulbus Cordis and Ventricle hence the name bulboventricular loop
How does dextrocardia occur?
The heart tube loops to the left side instead of the right and eventuall then faces the right